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YMB Tempest Dahlia Vs Death Metal



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[center]This is a match between Tempest Dahlia and Death Metal. Voting will end at 9:00 PM Central time or 24 hours.

[b]Tempest Dahlia[/b]
[b]Written by Andx due to Dahlia's inactivity[/b]
Name Changes: 820reborn -> Tempest Dahlia
Specialties: RPing, Club-going, and giving assistance in the My Deck Forum.
Personality: Tempest is quite the person. While usually to the point, usually with brutal honesty, he can also be rather comical at times. (Though his sarcasm/humor is not always caught by the people he's talking to.) He's not too hard to annoy but an annoyed Tempest isn't so bad. An angry Tempest is scary (lol, mostly joking.) His friends enjoy his presence and as of late hasn't done much but post in the one thread where his friends regularly post. Confusing him for a girl is often a sure fire way to anger him.
Likes: BlazBlue video game series, vampires in general to an extent, Death Note anime, RPing when he could do it, talking with friends when he finds himself online, Yugioh.

Bio: Tempest started with RPing back when basic RPs were the norm and Advanced RPs were a rarity if I'm not mistaken. Before long he encountered an RP where he met up with the users now known as ThatPhantomGuy and Tainted Black. After that RP they decided they should make a club centered around RPing and that's how R.P. 820, currently stickied, came about. He continued RPing, posting in the My Deck forum offering helpful advice, and posting in the club he then co-owned. When RPs became advanced only he began to RP less and less due to technical issues with his computer. Eventually it got to the point where he was really only posting in R.P. 820 and occasionally helping someone with a deck. As time went on he saw less and less reason to stay and now is a welcome surprise visitor to the members of his club. (They all hope he'll be more active some day.)

[b]Death Metal[/b]
Name Changes: theninetailedfox -> Death Metal
Specialties: Extensive knowledge of metal and it's various sub-genres, being awesome, speaking in third person.
Personality: Open-Minded, Friendly, Merciless, Savage.
Likes: Music, Nintendo, Norse Mythology, Manga, His YCM buddies.

Bio: Death Metal doesn't have anything important to write here because Death Metal has done just about nothing for this site. He is, however, a fairly active (and super awesome) guy though. He isn't particularly popular (because only trollin douches become popular on this site. amiright?) but he doesn't really care because this site is good enough to preoccupy his free time... and that is all he cares about.[/center]
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