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¡Non-Yugimonz Club! - Join or Feel the Wrath of the Exclamation Points


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[center]This is a club that is well, about anything besides Yugioh. There are some members here that don't care for it anymore, so this is the place to go.

We can talk about anything, but there needs to be a topic so we don't spam. So, [b]TOPIC: DANCING KITTEHS[/b]

[spoiler=Member App]
Nickname (if any):
Reason For Joining:
Can you put your foot behind your head?:

[spoiler=Helper App]
Helpers will accept/deny members when i am not around.
Nickname (if any):
Reason For Joining:
What makes you so superior?:
Will you be active whenever you're on?:
Can you touch your nose with your tongue?:[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Helpers/Mods, Important People]
Black (Tainted Black)[/spoiler]

Lee (龍之路)
Ghost (.Ghost Rider)
Belp (~Belphagor)
5D's (Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's)
Saint Dane

[spoiler=Rules, Warnings, all that Shiz]
YCM Club Rules apply.
Dont be a douche bag.
If i dont like you, or the Helpers dont like you, will contemplate your fate ;D[/spoiler]
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