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The Defiled Movement (20/??)


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I've yet to make many cards that involve this... but the idea of the deck is to RFP cards/Get the Synchros and 'Fusions' out. The objective of RFP is to use the removed monsters in a way to swarm and/or destroy cards/cause LP damage. Not 100% sure yet.

[spoiler=Other Support/Non-specific Support]

Lots of image credit to Jayzin Kay.
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Okay, I get that they appear to be swarming but once they start swarming, I don't see any threat. At least with the monsters anyway. The effects seem centered on getting many of the monsters out quickly and then trying to get a synchro out. And I must say that reading your synchros directly after the low stats monsters makes them seem over powered when they many not actually be. Now I could try to give you my thoughts on each card you have here but that would take quite awhile. Anyway, this is certainly interesting, though I think I'll hold off on my rating for the moment.
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I clicked the link and got here at last...

OCG is nice, pics are really good, effects are good, everythings basically great. XP

There's nothing really wrong with them, so I rate 9/10.

But, I don't understand. Why would you use some of those images? I thought you were brainwashed as a kid into thinking boobs were evil? ;__;
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Well, let's see here
OCG's kinda off, but I'm sure this is your first time cardmaking in a long while, so that's expected
It's mostly things that need to be capitalized like: Tribute, Deck, Attack Position, and other random errors (if you need help, I recommend posting the lore for each card, which helps people out who can help correct)
But the effects are good and I like the concept
So 7/10 for you
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You know why I'm here...

The you've used the whole supportive summon concept realy good.This archeatype reminds me somewhat of the Worms arch.
But you shouldn't make monster have remove from play or redirect effects.Leave that to the Spell cards.Overwall the Synchro Summoning conditions are slightly unballanced.

Overwall 9.6/10
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Some thoughts

~ Cherub is overpowered, because you can SS any DARK Fairy. amirite?
~ Gatekeeper combos a bit too well with Messenger, imo.
~ Worshipper's effect confuses me. Why would you want to add a Defiled back to your Deck?
~ Good thing you have the Summon restrictions on Defiled Fairy. xD
~ <3 Beast's artwork. ^^
~ Nanael is like a Heavy Storm/Battle Fader, but it seems oddly balanced. O_o
~ Archangel wins you the Duel if you can get it out. D:
~ I like Cherubim's effect. ^^
~ Seraphim = DefileDAD? O_o
~ Why are the "Redemption" monsters Fusions again?
~ As much as I love them, I think that every "Redemption" monster is OP'd, except for Archangel. Just my thoughts.
~ Nanael + Lament is a bit lulzy. xD

Just my opinions. I think you should continue. ;D
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[quote name='Clair' timestamp='1284932450' post='4641480']
Some thoughts

~ Cherub is overpowered, because you can SS any DARK Fairy. amirite?
~ Gatekeeper combos a bit too well with Messenger, imo.
~ Worshipper's effect confuses me. Why would you want to add a Defiled back to your Deck?
~ Good thing you have the Summon restrictions on Defiled Fairy. xD
~ <3 Beast's artwork. ^^
~ Nanael is like a Heavy Storm/Battle Fader, but it seems oddly balanced. O_o
~ Archangel wins you the Duel if you can get it out. D:
~ I like Cherubim's effect. ^^
~ Seraphim = DefileDAD? O_o
~ Why are the "Redemption" monsters Fusions again?
~ As much as I love them, I think that every "Redemption" monster is OP'd, except for Archangel. Just my thoughts.
~ Nanael + Lament is a bit lulzy. xD

Just my opinions. I think you should continue. ;D

Cherub can summon ANY DARK Fairy, but it cannot attack, go to attack positition, use it's effect, or be used for a Synchro that turn unless you have 1 more monster out, at least.
Hmm... You're right.
... I hate typos >.> XD
Cherub has them too XD
I based it on Nepthys and 1 Arcan Force... Temperance, I think.
Yeah, but it's not the easiest to get out. Also, it only works in Defiled, and it can only use it's effect once per turn (Based on Judgment of Anubis)
The Creator + Meant to be used with level 0 monsters ;D
Only when it is Summoned.
Just cause. Based on Glitter Moss(?) and Marine Dolphin.
I figured... I meant to make Redemption only when destroyed by your OPPONENT o_O
XD Did not notice that til now. That would get Lament banned/limited, eh?

Thanks ^^
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