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Pokemon Paramount Ventures! The New Cygrus Region! [IC/Accepting via OOC]


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Leonard had finally gotten out of the treacherous desert and into Terramean City. He was exhausted, and therefore headed to the Poke-Center. There, he let his Pokemon rest up and heal. The next day, he went to the Terrarium Gym.

"Hello?" asked Leonard, walking through the huge doors of the Terranmean Gym. "My name is Leonard Hikaru, and here for a gym battle. Inside the gym, there was a beautiful stadium filled with boulders. The ground quite soft and sandy, like the infield of a baseball field. Leonard saw the Terramean Gym Leader standing on the opposite side of the stadium, and patiently waited for his reply.
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"Ok, Flaafy use all the stored energy to unleash a barrage of thunderbolts, and see if you can make the leaves chase right into that tree as you use defense tackle! You see, Shibi,Flaafy can store electrical energy in its fur, so, everytime i used thunderbolt on thoose leaves and Flaafy 'flew" backwards, it ws realy just acting so he realy hasn't talen as much damage as you think, and now, i'm using all his stored up energy to unleash the ultimate lightning barrage.Not even double team can save you now!" As Wilas spoke, Flaafy was running into and bouncing of trees, each time, getting a few leaves stuck in the tree every time. Eventauly, all the leaves were stuck in trees, so at that very moment, Flaafy started firing off Thunder bolts left and right, And they were HUGE. Some hit trees and knocked them down, and a few thunder bolts were landing around grovyle, and another onr started flying directly at the grovyle. some of the thunderbolts hit Flaafy,allowing him to keep going. the other thunderbolts hit the clones,destroying them.

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Caullen was now starting to fall asleep watching this battle take place. It seem to be a bit boring. Taking out his phone, he decided to call friends, until the battle ended.


Nathaniel walked over the Dante,"So the idiot decided to come to my house. Well if your want Giratina, its yours. I have no use for it, so have him. I want to make 1 thing clear. If you cross me again like you did with that brat outside the cave, You will had wish you didnt."
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"Possesser thunderbolt on yourself" Possesser released a eletric charge on itself. Skamory hit Possesser but giving the shock of the thunderbolt on contact. Possesser is KOed "Good job. Possesser." Delano thought about his next chose "Ok Dusk lets go" Delano said as he released a duskull from its pokeball. "Use Shadow Sneak and follow with Night Shade" Delano commanded. Duskull's shadow extended than hit Skarmory from behind than launched a night shade right under its right wing
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After a long, hard battle against the gym leader's Dugtrio with his Larvitar, Leonard moved on. He walked across the Levia Bridge, hoping to face the Flamvius Town gym Leader. Walking across the bridge, Leonard noticed a mob surrounding a man. "Whoever would like to challenge me 1 on 1 can try, but don't cry when you lose!" said the man cockily. Leonard walked up to the man. He had a Piloswine next to him. About five minutes later, bot Piloswine and Leonard's Pidgeotto were exhausted. "Finish it, Pidgeotto, use Aerial Ace!" said Leonard. The tired bird moved quickly toward the Piloswine, making contact and knocking it out. Everybody was shocked as Leonard moved on, as he neared the halfway point of the bridge.
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Skarmory was instantly replaced with a doll, which took the hit. "Good thing I had prepped that Substitute from earlier. I must say, though. You've pushed Skarmory pretty far. Alright Skarmory, now use Brave Bird!" Skarmory rose up into the air, glowing white. Skarmory then rushed down towards Duskull, and the glow turned blue.


After a long battle, Shibi had ended with a tie. "Alright, that's enough. You really surpised me with those last few moves, but, I think that you would benefit from this, so, here you go. The Flow Badge." Shibi handed over the badge. "However, I must say that your Pokémon could definitely use a lot of training. The Gym Leaders after me are much tougher and more powerful. If you don't train your Pokémon at all, then you won't make it past Terramean. Not trying to critisize, just a bit of advice. Anyways, good luck." Shibi walked over to a group of trainers who looked eager to battle. "Alright, whos' next?" (OOC: These will be off-screened. Everyone gets a badge, but I would prefer the challanger to post the results. Please don't make it too unfair (ex: you win without losing a single Pokémon))


Zura looked over a Rectus. "Thank you." Zura moved closed, and noticed Dante speaking with Nathaniel from behind a few trees. "Damn, I'm too close... But what is he doing here?" Zura thought. Zura moved away from them, leavig a tracker nearby so he could keep watch on them. He moved to a safe distance, and started to listen to their conversation.


Atrus noticed someone walking over to him. "Oh, hello. I'm Atrus Cyan, and yes, I am here to challange the Elite Four. However, not everyone is here yet for the actual League, and I'm also waiting for someone. Out of curiosity, is there something in your life that you find to be worth waiting for? Something you are waiting for right now?" Atrus asked.
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Alex walked out of the Grakus Isle gym. Though barely able to dent Sorano's Pokemon, Sorano had deemed him worthy for the badge. "Alright, where to next?" Alex thought as he wandered back to the harbor. "It seems that Rockius Mountainside seems to be closest from here" he thought. Eventually, the ferry landed in the harbor of Rockius. He walked to the gym slowly. "Well, here goes..." he sighed and entered.


"Nathan, how long do I have to stay here for?" Caden asked, ripping off the bandage on his face. "I have to get to the league..." he thought. "Otherwise, there was no point in coming to this region!" Caden thought angrily.
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(OOC: No worries, I'll be a s fair as I can for the end result of the battle. If anything is wrong with it, tell me so I can edit)
Ashmin grinned as Flamethrower hit home, knocking out the Pokemon. "Ok Quilava, return!" As she walked foward, her mind whirled. "[i]Oh man, that was close. Grovyle nearly took out Quilava, with it's strength. Pity Diglett couldn't stay around.[/i]" She looked at her Pokeballs. "Good job you two, you guys were the best!" She said, continuing to walk foward to receive her badge.


"Ok, Slugma, flamethrower, try not to set the house on fire! Flareon, use Fire Fang to bite through the ice!" Kalin cried, as his Pokemon began melting the snow, making water drip everywhere. Slugma got hit by raining water droplets, so Kalin decided to keep him doing long range atacks, whilst Flareon was faster, and able to dodge the water. "C'mon you guys, keep it up!"
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While Leonard walked across the bridge, his Pokemon were alongside him. Pidgeotto proud in the air, Bulbasaur on his shoulder, and Larvitar walking next to him. Suddenly, a group of Draconius Grunts flew up ahead, heading somewhere. By seeing they had all those choppers near each other like that, he knew they were up to no good. "Pidgeotto, use Aerial Ace!" said Leonard. The Pidgeotto flew up and shattered of the glass of one of the member's choppers. He had to go down. Leonard kept doing this until the grunts ran away. Leonard moved on. He was glad he had stopped that group, whatever it was. "Time for that badge," he said to himself.
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After left Gradnis Gym, Sono picked his Pokedex up and searched for where was the next Gym."It's after in Terramean City, to go there I nedd to pass throght Alluvium Desert.I need to be fast!" he thought while running with his Vulpix on his head on the direction indicated.After some time walking he found a very big Desert."This desert is so big, I think I will pass some time here.I guess I will train my Oddishs while I am passing this sandy land" he said quietly while throwing 2 Pokeballs, "Time to train, Hikaru and Kaoru" he said while the duo of Weed-like pokemons appeared in front of him.After some walk in the big desert, a Vibrava started to attack Sono and his Pokemons with a Dragonbreath, "You chose the wrong passenger to attack" he grinned while ordering "Hikaru Vine Whip and bind that Vibrava and push it down to the ground, Kaoru use Sleep Powder then" the 2 Weeds nooded and started to do what was said, one of the Oddishs launched vines in the direction of Vibrava and wraped it pushing it down while the other one released some green powder from its leaves making the agressive Vibrava sleep, "Now finish this, both of you use Seed Bomb" both Oddishs nooded and threw some seeds from their leaves, that by touching the Vibrava exploded, making the Vibrava faint."Let's continue our way, I think I've seen Terramean City by this way".Then he followed his way with the duo of Oddishs and a sleeping Vulpix on his head.
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Bryce thought about the question he had just been asked before responding suspiciously "No, not really... why?" He seems quite kind, but a little... "Wait, do you mind if I wait here with you? It would be kinda cool. I want to meet a bunch of trainers and soon start battling! You see, I haven't battled yet. Well, if you count that time I battled against the Champion..."
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"Dusk stay still for a second" Delano said watching the bird with Dusk low to the ground. When Skamory got with 5 Meters of Dusk. "Dusk know use night shade on the ground." Delano commanded "DUSKULLL!!!!" Dusk said as it launched a night shade at the ground causing dusk to accerlate into the air out of skarmory's attack range(direction of the brave bird) with bird going throughs the ground. "Know launch another night shade this time at Skarmory" Dusk unleashed another night shade this time at Skarmory's back. "This is not over yet"
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[color="#A0522D"]"Alright, Manectric, ThunderBurst!"[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Manectric let loose his combination of Discharge and Thunder, an attack which is only used as a last resort. The water within the gym lit up with golden electricity as Manectric's lightning bolts shot downward.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Manectric stopped. A shadow slowly grew larger as the being it belonged to rose to the surface. Starmie's gem was flashing like crazy. Alex had finally won.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Vaten handed the badge to Alex begrudgingly, then turned around and raced out to the Pokemon Center.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Alex was training outside, his newly evolved Venomoth and his Aron exchanging blows. Aron was definitely not what he used to be. Aron shot forth with a Head Smash, perfected right before the Graklus battle. Venomoth dodged skillfully, spinning round and round, light dancing off the Silverpowder she held. Then, Aron smashed into the face of the cliff above them, and boulders began to tumble down at a rapid pace. Venomoth managed to destroy a couple with a Bug Buzz, but was smacked head on with a large one and fainted.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Aron suddenly began to run forth, a red light surrounding his body as he readied a Superpower. Aron then began to glow a harsh white as its form changed. Then, a massive shockwave blasted through the air as Aron shot the largest boulder back at the others, demolishing all of them. Aron's form finally ceased its glow, revealing him to now be a Lairon.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Lairon roared with newfound strength and turned back to Alex, who just nodded and returned him and Venomoth.[/color]
[color="#708090"]Dante stared at Nathaniel, then nodded. "Alright give him here. I don't see why you care about my intentions, and the fact you call me an idiot. If you're wondering about that last statement, I never turned the comm. off. That's right, I left it on on purpose. You obviously are the idiot here. Now, surrender Giratina now or prepare to fight."[/color]
[color="#708090"]Dante's normally emotionless stare became totally cold, to the point it became bone-chilling. He needed Giratina. Without it, he would have to resort to the power granted by only the Griseous Orb, which wasn't much.[/color]
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More grunts were heading toward Mt. Aquamarine. With them was Draconius Commander. But when he spotted Leonard below, he cried to his men, "Men, keep chasing the Kyogre, I have some unfinished business to attend to." Scott lowered the chopper and came out of it, standing eye to eye at his rival, Leonard. "So, we meet again," he started. "Yes, it has been a while, hasn't it Scott," said Leonard in reply.

And so Scott sent his Scizor into battle. Leonard replied by sending in Pidgeotto. After a while of battling, Scizor was the victor. Leonard then sent in Larvitar, which again was knocked out by the powerful Scizor. Leonard then sent in Bulbasaur, which knocked Scizor out. Scott then sent in Weavile, which made quick work of the Bulbasaur. Leonard he knew he was in trouble. The Weavile rushed toward Leonard, and then was hit by a decent Water Gun from behind. It turned around, and was then put to sleep by a Hypnosis attack. "What the?" questioned Scott. A little Poliwag shot another beam of water, this time at Scott. It was obviously on Leonard's team. When it least expected it, Leonard threw a Poke-Ball at it. This caught it. He moved on as Scott got back in his chopper and flew to his men.
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[color="#A0522D"]Alex leapt off the ferry and landed in his hometown snow. He tossed out a Pokeball and out popped a Togepi. He obtained this back on the boat, where a man saw Zangoose and proved it was actually his, and the one who gave it to him had stolen it. So, Alex happily yet tearfully gave it back ,and Togepi's egg was given as a reward. The egg then hatched in Alex's cabin. And here we are now![/color]
[color="#A0522D"]"Togepi, Extrasensory!"[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]"Pipipipi...Toge-PIIIII!!!" A multicolored beam with a golden hue shot out of Togepi's forehead and punched a deep chasm into the snow.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]"Togey!" Togepi smiled and hugged Alex's leg.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]"Aw, thanks Togepi. Still, you're getting good. Hey, how's that Soothe Bell working?"[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Togepi raised his arm and the silver bell tied to it tinkled in the cold air. Togepi smiled once again.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Suddenly, Togepi was surrounded in a white light as it began to evolve into a Togetic.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Alex smiled and nodded, and the two decided to stop by at home, to pay mom and dad a visit...[/color]
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"I'm sorry to say, but I believe that it is over. Skarmory, you know what to do." Skarmory vanished for a second, avoiding the attack, then reappeared right behind Duskull. Skarmory raised his wings. "Steel Wing!" Skarmory's wings glew white, and Skarmory prepared to land a direct hit onto Duskull. "I told you, Skarmory is the strongest of my three, and also the fastest. I must admit, however, you are pushing him pretty far."


"So there isn't something in your life that gives you a sense of purpose? A sense of feeling? Well... To each his own choice..." Atrus sat down, he legs hanging over the side of the cliff face, gazing out at the ocean. "You can wait with me. I doubt that he'll be very long. He's pretty fast." Atrus said.


Nathan looked over at Caden. "You'll stay here until you realize that you can't leave." Nathan said, his face now very serious. "You've been focusing on the negative. You've only been focusing on getting out of here. Look at yourself! You've been attacked, and you look terrible. You can't battle in your position! You're a mess! Just wait. You'll heal soon enough, and you'll be at the league when the time comes for you to be there. For now, just rest. You need it." Nathan looked back towards the window.


(OOC: If you haven't posted a battle with Shibi yet, and you were inside the gym, then just off-screen the battle, and put yourself outside the gym, please)
Shibi had finsihed battling the group of trainers, and was exhausted. "Whew... That was more battles than I've ever had in a day... Alright, time to close up the Gym for the night." Shibi left the gym, locking the door behind him. "Alright..." Shibi walked over to his house. "Finally, some free time. Man... That Gym is starting to take up most of my day... But, I still love that job. Seeing all of the trainers, coming and going, winning and losing..." Shibi looked at his window. "I might call Gardenia in the morning... Maybe say hello to the old Gym Leader..."
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"Great...just great...Perfect timing as well" Caden thought bitterly as he put away his laptop. "But I can't just give up on myself after I've come this far" he continued defiantly. "D*mmit...Why are these burns so serious, anyways?!" he asked himself angrily. "The attacks he used on me... Nitro Charge - the one that cut me, and Purgatory - which caused the burns" he thought. "They're Fire-type attacks, but how are the effects so lasting?!" he shut his eyes angrily and pulled the covers over his head. "But regardless of the circumstance, I'm going to the League no matter what anyone says!"
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Ashmin left the gym, and walked away. "OK, the next gym is Terrameun Town, so I should go there." She decided, pulling out her Pokegear. "But to get there, I have to cross the Allivium Desert. Fun for me." She muttered, pocketing the Pokegear. "Oh well, better get started." She went to the Pokemon Centre, healed her Pokemon, then walked away towards the desert.


"Ok guys, last time! Slugma, Flamethrower! Flareon, Fire Fang, full force you guys!" Kalin declared. The POkemon did as told, and performed the moves. The snow sizzled and melted, meaing half the moves touched water, turning to steam, making it even harder to see. Kalin waved a hand in front of his face to swipe away the steam, but it didn't work. After a moment, the steam cleared, revealing a nice house. "Thanks little brother." Said Seara, giving him a hug. "C'mon, why don't you come inside?" She suggested, leading the way.
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Leonard had finally gotten to the other side of the Levia Bridge. He had entered town and gotten to the Pokemon Center quickly. The next day, he went to the gym.

* * *

"Poliwag, finish Quilava with Bubble!" Tiny bubbles shot out of the Poliwag's mouth and hit the Quilava, knocking it out. Leonard recieved his badge. He walked back across the bridge, hoping to get to Drakius Isle. He started to grow tired of walking, and wished his Pidgeotto was bigger to give him a ride. Now, he'd have to walk ALL the way back to Terraneum City to get a boat ride. But what if the ferries were closed? Leonard would not be happy.
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Nathaniel just laughed at the cold look that Dante gave him. " You honestly think I have captured him? I have no need for such a pokemon. Oh, when you do get him..." Nathaniel looked at him with a look that made Dante back up. " Make sure you get the Orb needed to control him.....like this one." Nathaniel to a case from the Grunt next him and opened it up to show him the three orbs the were secured in the case. Shutting the case and locking it, he handed it back to the Grunt. " Like I said before, he's all yours."


Caullen walk out of the Gym towards the next Gym. He finally got the first Badge of the Region, and now recalled the man victor, Kirlia. Thats right, he thought, Ralts evolved and was able to use Rocks from Larvitar's Rockslide to stop Bulbasaur and Leafeon. His Grovyle was fast, and beat Kirlia, which he will work on to prevent such things from happening again. In the end he was victorious with 1 pokemon left.
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[color="#708090"]"Give me the Griseous Orb now. Or I will have to resort to violence." Dante then closed his eyes and smiled. "You say you don't need Giratina...Yet you came in here anyway, and you are offering me the Griseous Orb after I obtain him...What is your motive, Nate? You wish to see me fail at wielding Giratina's power? Well, I'm no Arceus, I can tell you that, but I don't see myself dying at Giratina's mercy. And Nate, before you go...Could you give this to a boy named Caden? I think he'd appreciate it."[/color]
[color="#708090"]Dante handed one of the Grunts a package, containing an Expert Belt, two Rare Candies, and a Fossil of some sort he found many years ago in the Rockius Mountainside. Dante motioned for the Grunt to get going, and he quickly scurried off. Nathaniel may be the self-proclaimed leader, but Dante still was a superior to everybody else.[/color]
[color="#708090"]Dante then gave Tyranitar a signal, which resulted in a Dark Pulse firing at the Grunt holding the case. The Grunt was sprawled out on the ground, and the three Orbs were flying into the air. "Crobat, Altaria, emerge! Tyranitar, retreat!" The two flying Pokemon raced out of their balls. Crobat grabbed the Griseous Orb while Dante hopped on Altaria's back. Altari also nabbed an Orb, the Lustrous Orb, and quickly flew off with her master and Crobat.[/color]

[color="#A0522D"]Alex had arrived home. Eliza (Mom) made lunch, Alex told stories about his Gym Battles and Pokemon Captures, and Joseph (Dad) told stories of his journey with Virgil.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Alex then went with his family to the Gym, where Virgil was eagerly waiting.[/color]
[color="#00BFFF"]"Alright Kid, you ready?"[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]"Always have been, always will be. Get ready, Uncle Virgil, I ain't holding back!"[/color]
[color="#00BFFF"]"Hmph. Let's go, Abomasnow!"[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]"Manectric, you're up!" Alex brought the ball back and threw it like a fastball.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]The two Pokemon stared eachother down, then attacked.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]"Manectric, Signal Fire!"[/color]
[color="#00BFFF"]"Abomasnow, Christmas Fist!"[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Manectric fired a combination Flamethrower/Signal Beam at Abomasnow, resulting in a glowing, dazzling flame.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Meanwhile, Abomasnow rushed straight through it, swinging a combination Ice Punch/Wood Hammer at Manectric, who proceeded to doge it deftly and fired another Signal Fire at it, knocking Abomasnow out.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]But Alex couldn't get too excited yet. Abomasnow definitely wasn't the strongest of Virgil's Pokemon...[/color]
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When Leonard had finally reached the other side of the bridge, he walked slowly to the port of Terraneum City. He bought a boat ride to Drakus Isle, and he finally had a chance to rest his aching feet. He quickly went to his room and lay down. After a while, he reached port.

He walked over to the Pokemon Center of Drakus Isle. He rested the night there while his Pokemon were being healed. That night, he heard strange noises, like something big was coming from the room. He looked over. Nothing was there. He heard it from the other direction suddenly, but when he turned his head, nothing was there. He decided to lie down and go back to sleep. This island gave him the creeps.
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[color="#A0522D"]It came down to this...The very end...Only one would prevail...[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]On Alex's side, Lairon.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]On Virgil's side, Weavile.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Each trainer's second best Pokemon (Manectric and Delibird knocked eachother out right before.)[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]"Lairon, Iron Head Smash!"[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Lairon tucked in his head and charged forward, a spiraling silver and blue around him.[/color]
[color="#00BFFF"]"Weavile, Smash Break!"[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Weavile's hand glowed white as she prepared to deliver a Rock Smash/Brick Break combo. She swung just as Lairon was about to come into contact with her and...[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]A shockwave rattled the Gym. Windows cracked, stones broke, snow was flung about the gym.[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]In the epicenter of this perfect storm of chaos was a glowing white light. As th light shone forth, the Gym was completely immersed in its effulgence. Finally, the light ceased. The victor stood tall above the defeated one. The victor was Lairon...Or more correctly Aggron![/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Aggron let loose a terrifying roar, a roar of superiority and victory.[/color]
[color="#00BFFF"]"Kid, you're not a kid anymore. You're the best...Well, one of the best trainers to walk through here. Now, take this badge. But don't get too cocky now, the road only gets tougher from here on out."[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]Alex nodded and rushed to the Pokemon Center. He'd set off for Flamvius after dinner.[/color]
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"Well i only started about a week ago so my pokemon are still in need of training. Now that i know you have a skarmory i will be ready next time" Delano said as he returned dusk to his pokemon than let out a gastly. "Come Shadow let go to some training" Delano said to his gastly. "GGAASSSTTLLLLYYY!" shadow replied back. Delano walked over to the gym leader and nodded than left.
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After follow the direction decided by him, Sono reached Terramean City."Oh! Finaly the Desertic City, Terramean..." he said while picking up his Pokeballs, "Thank you for the help, now you can rest a little" he said while smiling, returning the duo of Weeds back to his Pokeballs."Now I need to go to the Pokemon Center... I think it's that way" he thought while running to didn't need to wait to have his Gym Battle.After found the Pokemon Center, he entered it and asked Nurse Joy to heal his Pokemons, she nooded and took the Pokeballs from his hands and the Vulpix from his head.After some time she returned to Pokeballs to Sono and smiled, "Thank you very much for the help, Nurse Joy" he returned the smile."Now, I need to found the Gym as fast as I can to don't need to wait" he ran.Some time later, after searching a lot in the City, Sono found the Gym, he entered it and said loudly "Gym Leader of Terramean City! I challenge you to a Gym Battle!".
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