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Pokemon Paramount Ventures!!! The New Cygrus Region!!! [OOC: Started / Always Accepting!!!]


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Dusk stones are in the very back of the cave.
There are plenty of pitfall traps and in the center of the cave, there's a huge chasm with skeletons at the bottom, impaled by spikes...
Also, you have to be careful when picking up the dusk stones because if you yank them out carelessly, the entire cave is going to collapse on you.
The rest of the traps are up to you - be creative :D

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I am so glad possesser can use psychic XD and i am a ghost user. So i dont think the pitfalls would be a pain
but i will throw in a rolling boulder

and getting the dusk stones once again thank you possesser with psychic xD

and just encase i am gonna have shadow and dusk learn psychic Triple Psychic should be able to stop alot of things XD and help me float for periods of time
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These five words describe it
That Card Maker is Awesome
Four sets of five words.
Can you find them all?

Anyways, anyone mind posting in the RP?
I think I'll have Caden start moving around a bit soon. (Hey, can't stay confined in bed forever, right? :D)

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First: Zex, I have 5 Badges: (First two gyms, 4th Gym, 5th Gym, and 6th Gym). However, I'll probably have 'em all by tonight. Also, I'm going to need help, seeing as how I most likely will not be able to be on on the 20th, yet...Well...You remember the discussion.

Also, people, I know this would take awhile, and I'm sad because of that, but Virgil, the Immortafreeze Leader, is still active mostly (As he is me). However, just autobattle. I don't mind, it just makes me feel lonely.
And Zex, you still need to see the Grunt get there and accept your gifts.
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Username: Kira Yamato
RP Name: Kira
Hometown: Goldenrod City then moved to Greenvine Town


Biography: Kira lived most of his life in Johto region in Goldenrod City, since he was a kid he dreamed to become a pokemon trainer and to be become the best pokemon trainer of them all, when he reached age 20 he moved along with his parents to Greenvine Town and there Kira recieved his first pokemon (mereep)and started his journey as a pokemon trainer.

Personality: patient,Calm, he treats his pokemons as they are part of his family, he hates cats.

Trainer Type: Normal Trainer

Starter Pokemon: Mereep
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@alien masta: That IS god-modding, and as such, is not tolerated here. Shibi is not in the Gym, he's at his house, and the Gym is locked anyways. I must ask you to change or delete your post, as it is clearly breaking not only the rules, but the laws of nature.

In english, you screwed up.

Oh, and just so you know when Shibi comes back (in my next post, so just wait a little longer), the badge is called the Flow Badge.
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@Kira. accepted (Just make sure to read the Battle Guidelines in the first OOC post before you post in the IC - sorry if this sounds rude)

Also, @ Kip AND Cyber OMEGA, the Grakus Gym cannot be that easy. As the 1st OOC post pointed out, the leader, Sorano, is as strong as the members of the Elite 4, and as of now, none of us "normal trainers" have ANY chance at defeating them. In fact, you should not even come close to knocking out a single Pokemon. Though it is an auto-battle, you must still adhere by the rules and strength of the gym leaders, especially this one.

His gym battle policy works like this:
• You battle him
• He massacres you
• If you last long enough, he will stop the battle and give you a badge

Sorry for picking on you guys again, but the Grakus Isle Gym is a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY compared to the other gyms.

Lastly, @ Cyber OMEGA, Combustion is a Generation V move and cannot be allowed until the next arc.

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[quote name='DeathSDelano' timestamp='1287252379' post='4709597']
i summarized the cave experience or up until the last room before the dusk stones. And of course the last trap is a Steelix. You always have to end a painful challenge to the stones with a battle with a READY STRONG pokemon.And question can i have DarkFire evolve in battle with the Steelix?

can i get my question answered now?
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