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Legion: The Light of Chaos [NS/PG-17/Accepting]


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[spoiler=The Story]
[spoiler=The Beginning]
In the beginning their existed only darkness the the "All Father" created the 4 elements of life Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. Along with the power of Darkness all life and other elements where born. As the "All Father" Returned to its long Period of Sleep all was peaceful among the worlds until "IT" showed up a blinding light that spread chaos throughout the worlds killing and taken the souls of the dead for its own and destroyed worlds. As the Light neared the planet of Altilore the 5 primal elements sent 5 of the greatest warriors The Human King Azela, The Vampire Queen Serena, The Ancient Werewolf Abel, The Arch Demon Lenios, and The High Angel Sera to do battle.

As the Light set foot on the planet it took a form and said "My name is Legion, for we are many". The Battle lasted 7 days and 6 nights on the 7th night the 5 gathered the last of their strength into 1 last attack. They attacked all at once the force of the attack destroyed half the planet and distorted the galaxy it was in. After everything settled Legion stood above the bodies of the fallen 5 and preceded to take their souls. But their souls where already gone the bodies of the 5 began to glow and formed a pentagram around Legion trapping with in the core of the planet. The distortion of the great attack cause the solar system of crash in upon itself merging the planets together creating the new world of Titania[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Present]It has been 3000 years since the great battle. Titania lives in peace and prospers under the watchful eyes of the elements. As the galaxy starts to feel the return of legion. The spirits of the 5 are Reincarnated to do battle with it again, but unknown to the elements legion is gathering forces of it own to was away everything in Light. [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Rules and Notes]
1. * All YCM rules apply here
2. * Don't godmod, flame, troll etc.
3. * Have fun
4. * You can have a max of 3 characters
5. *1st come 1st of serve on the 5

I Think the story could be better if you have any ideas and is use them i will give you a +rep if you make it great i will give 2 or 3
You can have up to 2 Elements. The 5 can have 3.
You can be a hybrid of any of the races, but the main 5 cannot be.
I will be one of the main 5. I will choose after the other 4 are taken.
If you have read theses change the color of your characters race.
[spoiler=Races and Elements]

Gender:(if one of the 5 gender has to match it)
Reincarnation of: (5 warriors Only)
Alliance: Legion, The 5 or None/Other
Element and Abilities:
Weapons: if any
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seems interesting

Name: Gabriel Arkadius
Age: 18
[spoiler= Appearance]


Except the red jacket is white and his hair is black and white[/spoiler]

Gender: Male
Race: Angel
Reincarnation of: Sera
Alliance: The 5
Element and Abilities: Wind
* Complete control of the wind, he is able to harness it and move in the direction he pleases.

The giant sword in the appearance called: Zuther light

Personality: Confident and quick to act, he takes care of his companions and is quick to punish his foes. He is quite talkative but knows when to be serious.
Bio: Growing up strangely he was taught to fight by his 150 year old grandfather who foresaw the return of legion, he trained him to the best of his abilities and taught him all he knew, when it was revelead gabriel was the reincarnation of the angel Sera he was taught of Legion and how to control his powers.
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Name: Kurona
Age: 16
Appearance: Kurona has a thin body, monotone expression, silver-y grey hair, and tall stature. His hair is quite short, with several long, large clumps sticking out in several places. The bangs are straight-cut and end above the eyebrows, but do not stay very uniform. Two long pieces of hair extend from the bangs and hang low over Kurona's face.

Most of the time, Kurona wears a long black old-style robe that is tight-fitting and ends at the mid-calf level on his legs. The robe is completed with large white cuff-links at the ends of each sleeve and a tall white button-up collar at the neck. Black slipper-like shoes with a tall white cuff protruding out of the top are also worn. For formal occasions, Kurona wears a white suit: the suit is very plain, with long, un-detailed pants and a coat with long sleeves and a collar. The coat appears to fasten at the front and back

Gender:Male(Lenios is male right?)
Race: Human
Reincarnation of: Lenios
Alliance: The 5
Element: Dark, Water, Metal
1. He can manipulate his shadow, water, and metal
2. He can manipulate his blood, sweat, and tears (i'm presuming Dark + Water = Blood/Sweat/Tears)
3. He can create a weapon of his shadow, any metals around, and blood, sweat and/or tears
Weapons: if any
A black short sword with a red line going through the blade and a katana handguard. The hilt is black and is wrapped in a white metal, bandage-looking, material.

Personality: Kurona is a very naive and submissive person. Kurona does not like to fight, but in battle Kurona becomes dangerously unstable, showing signs of insanity and aggression, spouting senseless comments and laughing at random moments. Crona is incredibly nervous and jumpy, and the slightest thing can make him frightened. Kurona is also incredibly emotional. Kurona normally stays in a corner of any room, and will cower in it if frightened. Kurona has nearly no experience in interacting with other people, and cannot adapt to new situations and can panic easily, and finds it difficult to make decisions.
Bio: Not much is known of his past, but one could easily figure that has a very truamatizing past by looking at the look on his face. He waas found in a small town on the coast of an ocean and on an edge of a large forest. He was raised in the local orphanage and was never adopted due to his personality. Then after a various amount of years later when he was walking around the town a group of thugs attempted to attack him. They were found dead with various slash marks and fearful looks on there faces the next day. Also during that day Kurona ran away from the town and was never seen by anyone in the town again.
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This app is the result of a discussion which was had between myself and Titanking.

Name: Ketodama Sagaku the Incarnate

Age: 27



Race: Werewolf

Incarnation of: Ketodama Sagaku, The Elemental Lord

Alliance: The 5

Element and Abilities: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Shadow
He essentially has complete control of these five elements.

Weapons: The only weapon he carries with him is a seven foot long Katana which he carries in a scabbard on his back. The Katana has spaces for seven gems, however the two closest to the hilt of the blade are empty. The others are filled with gems with colors representing the five primal elements.

Personality: Ketodama is what some might call wise beyond his years. He is quick to offer advice if he sees the need to and equally fast at lending a helping hand to one that he sees is in need. Having him as a friend will undoubtedly give you quite the advantage in most areas of challenge.

[spoiler=Bio:]Ketodama was not so much born as he was created. Twenty seven years in the past his physical form was created from the five primal elements and made to mimic the form of the one whose soul entered into his body. To avoid causing any immense imbalances in the elements, his powers were restricted to control of the five which were primal upon this world. Since that day he has live alone, though he has gained some renown amongst werewolves as a master of the elements. However, as the shocks of Legion's awakening have begun to be felt across the land, Ketodama has begun to seek out the five in an attempt to guide them along the path that has been laid before them.[/spoiler]
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