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Xiaolin Showdown


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MY bad on the spelling, but if you listen, it is Rainundo, spelled and pronounced as follows.

Spelling: R.A.I.N.U.N.D.O.

Pronunctiation: Rye-nuhn-do

I'll double check to make sure that I am right, but I'm pretty sure that I am.

Edit: Okay, turns out I was wrong. Didn't know that Pedrosa was his last name though. o.O
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[quote name='Taichi Masaki' timestamp='1284338068' post='4622562']
The ending with Raymundo being the chosen one screwed everyone over. I loved it.
I always thought the monk kid (can't remember his name) would become leader....it seemed predictable, but I was hoping for a better ending... Other than the bad ending the show was pretty random, but I really liked it
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Not to mention there were a decent amount of hints to him being the best one throughout the series.

[spoiler=lolspoilers]It's more of a 20/20 hindsight thing, but if you think about it you'll catch things. Rewatching the series, in the episode where Raimundo teams up with Wuya, he easily holds his own against Kimiko and Clay. Not to mention when he reaches the top of the temple and they hold him down, he's able to summon the power of wind, something neither of the others in the team could do yet with their own element.

He was the first with a Shen Yi Bu dare, which he learned from a ridiculous amount of studying and what not.

Second, when Omi gets taken by Chase Young, he clear calls out Wudai Wind before summoning the storm that pushes him to confront Chase, accessing his Wudai powers before the rest of the team as well.

Series finale had the most hints of it, with Raimundo very clearly leading the team, coming up with the plan in the future and pretty much singlehandedly winning them the 4 on 4 showdown and smacking down the four toughest Heylin villains, etc etc

... Though truth be told, these are only the few things I remember from seeing it ages ago. I'll watch the series from beginning to end some other time later on.

I'm kind of glad Raimundo got it over Omi. The last thing Omi needed was more things to inflate his ego. And besides, Omi seemed happy for his friend for a change at the series end.[/spoiler]
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... *Sigh* I come here and readd the thread to find Shadow advertising? Tsk, tsk...

Anyways, I loved this series XD I never got to see the last 3-4 episodes, but whatever. I knew about who became the leader, yadayada, and I was not surprised... I figured it would be that one, because they were the underdog.
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[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1284779423' post='4635928']
[spoiler=*suddenly appears through a portal*]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/121/1/0/Portal_by_egehlin.jpg[/spoiler]I come from the rp club of these forums to announce that there is going to be a Xiaolin Showdown RP! Anyone here who would want to join?
[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1284783052' post='4636056']
Stop your complaining. This is a Xiaolin Showdown thread, and there is going to be an rp on it. How would it be right to NOT mention it here? xD

You want to know why? Because it isn't set in stone yet. I've thought about it, and I still am.

It may not happen.

Wonderful show. I'm watching it all on Youtube now.
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[quote name='LuffyLaxer' timestamp='1285548680' post='4659657']
I liked the show. It was funny for the most part. My favorite episode was when Omi had to rescue his friends from Jack Spicer.
"None of this would have happened if I had lost my Xiaolin Showdown in the first place! .....Wait, that didnt sound right"
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