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the final duel tournement


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the hundred eyed dragon has possesed a powerful duelist who is hosting a tournement where the winner will gain incredble power. many duelists good and evil has joined. it is you choice will you join the evil duelists and use the power to rule the world, or will you be a honest duelist who will use the power to create world peace. ITS YOUR CHOICE!

deck name
side(good or evil)

[spoiler=people who are accepted]

[spoiler=my app.]
biography: black was always a cheater. then when black was possesed by the hundred eyed dragon he changed. he became more evil and stronger
deck name: strike of the 100 eyes of darkness
side(good or evil) possesed by the 100 eyed dragon
ycm rules apply. no swearing and advance clause ok. 1 strike warning. 2 strike. temp ban. 3rd strike peminate ban
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