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Joey Miles

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"U-um, hy name is Hyoma. Boredom gets all of us." Hyoma, thought. "Did I really need to do this? I'm not good with girls." [i]I never actually made you talk to her. But this is getting boring. Do something interesting.[/i] "Like what?" [i]I dunno. Speak some really stupid accent or something and then faint.[/i] "I feel like you're never going to let Joey down for that." [i]And then you can buy her lunch.[/i] "Okay, now that was me." Hyoma sighed. He kind of wanted to drive the car. "If you need a ride anywhere don't be afraid to ask. I'm probaly going to stick around for a few more minutes." [i]A ride? Really man? You suck at flirting.[/i] "I'm not flirting." He accidentally said tht aloud. "Oh, sorry. That was supposed to be kept in my head." [i]Smooth...[/i]
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Jason nodded his head "My power was not originally under control. Every night I would change into a blood thirsty beast, but then I discovered that through a sertain type of meditation I could control the animalist furry that layed within me......" Jason paused for a moment looking to Rose "But all that built up rage must be released, and when it does I become a monster.... So every full moon I change into this beast, and lately it's outbursts are becoming more devistating......." Jason's eyes seemed pained of what he was about to say, Jason looked to Peter "Now when I transform into that thing there is not a shred of humanity in me, and the last time...." a singal tear ran down Jason's cheek "The last time I transformed I nearly killed Rose....." Jason stopped he would not go into detail on the event, but he could remember everything as if it had happend only yesterday. Rose's eyes began to water, but she did not let a tear fall, this event had nearly killed her, but she needed to be strong about it
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Rainer smiled as he moved closer to kyo keeping himself under control for the most part. "Yeah i do like it here joey and i had it built before we came. its pretty advance i have to say. its got technoligy here that hasnt even come out to the general public and wont for another 30 years." rainer said with a smile knowing kyo would go nuts at the thought of new technoly to explore.

"Its not anything you need to worry about...yet." joey said knowing that if she knew what was going on she might freak. "anyway where do you want me to drop you or would you prefer to come over to my place kyo and rainer will be there as well." he said as he got closer to the hosing part of town.
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Peter turned to face Rose. He gave her a big hug and held her for a moment. Peter didn't cry, he couldn't. His red eyes would only tear blood when he becomes a monster. Peter was frowning but emotion wasn't in it. Inside Peter wanted to make sure that Rose was okay now. Threw a hug, Peter tried to show how he felt. Peter's lips started to move before he spoke and was a few seconds ahead of the words he spoke. "Could this happen again?" Peter asked. His lips closed before the words ended, but,the words were not mumbled. His voice sounded far off but close at the same time. Peter wasn't sure how Rose was hurt. She looked like she was doing well for a person who almost died. Peter didn't ask how she was hurt.
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"I don't know, but more than likely I will change again. You see the reason I'm telling you this is because I believe that you would be able to protect Rose, because I fear one day I wont be able to regain my humanity." Jason's face had changed it was cold blunt and his eye were glazed. Rose wrapped her arms around Peter having him hold her was conferting, but hearing her brother talk about the impending finale transformation hit her bluntly, she wanted to cry, but she couldn't she needed to be strong. Jason looked at Peter "I also believe this form can be triggered, but I can't be sure on how, but it means I might release it with out knowing, I will give you details on the exelrated transformation later, but what do you say we all settle down now and go have a little fun?" Jason may be tired, but he is a soilder he knew that he couldn't be weak, he had to show strength whether he had it or not
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Peter patted Rose's back. "Ofcourse I will protect her." Peter said in his strange voice, it had no emotion. Peter couldn't feel a thing and looked like it on the outside. He looked like a shell. His face grew pale as he felt stronger. He began to feel pain, like he could've been there. He knew that these feelings are irreational, but, this was Rose. Rose wasn't anything to him yesterday, but, these few moments with her has made him need her and want to protect her. Peter loved Rose now. His eyes faded to white for a second before his normal eyes came back. His teeth shrunk as his strength felt normal. He almost fainted. "I promise I will protect her, but, even if you go all animalistic, I dont want to hurt you either." He said in a low, weak, normal voice. Peter was trying hard to stay awake.
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"oh really?" Kyosuke's eyes widened at the thought of a new technology being ready to be explored, all of the parts in it, it's like an adventure for him. "I can't wait! Damn it Rainer! Now you've gotten me all excited!" Kyosuke was jumping in his seat a bit, waiting to snatch the gun from Joey the second he would come in, he then would take it apart piece by piece and reverse engineer it. "So where is Joey? What's taking him so long?" Kyosuke was very anxious.
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Rose held Peter tight she loved hearing him say he would protect her. Jason smiled "Thank you." then Jason's face changed again hearing Peter's words about not hurt him "I'm not asking you to fight me, all I ask is that you keep Rose away keep her from harm, but if it comes down to you having to fight me, I'm not human it wouldn't be me you would be fighting it would be a wild beast." Jason stopped for a moment. Rose was speachless, but she held onto Peter tightly she was stressed by her brother talking as if he where some ravinous animal. Jason stood he seemed a little shakey, but his face showed he did not want help"Come guys lets shake this all off, I can take us out for a drive and get some smoothies or something." Jason was trying to lighten the mood and get off the subject of his powers
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"Sound Ominous," Alice commented, turning back to her front to notice they were heading towards the residential area, meaning she must not have made where she wanted to go clear. "Actually I need to head back to the school. I use the gym there for my training. Still," she continued, a contemplative look on her face, "meeting your friends doesn't sound like a bad idea. Is your place far from the school? If you're close enough I could stop in for a bit, but I wouldn't want to intrude, or make you head back out again to take me there afterwards."
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Peter's eyes where becoming difficult to keep open, his head began to fall slowly and Peter caught himself before he passed out. When Peter saw Jason's face, he smirked, a weight was lifted from Peter's shoulders. Peter took his time to go over the words he would say. "I'm sorry guys, but, I'm exhausted. I couldn't go anywhere without passing out in the back-seat." Peter said, one of his hands met Rose's as he held it while they hugged each other. "You wouldn't mind if I fell asleep, would you?" Peter asked Rose. His eyes became increasingly difficult to keep open. Peter wished he could be stronger for Rose. Peter's head began to fall again, but Peter cought himself again and looked into Rose's eyes.
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"It would be no trouble if you wanted to meet my brother and kyo." joey said as he stoped on the side of the road so that he could turn around to the school if nessary. "besides if you need help with learning how to use your powers better i would be glad to help you train." joey said with a smile respecting alices boundrys and not hitting on her.

"it will be a bit befor he gets here." rainer said as he got closer to kyo with a smile. "you know if you want we can watch a moive or something." rainer said with a smile looking at kyo his red eyes glowly gentaly.
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"Rainer... You're not thinking what I think you are, are you?" Kysuke slowly moved off the couch. "Now I know you like me and all but listen, it's just gonna take a while, that's all." Kyosuke said with a small blush forming, "Besides, It's really not appropriate, I mean I'm 15 and you're 18. It's-It's...." Kuosuke pondered his mind for a correct word to use in this situation. [i]"Icky?"[/i] "It's Icky!" Kyosuke said at the same time he thought it. "Did I just say it was Icky?" he questioned himself.
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Alice chuckled. "I think you misunderstood me," she replied. "I don't need to train to use my power; in fact I suspect I have better control over it that a lot of the people around here. It's my body I'm training. I do gymnastics, you see, and the school has the sports facilities have the space and equipment I need for practice." She paused, noticing that Joey had stopped. She made a decision. "You know what, it doesn't matter. I don't have any competitions or anything any time soon, and I was training yesterday. Sure, I'd like to meet your friends," she added, smiling.
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There was one girl who was recently transferred here when her parents discovered about her Superpowers. "Hoorah. I've been transferred to the school with everything my previous school has!" the zealous girl wailed at the gym entrance. "Except History... AND FRIENDS!!!" she suddenly started sobbing. She just couldn't help but cry hard. She slapped herself, then said, "Put yourself together, Xavierlyn Xanadu. Don't care about your wierd eye. Or birthmark. They have a meaning."

Having said that, she waked along the corridors, normally. She wondered what new friends she would make, or who would not make fun of her left eye or birthmark. She started standing along the corridor, waiting for someone to pass by and mingle with.
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Joey smiled as he drove on towords his house. "sorry i've missunderstood you so many times." joey said with a smile. "i'm pretty dense somedays." joey said playing stupid.

"you find me icky thats cold kyosuke." rainer said as he moved closer. "I know i'm older then you are but i didnt think you would mind." he said as he put a hand under kyos chin lifting his head so that kyo would look at him in the eyes. "and i know you need more time thats why i havnt done anything further then this ok. i'll give you as much time as you need kyo because i think your going to be worth the wait." he said calmly his red eyes dulling a bit to a very calm ruby red.
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Soon Makoto pulled into the school's parking lot and cut the engine off. "Well, it looks like we're here so everyone out." He said before unlocking all the doors and getting out himself. Yoko smile while unbuckling the seat belt, but had to wait for Naomi to get out first since she was closest to the door. "So what classes do you guys have now?" Yoko asked once everyone was out of the car and walking back to the school. "I think our last class is English." She looked at Nomi for comformation, and recieved a nod from her.
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"I-I-I-I" Kyosuke was stuttering as Rainer's eye color began to change again, [i]"I need to take a note of that, maybe I'll be able to read his emotions next time without him showing them first, giving me a slight advantage to live!"[/i] Kyosuke shook his head and moved it off of Rainer's Chin, "Okay, but you just seem like the kind of straight forward Type Rainer! And how do you know anything will happen?" Kyosuke knew something would happen though, he just didn't realize it yet.
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"It's no problem," Alice replied, "I have my off days, and I'm pretty sure everyone does, just about. At least we're not both misunderstanding each other, or this conversation would be very confusing and might even have turned awkward by now." Alice paused as she noticed the street her own house was on pass by. "So," she continued, "how far is your house," she asked, "and is one of the people you mentioned your...brother? The one who looks like you; I'm guessing he's your brother, or at least your cousin." She stopped, not wanting to sound even more awkward than she already did.
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"i'm not sure anything wont happen kyo but i'm trying to keep myself undercontrol." rainer said as he looked at kyo. "I'm not sure if my hormones wont take control but i'm going to try and keep myself under control." he said as he moved closer to kyo unconsuly.

"rainers my twin brother alice." joey said as he kept driving. "i live at the end of the resdintal area. my brother and i had a house built here because we wanted a bit of privice" joey said as he started to slow down as his and rainers large home came into view.
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Rainer was moving closer and closer to Kyosuke, [i]"Too close, too close, too close for comfort!"[/i] Kyosuke got a deep blush, "R-Rainer, y-you are m-moving closer..." Kyosuke's eyes widened a bit. He stepped back again and then he. literally, hit a wall. [i]"Control himself huh? Yeah let's see how that's going..."[/i] Kyosuke subconsciously rolled his eyes, so Rainer wouldn't see him, and Kyosuke didn't know what to do! His mind just shut down, normally he could just make a worm hole in the wall but nope! Something was keeping him here and he didn't know what.
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Korona got out of the car and smiply responded, "I d-don't know."korona put his head down and thought, [i]this is a good time as ever[/i] and whispered, "I'm sorry." He then trotted away to nowhere in particular, probably to some corner somewhere in the school. he seemed to find a very isolated one in his next class which he had just relized was English and sat in it, like normal. Waiting for something that might get him out of school or atleast class. He stood up, making use of his time he gathered whatever items he might need for class, and sneaking a peek at the teacher's answer keys. He then sat at his corner desk, thinking about things that was irrelevant to his current situation.
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[i]So Rainer's the brother. Well, I kind of figured they might be twins, but then they could have just looked very alike.[/i] Alice looked up at the large house. "So that's your place is it? Impressive," she noted, "I'm guessing your family's well off then. My parents live in a house that's smaller than this, and the only reason I have the house I'm in to myself right now is everyone else there moved out, and yet you and your brother got this place built for you? I'm almost envious," she added. To be fair, had her career taken off the way her coaches and the experts had predicted, a house this size might have been a serious possibility, but, for the moment at least, it wasn't, so this would probably be the only house this size she'd see for a while.
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"rainer and i had a very unplesent job a year ago that paided extremly well so thats how we bought the place." joey said as he got out of the car going over to alices door and opening it for her. "its nice though i mean plently of room for us and that comes in handy considering that i need some where i can just sit and relax when my past comes back to hunt me." joey said with a laugh.

"kyo do i frighten you at all is that why you wont go out with me." rainer asked his face no more then an inch from kyos. he wantd kyo to make the fisrt move he wouldnt go farther then this. even though he had a hand on either side of kyos head and had the boy traped between the wall and his body he wasnt going to do anything further.
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[i]What kind of job can a teenager have that fits the 'nasty work that pays well' category?[/i] Alice wondered, reaching for the door handle just as Joey opened it from the outside. "Thankyou," she said, almost automatically as she stood up out of the car. Joey continued on, mentioning his past coming back, and needing space to relax. "Poor you," she replied, trying to be sympathetic, although in truth traumatic pasts weren't something she had much experience with, and she'd barely managed to figure out how to respond to the brother complex. Something suddenly occurred to her. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but your past...did it have anything to do with those guys you and Cerberus were fighting back at the subway?"
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