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Just a bit of fun


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Yep you can all shoot me now as this is just a crazy bit of Card Design that I can't get out of my head. It involves flipping a face-up monster into face-down Position in the response to a Special Summon of a "Dualize" monster. The Dualize monster would be placed in face-up Attack Position (Cannot be changed to Defence and gains the effect of the face-down Attack Position monster. During each End Phase the card underneath would then be flipped face-up and the Dualize monster returned to the Hand. This can work in a lot of interesting ways. For example, the face-down monster would be safe from cards like Mirror Force while giving the Dualize monster its effect. Let me show you some OCG as an example

Type / Dualize

This card can be Special Summoned from your hand by flipping one face-up Attack Position monster you control into face-down Attack Position. This card is placed face-up on the flipped-down monster in Attack Position. This card gains the effect of the monster underneath it. During your End Phase, return this card to your hand and Flip Summon the face-down Attack Position monster used to Special Summon this card.

Call me crazy if you must but I had to put this to Topic.
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Hmmmm I could add a little OCG like

"Only 1 face-up Dualize monster can occupy each Monster Card Zone."

This would then limit each monster zone to 2 cards. The face-down Attack Position and the Dualize monster.

Also I could do this

"This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand by flipping 1 face-down monster you control into face-down Attack Position. You can only Special Summon 1 Dualize monster per turn."
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