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Pokemon Paramount Ventures!!! The New Cygrus Region!!! [OOC: Started / Always Accepting!!!]


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Username: Queen-Dragoon

RP Name: Nathan

Age: 17

Hometown: Sootopolis City

Appearance: He is a tall, powerfully built young man with shoulder length bronze hair that hangs in unkempt ringlets around a handsome, yet somewhat disturbed face. His
clothing usually consists of a white T-shirt and khaki coloured slacks.

Biography: Growing up with his little brother, Caden, Nathan had to learn to survive on his own from a very early age. First it was when their Father left and their Mother lay ill in Sootopolis City. Then, when their Mother passed, on the streets of the metropolis of Sunyshore.
Both brothers quickly became accomplished trainers. Nathan encouraged Caden to be competitive with him about whom was superior. This kept them in top form and allowed them to protect each other. Eventually, while he was on a visit to Sunyshore, Professor Rowan spotted the brothers in a heated battle and noticed their potential. He offered them Pokedexes on the spot and a chance for a real life.
While Caden embraced this and quickly rose through the trainer ranks, Nathan was far more reserved now his brother no longer needed him. He still collected all eight badges and entered the Sinnoh Conference but it felt laborious and almost not worth it. Something was missing.
He travelled to the mysterious Cygrus region where he met a young man named Sorano, a student of one of the gyms. The pair quickly became fast friends and when Sorano told the story of Team Nebulus and Draconius, Nathan was intrigued. He decided to say and train to stop these teams. He would be doing some good in the world and maybe, just maybe would get to meet some Legendary Pokemon as well.

Personality: Responsibility always sat heavy on Nathan's shoulders making him difficult company for many people apart from his Pokemon. Ever since Caden's and his Father left, and their Mother tragically passed away, he has felt obligated to stop all wrong-doing that he sees. Often ignoring his better judgment in the process.

Trainer Type: Normal Trainer

Pokemon: Umbreon, Steelix, Staraptor (I can start with just Umbreon if you'd prefer)
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Alright My Team Nebulus Executive

RP Name: Nathanial Fadglor
Hometown: Flamvius Town
Appearance: He is 6'5" and weighs 217 lbs. He is has 9% body fat in his body due his constant Excercise.He wears a sleeveless, black overcoat that has a flame design at the base of the coat. He has no Shirt and black leather pants that have the Team Nebulus Symbol as a belt buckle. His eye's are a cold lifeless grey and black hair that is in a ponytail.
Biography: For the past 5 generations, His family owned a daycare and egg incubation center for pokemon trainers. At the age of 16 his family was attacked by a malicious gang of people that destroyed everything they owned and and even killed his father in the process. Feeling powerless, he decided that he would will become stronger at any means necessary. As he grow, so did his rage and cold heartedness for what the group did. At the age of 18, he joined Team Nebulus in order to gain that power necessary to defeat anyone, by any means. Now at 23 he is one of Maximillion's most loyal members and one of the Elite.
Personality: Cold hearted to everyone in the human race except the Leader. Also being very intellectual and cunning, it seems that every thing goes his way.
Trainer Type: Team Nebulus Commander
Starter Pokemon: Houndour
Team: Houndoom, Octillery, Dusknoir, Crobat, Electivire, Cacturne
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Username: DeathSDelano
RP Name:Delano
Age: 17
Hometown: Hauntra
Biography: As a Trainer from Hauntra he has grown a likely to the Ghost type pokemon along with the Dark type pokemon as well. In his house hold all his family members specialized in either the Ghost or Dark pokemon. Delano however decide to take both sides and use them for his team.
Personality: Friendly, though creepy at times(like a ghost :), he prefers night-time as ghost and dark pokemon are more common during the nighttime.
Trainer Type: Normal Trainer
Gym Leader/Elite 4: Which number
Starter Pokemon: Gastly

if it needs any fixing uping just say so

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Oh, he was a prototype. He never actually had an app.
I'll see if I can recreate it.

Also, @Serenity and MKS, Commander is the 2nd in command. MKS, your character is the Leader/Boss. Also, technically "Executives" were only used in Team Rocket, and I think Commander sounds cooler so... :D

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