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Yugioh:The duel academy Legends


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Years after pegasis lost his mellinum eye.He made his island another duel academy.Ten star chips,Loads of duelists.Only a few will become a legend.Duelists from liverpool to montanabonbay.All set of to this academy,Will you lose or will you become a legend.

You arrive at the island from boat,Plane or what ever.Pegasis said
"Welcone duelists.You all are welcome to this island.You all know about star chips and how to duel.So all of the duelists you will be given a card.It tells you witch dorm your in.The winners face me and get three rare cards or one hundred thousand in your currency"
You went to your dorm sorted out your deck.And hunted for star chips

Use gramma
No 'I Summonz Exodia LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO i win'
If you lose a duel you can create a new charecter or become a mod and keep ubering low
If you already have a rare card do not uber as i said.
Minor languge if not censor it.
No jayden yuki or Kaiba ect.
Your on a island you wont be driving a Bmw but bikes,Skate board or scooters are allowed.
Have fun
I will control my charecter and pegasis minorly

Red dorm
Black dorm
Yellow dorm
Purple dorm
Blue dorm

Monster type:(Dragon,Fairy ect)
Best card:
Duel spirit?:(Remeber a blue eyes wont be following you around,If not leave it blank)
Why did you come:

Name:Elias Ives
Bio;He is the best duelist.In his city.He came here for a real challenge
Apperence:Picture bellow my post
Monster type:Warrior,Dragon and effects
Best card:Change of heart
Duel spirit?:Winged kuriboh
Why did you come:For a duel and maybe some rare cards

[attachment=29198:Anime kid.jpg]
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Name: Rebecca Strausse
Age: 17
Bio; Half Austrian caffiene junkie.
From: Seattle
Gender: Female
Apperence: [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_jv3nI0G229k/SUCAK6oAZfI/AAAAAAAABSg/C_JJmrnE5QA/s400/ava_anime_girl.jpg[/img]
Monster type: Bonus
Best card: Bonus Magician
Duel spirit?:
Why did you come: To get a start into the pro leagues.
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