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Pokemon RP Giero Region: Strike of the Dark Legion(PG 13/STARTED/accepting)


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Yes, I am the co-owner of this RP, and yes I do exist.I've just been really busy. And this App is automatically accepted.

Name: Gol


Species: Combusken

Type: Dark/Fire


[spoiler=Bio:] Gol was only an egg when he was brought into The legion. His family was forced to abandon him in the Rockies Ridge because of the differences in his egg. The Legion found him and raised him as a loyal soldier for their cause. He became angry at his family for abandoning him and vowed revenge on them. He is the pupil of Titress and practically obeys everything that she says. He is relentless in battle and usually needs to be restrained to stop. [/spoiler]

Moves: Dark pulse
Double kick
Fire punch
Shadow claw

Affiliation: Dark Legion
Gender: Male
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If I'm allowed, heres my app.

Name: Sera
Age: 12
Species: Vulpix
Type: Fire/Water
[spoiler=Appearance] Appearance: A red Vulpix, but some parts, like the tail and mane, have 2-3 different shades of blue, but the body stays normal.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio] Bio: Sera’s mother disappeared only one day after little Sera was born. Her father had to look after her, and found it so difficult without his wife that he abandoned Sera at the age of 3. Sera then almost joined the Dark Legion, but, seeing their evil, walked away and joined Trump Card instead, at the age of 12.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Roleplay Sample] Roleplay Sample: The jet of water sprayed through the air, colliding with Sera. She didn’t scream, as she had been brought up not to. Instead, when the jet ended, she recoiled with a water jet of her own. “What!” Screeched her opponent. “A Vulpix with Water Power?” Her opponent lowered its head in thought. But Sera wasn’t going to give it time to recover. She leapt forward, and blasted her opponent with a good dose of Flamethrower. Her opponent screeched. Sera leapt back, and smiled at her father, who smiled back. “Great job Sera.” He appraised. “Soon you’ll be as strong as your mother.” Sera frowned. “Hey dad, did Mummy have a second type like I do?” Her father’s smile faded. “I’ll tell you some other time.” He said. Sera’s frown deepened. “Why not now!” She screamed. “Every time I ask about Mummy you refuse to tell me anything. I deserve to know about my Mum!” Sera ran away, into the distance, glistening tears falling to the ground as she ran, ran towards The Dark Wasteland…..[/spoiler]
Moves: Flamethrower, Water Gun, Ember & Whirlpool.
Affiliation: Trump Card. Not a leader.
Gender: Female.
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I think it's about time to introduce my second character.

Name: Zain

Age: 15

Species: Lucario

Type: Fight/Flying

[spoiler=Bio] The day he was born, he had always loved the air with all his heart, the same way his parents loved him. It was because of his parent's love that he evolved early the morning of his tenth birthday. It was because of his love of the sky that his colour changed and he gained wings. His tail was replaced bt a chain of aura to keep him aloft. He was often made fun of by others in his town, but he didn't care because of his love of the sky. He is cocky and carefree and almost always had a smile on his face. Until The Dark Legion attacked his town. His parents told him to flee with a strange Zangoose to the Trump Card that day, and he did. But the image of his burning village was forever etched into his mind. At the Legion he became the hypothetical big brother to the younger children so they would be happy and safe. From then on, He vowed to defeat the Legion so that there was a hope he could see his family again, and fly through the skies carefree once more.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Roleplay Sample] He breathed heavily. The fight was not in his favor. His right wing was injured, so he couldn't fly away and his legs were frozen solid. [i]No.. I can't lose. The kids need me.[/i] He tried to stand again. No good. The ice coated his legs too heavily. "AURA SPHERE!!" He called so lud that the entire battlefield could hear him. He shot a huge sphere of energy at the strangely coloured Froslass with the last of his energy. The opponent sidestepped the blast with little trouble. With no energy left he fell to the ground. "Take him to the Castle." Were the last words he heard before becoming unconcious.[/spoiler]

Moves: Aura Sphere,Aierial Ace, Double Kick, Air Cutter
Affiliation: Trump Card

Gender: Male
My apologies for the double post.
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