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Tag Force 5 march 2010 banlist.


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I just don't understand why they decided to do the march banlist and not the september one. This saddens me.

The game is comming out on the 26th which is 2 months well into the new ban list. I suppose it'll be downloadable, but I kind of wanted to see how the AI would handle dark hole and such. If it stays where it is, I guess I can look forward to Tag Force 6 : \

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I would have been satisfied about the whole March thing if Infernity Barrier /Darksoul / Pineapple / Boggart Knight were in the game.

I was at least going to look forward to Pineapple Cat and messing around with XX-Sabers when they were at their best.... I was so emo the day I found out about it.

The only redemption is that I'm using an up to date Dandywarrior deck! (:
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[quote name='Astro Dude' timestamp='1290200415' post='4795850']
ARGH! Why do they add more to the list? Can't they just go back to the banned list of May 2002? What's the point of having great cards like Monster Reborn if you CAN'T USE THEM?!
Astro, this is where the "Skill" aspect of Yugimonz comes in.

[quote name='Astro Dude' timestamp='1290276611' post='4797996']
Still, it would be nice to play Traditional style.
Coin-flip format is just ridiculous >___>
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