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The Official Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy Discussion :)


What FF Characters do u want playable 4 this game?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. As the poll title says (u can pick multiple characters) the choices in this list are the most popular and most likely to b in this game.

    • Cosmos
    • Leon FF2
    • Xande FF3
    • Gilgamesh FF5
    • Faris FF5
    • Locke FF6
    • Celes FF6
    • Seifer FF8
    • Rinoa FF8
    • Beatrix FF9
    • Vivi FF9
    • Auron FF10
    • Yuna FF10 or FF10-2
    • Shadow Lord FF11
    • Dysley FF13
    • Ramza FFT
    • Agrias FFT
    • Noctis FFv13
    • A Kingdom Hearts Character
    • Other

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Info Cred: Various Websites mostly Gamefaqs.
[spoiler=Gameplay Vid's]
[spoiler=Kain Highwind Gameplay]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6_bF9HOYfY
[spoiler=Vaan and Tifa Gameplay]
[spoiler= Character Scans]
[spoiler=Lightning and Kain Scan (Lightning my new main!)]http://www.finalfantasy.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/newscan.png[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Tifa Scan (Yay!)]http://pics.livejournal.com/maltec_spider/pic/0004yye0[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Vaan Scan (insert sad face here)] http://nsm04.casimages.com/img/2010/11/10/1011101105411177857089601.jpg [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Laguna Scan (finally a gunner)]http://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org1290191.jpg_fjCVkh9AOO4f7hGGpoNw/www.dotup.org1290191.jpg
[spoiler=Confirmed Stages]
Pandemonium Throne Room (Final Fantasy II)
Prima Vista (Final Fantasy IX)
Sky Fortress Bahamut (Final Fantasy XII)
Orphan's Cradle (Final Fantasy XIII)
Crystal Tower (Final Fantasy III)
Phantom Train (Final Fantasy VI)
[spoiler=New Features]
- Assist System: Call upon an ally to attack your opponent. There is an Assist Meter underneath the HP bar, it fills up during battle. One bar has the Assist use a Brave Attack, two bars has the Assist use a HP attack.
- HP can now break the limit of 9,999. It is not known what the new HP limit is at the moment or whether Bravery can surprass 9,999.
- EX Guard has been removed. It's been replaced by EX Revenge, a technique that consumes your entire EX Meter to break out of an enemy attack.
- Able to transfer data from Dissidia 1, but it's not known what data will be carried over.
- There will be more music put into the game (roughly double the music).
- There will be a Chaos story mode this time.
- Each character will get a third costume on disc, with possible DLC costumes.
- New World Map and Exploration
[spoiler=Alt. Costumes]
[spoiler=Lightning and Kain's]http://nsm04.casimages.com/img/2010/09/15/1009150217051177856753214.jpg[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Lightning and Cloud's DLC Costumes]http://heath.shikokusensei.com/rpgland/scans/dengeki-famitsuoct244.jpg[/spoiler]
[spoiler= Cloud, Sephiroth, Golbez and Cecil's]http://nsm04.casimages.com/img/2010/10/16/1010161209131177856931408.jpg[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Kefka and Terra's]http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/8545/diss2.jpg[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Vaan and Gabranth's]http://media.photobucket.com/image/gabranth%203rd%20costume/ZLM34/FinalFantasyCC/dissidia.jpg[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Cloud of Darkness, Onion Knight, Squall, Ultimecia]http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.famitsu.com/news/201012/18037018.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3Daibo_ac7%2Btwitter%26hl%3Den%26prmd%3Divns&rurl=translate.google.com[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Tifa DLC]http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/9306/e027.jpg
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[quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1284005437' post='4610496']
Darn it, I was going to make this topic.


Lightning and Kain will be in this. YES. I'm already going to get this, but I want Genesis.
Lol cant wait 4 the game 2, I wonder how many characters r going to b in the game. So much excitement. :)

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I want Vivi or Freya to be in this... pretty please :unsure:

While Freya is most unlikely (If Kain is already in, we don't need a second Dragoon), I have really high hopes for Vivi, hell yeah :lol: Other than that, yes, I'm excited, this is going to be must buy... I spent at least 150+ hours with the first one after all, how I could I let this one slip? ;)

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[quote name='Shadow Yoshi' timestamp='1284075621' post='4612417']
O wow. FF13 is epic. This looks very interesting, and I can't wait to rent it. It would be epic if they put Sephiroth in this. Or Cloud? Maybe?
Using common video game logic, you would know that the second installment of a fighting game would likely have the characters from the first game and new characters. Either way, screw Cloud and Sephiroth, Squall is in the game.
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[quote name='Shadow Yoshi' timestamp='1284075621' post='4612417']
O wow. FF13 is epic. This looks very interesting, and I can't wait to rent it. It would be epic if they put Sephiroth in this. Or Cloud? Maybe?

This is the sequel to the previous one.

Hence why it's called "Dissidia 2"

Seph and Cloud are definitely in it, although FFVII sucked.
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PSP only. And you probably have not Played Dissidia yet so I should tell you that Sephiroth, though fast, is a lot weaker than Squall in terms of Bravery damage, the only thing he has going for him is that he can get more hits with his swings, as in he swings once and gets 7-10 hits from it. He sends opponents flying and has to chase so it would take longer for him to cause breaks, whereas Squall can chain combos together easier since he doesn't have as much of a knock back effect as Sephiroth.
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[quote name='Shadow Yoshi' timestamp='1284079294' post='4612558']
What platforms will this be availible for?

Why don't you actually read the first post?

[quote name='Jacoby746' timestamp='1284079400' post='4612564']
It might've sucked, but the're the most popular FF characters. So they just have to be in it.

I actually liked FFD. Cecil spamming is fun.

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[quote name='-Athena-' timestamp='1284084432' post='4612837']
Wait, Lightning is gonna be in FF12? Awesome ^_^
No she's going 2 b in Dissidia 2, I can understand that you thought she's going 2 b in ff12 because of the title is misleading having 012.
"Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy" the official name for the game. I think they could hav named the game better.

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[quote name='Ice' timestamp='1284141226' post='4613823']
Duodecim means twelve.

12 new characters?

I really don't know why they named it that.

You might b on 2 something. 2 make this topic more fun post 10 FF characters u want in the game. Go! Y 10 because Kain and Lighting is already confirmed 2+10=12.

I'll Start:
Tifa (ff7)
Balthier (ff12)
Auron (ff10)
Rinoa (ff8)
Vivi (ff9)
Yuna (ff10-2)
Refia (ff3)
Celes (ff6)
Gilgamesh (ff5)
Noctis (ffv13)
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