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The big book of Vanillas!


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Okay, this is my new project to make some more vanillas with some support... However they will be from different stories!

[spoiler=Vanillabook EP1]
These cards are based around a story, where the hero fights a series of monsters!

[spoiler=Protagonist and Co.]
Restless Redcrest
Level 3
[i]An early bird who always get the worm. Unfortunatly his youth is fading as is his Agillity, however his friendship with the The Oak of the Lefft and Vanier Llerner are not...[/i]

Vanier Llerner
Level 4
[i]A mighty warrior who lacks magic or other skills, but fights in the name of Normality and Order. His journeies have made him value friends and have given him a strong sense of Justice![/i]

The Oak of the Lefft
Level 4
[i]A might tree, that shelters the small and the weak. It's sense of truth alwyas leads to Righteous Actions, even if it wasn't part of if it's original intentions. This Tree has served Vanier Llerner as a great ally and will continue to for another 1,000 years...[/i]

Rignald Retter
Level 2
[i]A small squirrell who dwells within the The Oak of the Lefft, and spends his days scouting for the dark forces and collecting food...[/i]

King Ronmal
Level 6
[i]The true king of Normality he stands to help those who need it most![/spoiler]

[spoiler=Antagonist and Co.]
Mountainback the Giant
Level 3
[i]A brutish fiend who steals crops and release ruin to the area of where he dwells... His fight with Vanier Llerner left him mortally injured and reduced him to nothing but a sobbing fool.[/i]

Gravefoot the Weak
Level 3
[i]A truly weak foe, who fell to the Eic Racem blade, with no skill at all from Vanier Llerner.[/i]


[Spoiler=Spells of the Right]
Swordskill - Reverse Sweep
Quickplay Spell
Activate only when a Normal Monster declares an attack. Change the battle positions of the attack target. (Face-down Defense Position monsters are flipped to face-up Attack Position.)

Swordskill - Disarm
Quickplay Spell
Activate only when a Normal Monster declares an attack or is attacked. Destroy all Equip Spell Cards equipped to the monster battling the Normal Monster and negate the Attack.

Swordskill - Double Swipe
Spell Card
Pay 500 Life Points to select 1 Normal Monster on the field. The selected monster can attack twice this turn.

Eic Racem
Equip Spell
Equip only to a "Vanier Llerner" monster. Increase the ATK of the equipped monster by 500. Once per turn you may add 1 "Swordskill" card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.

Land of Hypernormality
Field Spell
While this crad is face-up on the field, Negate the effects of all Monsters on the field. Increase the ATK and DEF of all Normal Monsters by 300.
[spoiler=Spells of the Wicked]
Monster War!
Continuous Trap
Once per turn you may Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Normal Monster from your hand. If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower Normal Monster from your hand. Destroy this card if you have no cards in your hand.
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