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Joey Miles


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I didn't say anything about homosexuality. This has nothing to do with it. Im just going to drop the subject anyway... What should I care about your opinions? Its use-less to worked up about this. But now that I have no Subject... Im Subjectless... Who has a new one I could hop into? Just sitting here with nothing to do is boring :( I hate Maine ...

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How dare you techi, enter John. I should beat the crap out of you both...nah JK. In fact, I think I should be in the air soon.


BTW, i've been neglecting the OOC. So I will put everything I wanted to put in now.

Continued here...





Joey, I fogot to comment on your past scene. Pretty good, not the best though. Like the past scene, reminds me of other things though. And might I say, lol? We have 4 Wolves I think at this school. Shawn the Red Wolf...(Of Blood), Jason the White Wolf. (I think) Joey the Blue Wolf, and Rainer the Black Wolf. But i've notice you love to use the, lite it up like a Christmas Tree', every time you shock someone. xD I think you're obsessed with Christmas.


Man, 90 chalked filled pages...OF SPAM. XD THis really is spamville if there is one. That makes Joey the Mayor. XDD

But seriously, I don't read for two days...TEN PAGES!? O.o

Even for me, that's alot.

And Joey, I didn't cause this. I spammed a little. This is just plain ridiculous, but that's why we love it. XD






Hey 6-Shot, is Cerberus still wearing that purple pimp suit? I'm just curious.


Wait a second 6-Shot, the ride you got from the assassigns was a hummer!?!?!?! I thought it was a van...






MKS, I know this is late. But I noticed you changed your name back. I like it, but I do miss MKS...but I can understand. Look at me, three bleeping letters. And through miracles people can't spell them... Luckily, i've hadn't had that problem...yet...*Looks at 6-Shot* But hey, I wasn't one of the ones who mispelled your name...right? If so I apologize.

Lol, are you still Neg Repping those who mispell your username? I must know! *Looks at thousands of ways to mispell MKS*



Oh and MKS, screw yourself. I got KH Birth By Sleep and my PSP!

*Goes into corner* *PLAYS!*


Agreed, there should be a list of powers that can't be taken. Even if they CAN have more than one person.

Like my Wolf Aura, someone dare take that i'm gonna...*Mindless rant*

Dastan: Trust me, you DON'T want to listen to that...




Now, here is that excitedness I have posponed for long enough...nah, I do it in my next post. XD Not that it's anything special...

TO BE CONTINUED...AGAIN! Curse the 10 Pages of OOC I didn't cover Today...

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*steps into thread*


Well looks like this place has gotten a little bit popular . . .


*looks around*


time to throw a wrench into da plans


Jacob "Jake" D. Valiant"

Age: 18






Jacob had been discovered as a Super when he was six years old and instantly abandoned by his parents. Without a mother or father Jake was, luckily, quickly found by a local orphanage and taken in to find a brand new home for the rest of his life. However things weren't as they appeared and the reality of the situation was that the orphanage that he had been picked up by was extremely abusive and forced the chidlren to live in the worst kinds of situations; the people whom might adopt them being possibly worse or about the same. It was finally four years later that Jake's secret was discovered, as he had been secretly hidding it the entire time, and things went to hell in a handbasket all to swiftly.


During a routine interview with a potential "adoptive family" that he was struck by the head "mother" of the institution. His rage boiling over Jake couldn't hold back his anger anymore and struck back, sending the woman flying into the wall and breaking her back at the same time. His hands grew hot with his rage and erupted in a violent display of light that shot out in rnadom directions. With no way to contain himself Jake's powers exploded, quite literally, and obliterated the entire orphanage. He has been at the Super Power School ever since . . .

Super Power:

1.) Super Strength

2.) Energy Manipulation- most notably in the form of concussive blasts

3.) Flight

!WARNING! The true extend of Jacob D Valiant's powers has yet to be tested nor revealed, extreme caution is advised!



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Wait, didn't Joey said you can only have one power? and if so it was a two sub power relating to that power limit? EXAMPLE:

Kyosuke's power chart:

Dark matter



Use Dark matter as an orb or a rope of sorts that is the main use, think of it as energy manipulation really now sub powers!!!!


Can use dark matter to create concentrated points of high pressure or "Gravity"

Can create Worm Holes or "White Holes"

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Energy Mainpulation=He would also have a higher amount of energy inside him than most normal people that would boost his physical abilities and to control the energy to go to certain points in your body. Also, emitting energy from certain points of the body will allow flight. I'd porobaly say accepted. We already have OP'd people so this won't be too bad. You MKS?

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