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<<<<{:=<>) !RANDOMOSITY! (<>=:}>>>>

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Firstly, I have changed, as i am no longer as Selfish and pitiful as i was in my younger years (if you don't get it, Don't ask) and Anyone who Mentions it will be Negged, then insulted, then finally Ignored....

Then, On a lighter note, RANDOMOSITY! *Insert Random Japanese Music*

No. Randomosity is not spamming uncontrollably, infact it doesnt even mean off topic posts.
Randomosity means:

[*]On topic, but Straying SLIGHTLY off topic
[*]Using References we ALL know
[*]Enjoyable for All*
[*]and.... Being Random!

*[size="1"]Except Goths, Chavs and Preachy Teenagers [/size]
[*]No Spamming
[*]No Flamming
[*]No Insults and stuff
[*]YCM Rules
[*]Members must be Level 3 or up.
[*]If denied Membership, wait a week before posting on here.
* Me!
* Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D`s
Every 50 days the subject will change.
Subject 1: Card games on Motorcycles! The concept of 5Ds and why the Dub is gay.
Personally, 5Ds Rocks, and 4Kids likes to do konami's wife just to annoy him, this is why we must rise a rebellion, and kill 4kids. and his 4 Kids.
On a Related note, See if you can figure this out:
ランダム ハイパー ネルギー!!!!!!
我々 することができます がある クッキー? 我々 することができます 有害 クッキー! まさか!私たちの クッキー ている 悪! ロル川!
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