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Pokemon Paramount Ventures! The New Cygrus Region! [IC/Accepting via OOC]


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Regulus had found the key component that allows the water to rise with heat. Not only that, he could now manipulate it to go any where with the right amount of heat. Thanks to the element, which he now called Flammapulvis, he was the master of water. What Flammapulvis did was act like water in the same way when water touches water, in combines to make a larger mass of water. When Flammapulvis mixed with the water, It looks like water because it took on the attribute of the water on contact. When heat is applied, the Flammapulvis reacts to it and repels away from it, but at the same time moves with the heat source. Depending on the amount of heat applied depends on reaction of the Flammapulvis. "I must get back to HQ to report the findings to the boss."
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"Ok now lets get one more new pokemon guys" Delano said to his ghost pokemon "Duskull... Gastly" Both said in unison. Delano looked around look at the different pokemon he could choose from. Delano than noticed sudden flame launched at him. Delano and his pokemon got at out of the way. They looked in direction of the flame to see a houndour growling at them. "This works. Shadow use hypnosis" Delano commanded. Shadow's eyes glowed red, but the houndour turned its face away from Shadow than released a howl. "Shadow lick attack" Delano commanded as Shadow licked the dog inflicting paralysis. "Now use night shade" Delano shouted. Shadow unleashed a dark beam from its eyes at houndour. "Alright time for the capture" Delano said as he threw the pokeball. The fire dog went into the pokeball and after 3 clicks the pokeball remind still.
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"Well, he did take double damage, but both of our Pokemon are already extremely worn out..." Caden thought, as he looked at Glaceon and Quilava, both who were covered with injuries. "But it must go on" he continued. "Now, Glaceon, use Water Pulse!" he commanded. Glaceon grew a blue aura and a glowing blue sphere appeared from its mouth, firing at Quilava. Inches away from Quilava, the blue ball exploded, creating a small wave striking directly at Quilava. "Now, follow that up with Blizzard!" Glaceon let out a huge wind, which struck at the wave, creating Ice shards as well as water pellets. "Now, remember the Hail; this attack can't possibly miss!" Caden pointed out, as he watched the attack fire.


"Shoot...It's already been one round. I have to finish this battle within 2 more or else both Pokemon will faint!" Randy's father thought.
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"Quilava, use Dig!" Quilava burrowed into the ground, avoiding the attack. "Alright Quilava, now use Flame Wheel and jump into the air!" Quilava came out of the dig, surrounded by fire, then shot down onto Glaceon.


"Lapras, use Blizzard!" Lapras started making a massive wind, which shot out countless ice shard all around the arena. "Now, Lapras! Use Rain Dance!" Lapras started glowing blue, and it started raining. The rain hit the ice on the ground and in the air, soaking it. "Now Lapras! Follow up with Sunny Day!" Lapras glowed Orange this time, and the rain stopped. The sun started to grow hot, and the light reflected off of the ice both on the ground, and in the air, creating a blinding effect of high enough strength that Atrus' vision was slightly impared as well. The whole field was in light now.
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"How about a little taste of your own medicine? Glaceon, use Dig! Now, come up from behind it, and while it's in midair, use Aqua Tail!" Glaceon's body glowed blue, and a spiral of water embedded its tail. Glaceon slammed its tail down on the flaming Quilava. "Now, wrap it up with Water Pulse!" Glaceon shot another blue orb, but since the distance was so close between Quilava and Glaceon, both Pokemon got hit by the explosion, and were both knocked out. "Glaceon, return" Caden returned it and smiled. "Let's see what he's going to use next" he thought.


"Swampert, use Rain Dance, quickly!" Swampert let out a roar, and the sun was covered by clouds, which rained down on the two Pokemon. "That's two..." he thought. "Swampert, use Earthquake, and add in a Focus Blast into the fissure!" Swampert slammed its fin down on the ground, which shook to reveal a fissure. It then fired a glowing orb into the fissure, causing rocks to explode all around and under Lapras.
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OOC: Once again, G-Modding!

"Quilava, Return. Now go, Skarmory!" The steel bird appeared from the red light. "This is by far one of my strongest, so if you can defeat this, then you're definitely ready for the Rage Badge." Shubura said. "This guy is pretty good, getting a stale-mate on me like that, and with an Ice-Type as well. Hm... This is gonna get interesting..." Shubura thought.


"Lapras, use Surf!" Lapras raised waterfrom the ground, drowning the rocks. "Now, use the water and rocks to attack Swampert!" Lapras started surfing across the stage towards Swampert with high speed.
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*OOC: Yeah, sorry about that*

"Hm...I wonder what I should use against a Steel-type...I suppose I'll have to go with 'it'..." he thought. "Let's go, Kirlia!" He threw a Pokeball, and a Kirlia appeared. "Kirlia, start things off right away with Shock Wave!" The sure-hit blue electric wave shot straight at Skarmory. "Now, follow up directly with Thunderbolt! Then, combine that with Psychic!" Kirlia proceeded to launch another electric wave, this time being yellow. "Now, use Nebula rings!" Kirlia's eyes glowed blue, and the blue and yellow waves turned into two crossed spinning rings. "Now, use those rings to constrict!" The rings tightened around Skarmory. "Now, explode them!" The two rings burst into an explosion of blue and yellow electric shards.


"Deflect it with your own Surf!" Randy's father exclaimed. Swampert blocked most of the rocks. However, one came from the side which crashed into Swampert. knocking it out. Randy's father smiled. "I see...return, Swampert" he said. "Nice battle, Atrus. You really are worthy of this badge (forgot the name)." he took out a glint and handed it to Atrus.
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OOC: The name for this badge hasn't been made yet, I don't think. If it has, then I haven't heard of it.

"Dont think that Skarmory will be taken down that easily! Now, Skarmory! Fly!" Skarmory flew up into the air, where the rings could not reah him. "Now Skarmory, use Your own Thunder!" Skarmory raised it's wings, and the sky grew dark for a split second, where a bolt of lightning jolted down onto Kirilia.


Atrus took the badge, and put it into his badge case. "Thanks, Randy. That was an intense battle." Atrus said goodbye, and walked to the Bridge. "Now then, to find a bike..." Atrus went to a Pokémon center, where he had his bike sent over from Seafoam Island. "Great. Now I canter across the bridge much more quickly!" Atrus went to the bridge, and started riding to Flamvius Town.
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OOC: Skarmory can't legitimately learn Thunder, can it?...Eh, it's ok :D

"Kirlia, Teleport" Caden said calmly. Kirlia teleported right above Skarmory. "Now use Red Lightning!" Kirlia's left fist glowed red into a Fire Punch, while its right fist glowed into a Thunderpunch. "Now, slam those fists down on Skarmory!" Caden commanded, as Kirlia lowered the two fists onto Skarmory. "How will he deal with two super-effective elemental punches?" Caden wondered, not about to let his guard down. "However, even if he defeats Kirlia, I still have 'that move' left" he thought, smiling. "Now, Kirlia! Shoot a Shock Wave!" Kirlia fired another blue electric wave at Skarmory, who was now targeted by attacks above and below. "Now, Use Psychic to surround the Shock Wave!" The Shock Wave broke into a circle, surrounding Skarmory. "Now, Skarmory's attacked from above, below, and around..." Caden thought.

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"Skarmory, quickly use Giga Impact!" Skarmory was suddenly surrounded by wages of orange and purple, and flew straight at Kirilia, Burning straight through the attacks. "This should be enough." Shubura thought.


Not far behind, Atrus made it to Flamvius Town. He succeeded in finding the Gym, as well as catching another Pokémon. Atrus walked inside, made his way to the Arena, where he saw Caden battling with Shubura. "Hm... This could be interesting. Now I can see which Pokémon Caden got." Atrus approached one of the benches, and sat down.
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"This is it! Kirlia, use Destiny Bond!" Caden shouted. Kirlia was shot down by the Giga Impact, knocking it out. "That means Skarmory gets knocked out as well" Caden said. "Destiny Bond is a move that makes the opponent faint when the user faints, but I'm sure you already know that" Caden explained. Then, Caden began thinking. "I wonder what his last Pokemon will be" he thought, as he calculated what he had left. "Well, whatever it is, I'm prepared for a challenge, so I think I'll have something ready" he thought as he looked through his Pokeballs in his head.
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Regulus made it down Mt. Cryptus and had an idea. Let's test my findings and went to the ocean near Flamvius Town. Pulling out a jar of the element and wand like device, he poured a bout half of the jar's content into the ocean. After 5 minutes, he touched a button on the wand and the water of the ocean started rise with Regulus movements with the wand. Due to heat coming off of Mt Cryptus, the effect was intensidfied, have a tsunami style wave come out of the ocean. With the wand acting a pusher of sorts, The wave headed towards Flamvius Town!"A liittle water couldn't hurt anyone and besides, once the boss hears of this, he will be please of the progress" he said as he watch the wave get closer to Flamvius Town.


Nathaniel was in the Gloomy Shades looking for the entrance of a cave. It had to be somewhere, he thought. Then he saw Statue of Giratina in front of a Hole in the Ground, marking the entrance of the cave. Due to the Gloomy Shades, It was hiding in place so no one could disturb the cave. With this, Nathaniel walked in....
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"Skarmory, Return!" Shubura returned his Skarmory, then pulled out his third and final Pokéball. "Go Rhyperior!" Shubura said, as the Pokémon appeared from the red light.


"Why do people always act on impulse instead of intuition?" Zura Trancella was standing right next to Regulus. "I would have come to me before trying to destroy a city. I thought I had told you that we're not trying to destroy this region, but instead purify it. So if you would kindly stop..." Zura was looking directly at Regulus now. "...Then I won't have to force you to stop."


Zura Glory had decided not to wait for Rectus any longer, and went outside. *Sigh* "I wonder how Shubura is doing...? I'm sure that at least one of the new trainers has only two Gym Badges.
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Regulus jumped up surprised."Boss! I was doing what I thought you wanted. Purify to me means to wipe citys to allow Nature to take back the land. But if you say so,Boss I will stop."He said, then moving the wand like device over the ocean causing the wave to move back to the ocean." I regret not following your orders exactly like you wanted. Here is the Device that can control the Element when infused with water. The only problem is creating enough heat in the area to move a large amount."


The cave was more like a maze then a cave, Nathaniel thought, but I came prepared. Taking out the vial he had brought, he emptied the contents. Being mixed with the air, a luminescent light appeared and went farther back into the cave. "Time to go collect my reward." he said following the light.
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"Rhyperior? I see..." Caden thought. "Electivire, let's go!" Caden shouted. A black and yellow creature with two tails appeared. "Let's start, shall we? Electivire, Earthquake!" The ground split open under Rhyperior. "Now, go above and attack with a Cross Chop" Caden called. As the ground crumbled under Rhyperior, Electivire charged into it from above. "Once again, use Psychic!" Electivire's eyes glowed blue as the rocks from the Earthquake charged into Electivire from all directions.
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After about 30 mins, Nathaniel made it to the end. There on a alter was the Griseous Orb in all of its glory. Nathaniel went over to examine the orb. Seeing that all was in order, he took the orb off the alter and walked away. The alter slowly disappeared into the ground and the wall opened up, revealing a vortex about the size of monitor and was growing. To busy leaving and thinking about the Griseous Orb, he didn't noticed the vortex. All he cared about was getting this orb with the other 2 and using the to find the location to the next clue to finding the Tears.

Outside of the Cave, he contact the Shuttle to come pick him up. Now in pocession of all 3, the end of he plan was in sight.
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Rectus leaped out of the conference room and went to a secret chamber in the building. He entered a dark room with a giant computer system with 3 monitors. "System Load" he declared to a microphone on a panel. "Voice sensor - activated. Corey Slade" the panel said. "Fingerprint Identification please" it said, as Rectus put his thumb onto a black screen. "Identified. Retina scan" it continued. A scanner scanned Rectus' eye, and a door opened. He sat down, and booted up the system.


"Now, how does his Rhyperior move? I must study it closely" Caden thought as his attacks charged at Rhyperior. (PPC: For "attacks", check post above last post). "Then, I can figure out his weakness" he continued.
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Zura Trancella turned to Regulus. "Purification is a delacate proccess. You are only as good as what you salvage, and destruction is different than salvation, though the same rule applies: You are only as good as your actions." Zura said. "Now then, we have work to do. We must get more information on Mount Aquamarine and this volcano, as well as the whereabouts of Ryquaza."


"Rhyperior, use Earth Power!" Rhyperior rose its arms, and rocks and magma flew up into the air. The only large rock was now supporting the weight of Rhyperior as he used it as a foothold to avoid the collapsing earth. Shubura looked at Caden. "You know, this place was first built on the volcano's rim. It collapsed under the stress of all the battling. Now, the intense battling can sometimes cause the whole volcano to shake. Some people think that a powerful Pokémon who rests here creates those quakes. Interesting story, eh?"
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I see...I suppose you enjoy taking advantage of that fact" Caden smiled. "But don't think it's all you need to win! Electivire, Psychic again! Pull that rock from under Rhyperior!" Electivire looked at the rock and motioned with his arm. The rock slid out from underneath Rhyperior and broke into countless framents. "Now, Electivire, charge with Ice Punch as it falls and push it out of the way!" Electivire swiftly zoomed past the hole with the magma and launched a blue and white fist at Rhyperior.


"Trainer database...loaded" Rectus looked at the main monitor, which showed an endless list of trainers. "I see; So far, two trainers have gotten 2 badges, and there seem to be many others trying to get their first" Rectus thought. "Let's hope they can get here to the Pokemon League within 3 months, when it starts" he leaned back and started pressing the control keys.
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Hitoka continued running up the hill. He just barely dodged a hunk of magma. After recovering from his near-fatal incident, he continued up. Eventually, he reached the top. He found just a LOT of magma. He looked around, seeing nothing. But then, he saw a small pedestal. He walked up to it. After examining the object placed on top, he reached his hand out, unsure of what would happen when he touched it. When his hand got close, it got shocked. He quickly pulled his hand back. After staring at it, he walked away, wondering were to go next.
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Gloomy Shades:

Nathaniel made it out of the cave and now was waiting for the Shuttle. Looking back, he noticed a aura that did not agree with him. Looking back at the orb then again at the cave, he held the orb closer wondering where that shuttle was. taking out the Device, he made a couple of commands to examine the cave interior. After a couple of seconds, a readout appeared. "So the Legend is true....Dante will be happy now."

Meanwhile inside the cave.....

The vortex was now as big as a 2 story building and was rapidly growing at an alarming rate. Something was moving inside the vortex and it was angry.....


Caullen was thrilled at his new partner. Not only was it excited to battle, but it was a Stategist of sorts. Caullen would make commands and Totodile would do them but would twist them so they effect the situation better. After one of their Training sessions, Caullen said to Totodile" That last move was beyond what I thought you could do. The first Gym wont know what hit it." Totodile just jumped up with happiness

Meanwhile at Flamvius Town...

Regulus thought, Mount Aquamarine would be perfect. If I could get inside and activate the volcanic tubes, It would be more then enough heat to control the element. Then turning Zura, he said" Boss, I know who we can contact on how to find Rayquaza, but he is very against anything that would disrupt Life, even for the good of Nature."
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As the Sun disappearred Delano and his 3 pokemon emerged from a dark cave. "Alright time to train. DarkFire, Shadow, and Dusk lets do our best" They all replied in unison. "Darkfire use ember attack on that shuppet a head" Delano commanded Darkfire his newly caught houndour gave out a howl and released small barrage of fireballs(ember) at the shuppet. The shuppet was hit by the surpise attack but recovered air than launched a night shade at Darkfire. "Darkfire dodge than ember" Delano commanded. Darkfire got grazed by the attack than launched another ember at the shuppet. The shuppet dodged the attack by moving around the ember in a spiral. "Wanna play hard ball i see Darkfire Smog than ember" Delano shouted. Darkfire released a purple gas that envloped the location shuppet was at. Knowing that the attack was not gonna do much to ghost pokemon. Darkfire released an ember at the cloud of gas causing an explosive around the shuppet. "That should have done the job" Delano said as the smoke cleared the shuppet was unable to battle. Delano than threw a pokeball at the knocked out shuppet. After 3 wiggles shuppet was captured "Thats another pokemon for my team. Good work Darkfire"
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"Ugh!" Ashmin clutched her stomach as she stumbled of the ship. She shook her head. "Now I know for certain that I'm seasick." She leant against a nearby tree until the queasy felling passed. With that gone, she gazed at the beautiful village og Greenvine. "So, this is the Cygrus Region." She smiled. "I lucky to have the chance to come to this beautiful place." As she gazed around, she noticed a Department Store. "Ah, perfect. Maybe they sell brochures." She walked inside the Shop, and went up to the counter. "Um, excuse me, but does this shop sell brochures? I'm kinda new and don't know my way around the Region yet." The man behind the counter smiled brightly. "Sure." He said, turning around, then turning back with the brochure. Ashmin took it greatfully, and handed the man a couple of coins. "Thanks so much." She turned and left. "[i]Now, to find the gym[/i]" She thought, flicking through the brochure.
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"Come on out possesser" Delano shouted has his new shuppet come out of the pokeball. "Thats 4 pokemon on my team i think now is time for the real training" Delano said than saw a group of 4 shuppets. "Ok guys lets go Possesser, Dusk, and Shadow use Night shade on those shuppet and Darkfire ember" All 4 of my pokemon attacked at once forming one combination attack that hit 2 of the shuppets knocking them out. "Good now for the last two" Delano said. The last 2 shuppet charged at Delano's team both using night shade. "Possesser and Dusk use your night shade to hold the shuppets back" Delano commanded. Both Possesser and Dusk launched there night shades clashing with the 2 shuppets in a deadlock. "Shadow night shade and DarkFire ember" both his pokemon replied than released there attacks both hitting their target. the shuppets lost there night shade than were hit by Possesser and Dusk's night shade attack. "Finish it combination attack triple night shade with ember" His 4 pokemon launched their attacks koing the last 2 shuppets.
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"Rhyperior, use Protect, then use Earthquake!" Rhyperior put up a green, translucent barrier, fending off the Ice Punch. Rhyperior then landed on the ground, and the ground started shaking violently. "Im taking a risk here, but I have no other choice...!" Shubura thought.


Zura Trancella looked at Regulus. "If you really know who we can talk to, then please, tell me. Just make sure that nothing is eliminated in the process. I need everything on this region to be intact if I am going to create a perfect world." Trancella said to Regulus.


Zura Glory walked back inside, and noticed that Rectus was gone. "I know where he is..." Zura walked over to the elevator, pulled out an ID Card, and slid it through a scanner. A computerized voice spoke. "DNA SCAN..." Zura placed a bit of hair on a small scanner that had slid out of the wall. "...DNA SCAN COMPLETE. FINGERPRINT SCAN..." Zura placed a thumb on the scanner. "...FINGERPRINT SCAN COMPLETE. RETINA SCAN..." Zura looked into a small bulb that replaced the scanner. "...RETINA SCAN COMPLETE. IDENTITY CONFIRMED: ZURA GLORY. PLEASE SELECT FLOOR #." Zura pushed a button, and the elevator went down. The elevator arrived, and Zura walked out into a dark room with a computer at one end. Someone was sitting in the computer hair, looking at data of various trainers. "Rectus...? I need to speak with you."
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