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Pokemon Paramount Ventures! The New Cygrus Region! [IC/Accepting via OOC]


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"It won't be that easy" Caden said, rather relaxed. "Electivire, end it...Feint" he said softly. Electivire halted its movements as Rhyperior put up the Protect. "Now, strike" Caden declared as Electivire simply slipped right through the Protect and landed its hit on Rhyperior, while the Earthquake ran right through Electivire. Electivire winced as a result of the hit. "Stand strong, Electivire" Caden called out. Electivire's eyes flashed and it prepared itself. "Now, end it with it with Crosss Ice" Caden called. Electivire's arms glowed bright white, and a spiral of Ice crawled up its arms. It lowered its arms directly into Rhyperior. Some of the ice on Rhyperior's arms remained on Rhyperior "Now, Ice constrictor!" Electivire's eyes glowed blue, and the ice on Rhyperior expanded into a long spiral which encased Rhyperior's body. "Now, force it!" Caden called. The ice tightened with tremendous force on Rhyperior.


"Yes, Zura? What is it?" Rectus asked, while watching a battle occurring from the Famvius Gym.
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Looking around for more pokemon; Delano notices a flock of murkrow "Looks like we have out next pokemon. Shadow, Dusk, and Possesser Night shade. DarkFire Smog" A purplish cloud of posion surrounded 4 of the murkrow while the others ran away. The murkrow were also hit by the the night shades hurting 3 of 4. With the smog still up "DarkFire Ember" Delano said. DarkFire released an ember at the cloud of smog creating an explosion knocking out the 4 murkrow. "Alright pokeball go" Delano said as he threw a pokeball at the 3rd murkrow. AFter 3 wiggles the murkrow was captured.

"Alright now to start teaching you some moves. Krow come on out. Delano said as he released his new murkrow. "krow use Dark pusle, DarkFire Flamethrower, Shadow Shadow ball, Dusk shadow sneak, and possesser thunderbolt" Delano commanded. All of his pokemon failed to use the moves. "Don't worry guys you'll learn them should" Delano encouraged them.

5 Hours later.....

""Krow Dark pusle, Darkfire flamethrower, Shadow Shadow ball, Dusk Shadow Sneak, and Possesser thunderbolt" As Delano commaned all 5 of his pokemon unleashed their newly learn attack. Completely wiped from the 5 hour training Delano put all his pokemon into their pokeballs to rest.

"I guess i'll head over to the port and take the ferry" Delano said as he walked to the port not to far from Hauntra. Soon Delano reached the Port at Sunrise. Getting a ticket to the Levia bridge Delano got aboard the ship and was on his way to the Levia Bridge
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"Rhyperior, do it now! Explosion!" The ice encasing Rhyperior exploded, and Rhyperior took massive damage, fainting it. The blast hit Electivire, but it stood strong, though it definitely had been damaged in the fight. Shubura returned Rhyperior, then walked over to Caden. "That was a great battle. Here ya go, the Rage Badge." Shubura pulled out a small badge and handed it to Caden. "Congratulations, you're now eligible to go to my shop, the Battle Scars. It's a place down by the Levia Bridge where I sell extra special equipement and items to trainers who have 3 Gym Badges. My brother, Zura, has another shop with even better stuff, though only people who have beaten the Elite Four may shop there. I hope to see you there." Shubura said. Atrus walked over, congratulated Caden, then turned to Shubura. "If it's alright with you, then I'll be next." Shubura accepted, and they battled. Atrus got a narrow win using Lapras against Skarmory with Sheer Cold, and Atrus got his third Gym Badge as well. "Alright you two, don't forget to stop by the Batlle Scars if you're ever around Falmvius again!" Shubura said.


Zura looked at Rectus. "I have to show you something nearby the forest, where the Hedron is. It's time for you to recieve your Purpose Shard." Zura said.
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"Of course. Thank you very much" Caden waved to Shubura as he headed out to the Pokemon Center. "Hey, Atrus, do you want to check out Magma Forest after we rest up?" Caden asked, as he handed his Pokeballs to Nurse Joy. He sat down in the Cafe area and put his bag down. He sighed. "I heard there are some rare Pokemon and items down there" Caden smiled. About an hour later, he retrieved his Pokeballs. "Nice win you got there" he said to Atrus as he strapped on his bag. "Well, I'm leaving first" he said as he waved.


"Right, let's go" Rectus said to Zura as he shut down the computer. He briskly walked out of the room.
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AS the ferry came to Levia Bridge and to a stop. Delano got off the ferry and walked in the direction of flamvius town. "So this is what the land outside of Hauntra looks like. Alittle bright for my tastes but i'll cope with it. Darkfire Come on out" Delano said as his houndour came out. Delano and Darkfire walked towards the volcano seeing various pokemon and people along the way. "Hmm... pretty vivid around here as well." Delano said to Darkfire. Darkfire barked in agreement. "WEll with all this stuff around we should be able to make our friends strong"
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"Sure, let's go." Atrus followed Caden out to Magma Forest. The first thing that Atrus noticed was a Vulpix. Atrus pulled out a Pokéball, and sent out Pikachu. "Pikachu, use Thunder!" Pikachu let out a bolt of lightning that hit the Vulpix. The Vulpix unleashed a flamethrower at Pikachu. "Dodge it, and then use Volt Tackle!" Pikachu dodged, then started rushing at Vulpix, becoming surrounded b electricity. Pikachu made direct contact, and Vulpix was close to fainting. Atrus threw a Pokéball at the Vulpix, and it was trapped in it. After three wiggled and a click, Atrus picked up the Pokéball, and put it away. "That makes five now... And a good selection, too. Now If I could get another type, like Grass or Ghost..." Atrus turned to Caden. "Have you found anything?"


"This way." Zura walked passed the Elite Four building, and to the small chamber near the river, where the Telescope was. "This is the rift into the Star Fissure I once opened. It's now been closed, but we can still look through the Telescope to observe it." Zura explained. "Go ahead, take a look."
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"I'm looking for two particular things, a Pokemon and an item" Caden explained. They kept moving deeper into the forest. Eventually, they got to a place where there were fighting-type Pokemon everywhere. "This is what I came for" Caden said as he began looking through them. A while later, he called out to Atrus. "Now, this is what I came for" he pointed out as he saw several Riolu. "Well, here goes" he said, throwing a Pokeball. "Come on out, Kirlia!" Kirlia twirled out and landed gracefully on its feet. "Kirlia, use Shock Wave!" The Shock Wave made direct contact with one of the Riolu. However, it wasn't even fazed. "Kirlia, follow up with Fire Punch!" he called, as Kirlia's fist glowed red. "Combine that with Ice Punch!" Its other fist glowed blue. It launcher both the fists at Riolu. The Ice Punch hit it, but as Kirlia was trying to launch Fire Punch, Riolu fired an Aura Sphere, knocking Kirlia back. "I see...Use Psychic!" Kirlia's eyes glowed blue, as Riolu's body started glowing blue, the blue aura draining its power. "Now, use Hypnosis!" Caden called out. Kirlia fired a pinkish wave at the RIolu, putting it to sleep. Then, Caden threw a Pokeball at the Riolu. It wiggled a few times, then stopped. "Thank you, Kirlia" Caden returned it. "Now, one more task left..." Caden thought, putting Riolu's Pokeball in his bag.


"I see, this is very interesting" Rectus said as he looked in the telescope" he studied it closely.
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Delano and Darkfire came to Flamvius town. "So this Flamvius town. I guess i'll look for the Gym 1st" Delano said as he looked around for the gym "Judging from the location i would assume the gym leader specializes in Fire-Types. Which is were you come in Darkfire" Delano said to DarkFire "But i think we should teach you another move 1st" Delano said. Going to a wide open field. "Darkfire Dark pusle" Delano command. Darkfire tried dark pusle but failed.

5 hours later...

"Darkfire Dark pusle" Delano commanded. Darkfire released a dark pusle attack panting deeply. "Good job Darkfire return" Delano said putting Darkfire in his pokeball. Delano than walked to the Pokemon Center. "Nurse joy can you heal my pokemon" Delano said handing Nurse joy his 5 pokemon. "Sure thing" Nurse joy say taking his pokemon. Delano took a seat and looked around at the other trainers in the pokemon center
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Atrus looked at Caden. "You came here for the Riolu? That's rather strange, because before I went to the Gym, I found one nearby the bridge. I'm surprised that it was so far from it's home, but it seemed to like me (and by that, I mean it wouldn't leave me alone, but no complaints there.) so I caught it. Here." Atrus pulled out another Pokéball, and set out a Riolu. "So what is it that you're looking for, Caden?"


A strong light appeared inside the Star Fissure, and moved through the glass that covered the hole into the Star Fissure. Zura pushed a button on the inside of the chamber, and a glass panel covered the entrance to the chamber, leaving Zura and Rectus inside. The light had broken the glass, and it seemed that everything was being sucked into the Star Fissure. Everything was starting to fall, and Zura pulled out thenStar Hedron again. It started shining, and the other light collided with the Hedron, and suddenly, everything was back to normal, except that the Star Hedron was gone, and the light was now shining in front of Rectus. "That is the cotastrophe that would happen if someone were to break the barrier. If it was reopened, then this region would collapse into the Star Fissure, and the world would fall into turmoil, forever falling into the expanse that is the Star Fissure. That is the reason I created this chamber; So that if the barrier did break, then it would only cause the destruction of this chamber. Why I brought you here, is so that when the time comes that I can no longer protect this place, you may take on the responsibility. That is the purpose given to you by the Hedrons. If you will accept this, then you will be able to reach out and grasp the shard presented before you." Zura explained. "This may be a lot to handle, but you must understand. There are others who will squire these shards as well, and if all are brought together, then the Star Fissure may finally be closed, and the destruction it leaves in its wake will be sealed along with it."
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Ashmin flicked through the brochure furiously. "Finally, the gyms. Hmmn, the first on is in Gradnis Town. That's my next destenation." She slipped her brochure into her backpack and pulled out a Pokegear. "Pokegear, map this region!" She declared. The Pokegear whirred, and finally showed a map of the Cygrus. "Ok, I'm here, and Im aiming for there, and the only thing in my way is the Forest. Maybe they'll be some Pokemon to catch." Ashmin's eyes sparkled in exitement. She pulled out a Pokeball. "C'mon out, Quilava!" A dark blue Pokemon appeared, flames flickering on its head and back. "Quilllava!" It purred. "Okay Quilava, lets go explore the Forest for more Pokemon!" Declared Ashmin, walking into the dense wood.
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"The other thing I came here for is a Dawn Stone" Caden said. "I heard that there's a massive supply of Dusk Stones, Dawn Stones, and Shiny Stones around this area. "With that, my team will be complete" he thought. "Anyways, I have to catch a ferry to Grakus Isle in a few hours" Caden said. "You should hurry up and purchase your ticket if you haven't already" he told Atrus as they walked along. "Then, I have to face the Gym Leader my brother warned me about" he thought. They walked to a clearing, where it looked like there were crystal flowers growing from the ground. "And here we are" Caden said, as he stooped down to the "flowers", and pulled out a brightly glowing one. "Now, Kirlia, let's go!" Caden exclaimed, throwing out a Pokeball. He gave the Dawn Stone to Kirlia, and Kirlia began to glow. It changed form, and grew apparent "blades" on its arms. "And with that, I'm all set" Caden smiled.


"I understand. We need to keep an eye on those two villainous teams" Rectus explained. "I will open another computer room for you" he programmed a code into a watch and a wall inside the building disappeared. "That's my custom-built room with a complete database for all trainers competing in the league, as well as any events or battles that occur" Rectus said. "Perhaps it will also track down Team Nebulus and Draconius" He explained to Zura.
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"Your pokemon are all in top condition" Nurse Joy said to Delano. "Thanks Nurse Joy" Delano said as he got his pokemon from Nurse Joy. Delano walked out of the Pokemon Center and walked to the Gym. Thinking of his plan for the gym. [i] if the gym is a fire type gym then Darkfire should be able to take it on. Of course i will have to find out how many pokemon will be used as well. Though if its a fire gym than i can except pokemon moves that are strong against there weakest but that will have to wait until the battle begins[/i]

Delano came to the Gym and walked in. "Hey is the Gym Leader here. I am here to challenge him for my 1st gym badge."
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Shubura looked at the trainer. "Oh, yeah, I'm the Gym Leader." Shubura hopped down from a ledge he had been standing on. "The arena's over here." Shubura walked towards an open area among the rock walls.


Atrus looked over at Caden. "Ok, I'll go get my ticket, then I'll see you there." Atrus waved good-bye as he rushed off to the ferry, where he bought a ticket to Grakus Isle. "Well, Caden should get here soon, maybe I can battle him while we're on the ferry. I think that that might be fun, and my Aipom might even evolve. It's already learned Double Hit, so it's pretty close to evolving... Hm... Well, I'll ask him when he gets here." Atrus thought.


"Thanks, Rectus. However, you are still forgetting one thing. Your Purpose Shard. Now, grasp the light that lies in front of you, and seal your Purpose, please." Zura asked.
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A couple of hours later, Caden arrived at the port with his new Gallade. "Hey, Atrus. You ready to leave?" he asked. The two of them boarded the ferry, and took seats on the top deck. While Atrus boarded, Caden walked to the front hull. The ferry left. Caden watched the sea, and felt the breeze on his face. He continued looking and closed his eyes. "It's almost time..." Caden thought. "I wonder what kind of person the Grakus Isle GYm Leader is like" he questioned himself. "According to my brother, he's just as strong as some members of the Elite 4..." Caden thought nervously, as he got a little worried. "I wonder if Atrus knows what we'll be up against" he looked back briefly, and turned back to the sea.


Rectus stuck out his hand and grasped the small stone. "I see...so this is a hedron" he thought. "But, what does it do?"
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"Alright" Delano said as he walked over to the arena [i]looks like i was wrong it maybe a rock gym good thing i have my other pokemon to help out[/i] "So what are the rules of this match" Delano asked as he pulled out a pokeball ready to battle. "This should be fun. My first trainer and gym battle" Delano said grinning
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Nathaniel was not concerned with the cave..., in fact, this helps me any. Those Trainers that keep messing with me will now have to deal with the Wrath of Giratina while I go unnoticed to find the item, he thought. And I think it is time to contact Team Draconius and have them locate it for me.


Regulus was happy to here that his boss was agreeing with him."He name is Dr. Lobos. But I havent been able to contact him in years. Maybe with your power, boss you could locate him." He said hoping that his boss really excited like he was.
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Ashmin picked her way through the forest, on the lookout for Pokemon. She'd heard that the first Gym Leader was a Grass type, so she had type advantage, but she wanted to be on the safe side. After 30 minutes, she finally found a Pokemon, wondering around the forest floor. "C'mon Quilava, lets catch it." Quilava qrowled softly. "Use Rollout, then apply ember to rollout!" Ashmin declared taking a Pokeball out of her bag in preperation. "QUILAVA!" Growled Quilava as it sent flaming Rollout (onew of its combos) right at the Pokemon, who didn't have time to react. It was hit. "Yes. Go, Pokeball!" Ashmin cried throwing the Pokeball at the Pokemon. The ball shook once, twice, three times, then stopped. "Yes! Now, lets see what I caught." She scanned the Pokeball with the Pokegear. "[i]Hmmn, Diglett, it might be useful against the gym.[/i]" She smiled. C'mon out, Diglett." The small Pokemon appeared. "Time to do some practice."
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Shubura looked at the trainer. "Just like always, it's a 3 on 3 battle. So pick your Pokémon wisely. Now go, Skarmory!" The steel bird appeared, growling.


Atrus looked over at Caden. "Hey, Caden, do you want to have a battle while we wait?" Atrus asked. "Caden seems a little nervous, so maybe a battle will loosen him up a little..." Atrus thought.


Zura looked over at Rectus. "That is not truly a Hedron, but rather a shard of one. When they are all gathered, they shall creat a Hedron. That Hedron is the key to sealing the Star Fissure once and for all." Zura explained.


"I'm sure that I will be able to locate him, provided some time. Now, to ensure that nothing happens while I'm busy..." Zura picked up the wand-like water baton. "... I'll be taking this with me. If you can, do a little research on the newer Pokémon that were discovered in the other region. I've been hearing good word about them, and I would like to see what they are capable of. If you can, then migrate a few into this region, but don't migrate them until after the League. I don't want to attract any attention until after I put my plans I to action..." Zura Trancella said. "If I can finally communicate with Ryquaza... Then my plan will be complete..." Zura thought.
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Caullen noticed that a girl was in the forest where he was training. Well it was time to put his hard work to the test. "Excuse me miss but would you mind having a battle with me. You seem tough and the Gym is over past this forest. Im sure I could help you to see if your ready for the gym." He said, hoping his invitation didnt go without fail
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Ashmin looked up at the approaching trainer. "Sure, I'll battle you. I'm not that good though." She laughed. "[i]Hmmn, what Pokemon should I chose? Maybe...Yes, I'll give Diglett it's first battle.[/i]" "Ok, c'mon out Diglett!" The small Pokemon appeared before her. "[i]I wonder why he would verse me? I'm only 12, and many people reckon I'm weak at first glance. Then again, he did say battling him might help prove if I can go up against the Gym Leader. Lets hope I can."[/i] "Are you ready to do battle?" Ashmin asked, face glowing with exitement.
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"Alright than. Come out DarkFire" Delano said as a houndour came out of its pokemon battle. "Darkfire use ember attack on skamory, but run while using it" Delano commanded. Darkfire released an ember attack than started to run in a zigzag pattern to keep skamory from locking on to him. "Release a smog attack and block Skarmory's eyesight." Delano said with a strong determination to win. Darkfire let out a purplish cloud onto the battlefield to surround skarmory. thinking to himself [i]Lets examine this skarmory before we use i special skill.
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Caullen was excited. This was his first battle here in Cygrus. "I was born ready. Come out Totodile! Lets help her out." With that a blue Pokemon came out and started jumping up and down. " You ready? Totodile use Rain Dance! " A ball of water shot out of Totodile's mouth and into the air. Rain was pouring down were the battle was happening.
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"A battle?" Caden looked at Atrus. "Well, I don't see why not..." he said, as they made their way to the ferry's battlefield. "though we probably won't finish, because the trip to Grakus isn't too long" Caden thought. "Alright, let's do it" he said softly. "How does 3 on 3 sound to you?" Caden asked. He held out a Pokeball. "Glaceon, let's go!" he shouted as he threw it. The slender, blue Pokemon appeared. "Well, I guess this could calm me down" Caden thought, as he stared at Glaceon.


"I see" Rectus replied. "Anyways, I'll keep this one safe" he told Zura.
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"Go Diglett, use Earthquake!" The ground shook violently. "Now, back it up with Scratch to increase Power!" Diglett scratched the ground and the earthquake became more violent. "Now, while the enemy is on unstable ground, attack with Mud-Bomb." The clod of earth flew towards Totodile. "I call this combo Mega Earthquake Bomb." Ashmin smiled brightly, but was thinking. "[i]I may have gone full-on offensive, but I know Rain Dance has a reason. With it, Totodile's water moves are much stronger. Meh, lets see what he does to combat the Mega Earthquake Bomb! This could get interesting.....[/i]"
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"Skarmory, use Gust!" Skarmory let out a huge blast of wind, and the smog was disappated. "Now Skarmory, use Steel Wing!" Skarmory rushed at "Darkfire" with blinding speed.


"Alright, go Aipom!" Atrus sent out Aipom. "Alright Caden, 3 on 3 is fine by me. Aipom, use Double Hit." Aipom lunged at Glaceon, using its tail to attack with such speed, that it looked like Aipom had 2 tails.


"Alright Rectus, I need to go search up some of the trainers. I met two of them while I was in Terramean, and I'm interested by them. I have a feeling that I'll be seeing them on the battlefield soon enough..." Zura said to Rectus. "And don't worry right now. This chamber will seal itself once we leave." Zura walked out, and went to his new computer room. "Let's see, Atrus Cyan... Caden... There. Registered Pokémon..." Zura looked at the screen. It read:



"So they each have five Pokémon... Hmph." Zura chuckled. "Ill see you two at the League..."
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