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Why 4Kids is so awesome.

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Guest ~King Crouton~

Why 4Kids is so awesome.


Today, I'd like to propose a toast to 4Kids. Now, 4Kids, you have trolled the anime community with your awful dubs, excessive censorship, and changing the context of various, important scenes to the plot. For years, people have shown rage, butthurt, and some people likely killed themselves in protest from their parent's basement, but you disregard all that and continue your path of spreading your censored versions of anime that was mostly crap to begin with. For that...I salute you, 4Kids.


Here's why I like 4Kids. They're aware of the butthurt they've caused to so many people, and despite this, and continue butchering their shows. The fans of these show scream, whine, moan, and some dedicated websites to comparing the censored versions to the Japanese versions. 4Kids is so successful because of this. Why are they successful? Because, at the end of the day, their haters are still watching the 4Kids version on TV, boosting the ratings, and bringing in profit to 4Kids. It's human nature that someone needs a reason to complain for attention, thus, the purists continue watching. As Eric Bischoff would say, controversy creates cash.


So, 4Kids, kudos on giving the people what they want. You're giving little kids entertainment on a Saturday while giving the purists a reason to complain. I encourage you to butcher more anime. Buy the rights to more anime, and censor it to death. Buy the rights to Naruto, and make the characters into surfer dudes and valley girls. Keep butchering away, because fans of the original anime will watch on TV and butthurt on the internet, which will make more people aware of the series, and they'll watch it, then butthurt on the internet as well. Let's face it, 4Kids. It's not like any of these idiots realize that the Japanese versions they love so much are uploaded on Youtube, many uploaded with subtitles. Just saying.


For this 4Kids, I raise my wineglass to you. Cheers...did you turn my wine into soda?

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Guest ~King Crouton~

Oh look, another thread whom I agree and hate.


We all know 4kids trolls us, but we gotta wait it out til they run out of money from making crappy english adaptions of good anime.


Hmmm...just to make sure, did you read the entire post?

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