grassman131 Posted September 6, 2010 Report Share Posted September 6, 2010 [color="#800080"]"Oh yeah I know him, he is my brother." said Violet as she looked at Josh. She saw him and waved to him. [/color] Josh saw Violet wave at him and looked at her, then her friend, then back at her [s]sadly hes not me (Old Spice Reference)[/s] he smiled and winked at her and stuck his thumb up to her. [color="#800080"]Violet blushed a very deep shade of red as Josh winked. Then she got so embarrassed as he winked at her she turned away from Donald. She wondered if Donald was blushing too but was too embarrassed to look at him right now.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Time Psyduck Posted September 6, 2010 Report Share Posted September 6, 2010 [i]So he just set up a defence,[/i] Perry mused. [i]He has to have some sort of plan, so the question is what is it? His defending actually made things more difficult, but I guess I'll just have to see what happens.[/i] "My move then," he added, to his opponent, as he drew another card. "Now, to start with I'll summon Lonefire Blossom to the field, and by using it's effect I can tribute it to make way for a more powerful monster. I summon Tytannial, Princess of Camillais!" A female figure, with both clothing and her lower body formed of plants, appeared in place of the small plant that had briefly occupied the slot. (ATK 2800). [i]I don't like the face-downs, but still[/i] "Now I'll have Tytannial attack your face-down monster," he declared, the figure leaping towards the image of the card. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warrior_Tal Posted September 6, 2010 Report Share Posted September 6, 2010 -Taking a few steps back Voren cracked a smile watching Frost Angel wink over to Dragos who stood at his side. Moving his hand over he pulled out his warrior-type deck and placed it in his duel disk. Holding it out he activated it springing it into action while at the same time drawing out five cards.- [I]Luck there is no such thing as luck.[/I] [COLOR="Purple"]"How 'bout you go first my friend."[/COLOR] [I]Let's see what you are really made of.[/I] -Dragos looked on in concern wondering if Voren really had a strategy down already for his warrior-type dueling deck. He had thought it through in the time when actually constructing his dueling deck when he was little and those underground duels were what made him who he was today. The test was at hand to see if this individual did hold some kind of special powers.- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TotalObelisk Posted September 6, 2010 Report Share Posted September 6, 2010 Wings was still around, once Ike had left he'd remained to observe the duel before moving on silently as though he'd never even been there before. [b]"It seems the new students are far more interesting than I first thought,"[/b] he said out loud, not even bothering to keep his voice low [b]"Sure there have been one or two over the years with spiritual awareness, but there seems to be an odd concentration this year. I wonder if..."[/b] He paused in his musings, looking over his shoulder at the main school building [b]"...Hm. I should keep an eye on these new students, and keep an eye on which ones have abilities and what those abilities are. It pays to plan ahead after all."[/b] Soon after he caught sight Spencer and Voren's duel from a distance, noticing the duel spirits of both players. [b]"More of them, this is getting more and more interesting by the minute."[/b] He remained where he was, content to watch the duel from where he stood, out of sight of the two boys. [b]"So what do you think?"[/b] He asked to nobody around him [b]"Do these new students have what it takes? Or are they just an unlucky coincidence?"[/b] The nobody he was talking to, predictably, gave no answer but Wings smiled anyway. [b]"That's what I thought,"[/b] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
::Triumph:: Posted September 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted September 6, 2010 Hayden smiled a bit. "I activate my spell, Dragon Kingdom! Now if I pay 1000 Life Points i am able to some any level 8 or lower monster from my deck! I summon my CYCLONE DRAGON! Now since my dragon was brought to the field by my spell, Dragon Kingdom, i can get rid of your little dead icicle creature and put him in my grave!"Hayden looked o as that big undead gorilla was sucked into his graveyard. "It's still your move. You have already summoned a monster though and played a spell. What will you do?" Hayden glared at the entity determined to get the soul of this girl back and get the evil out. "You will leave her body!" [img][/img][img][/img] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilightSoul Posted September 6, 2010 Report Share Posted September 6, 2010 OOC - lol double posted when i was trying to edit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilightSoul Posted September 6, 2010 Report Share Posted September 6, 2010 "[b] Very well lets begin[/b]" Spencer readys his duel disk, and draws five card. " [b]Now i draw[/b]" Spencer looks at his hand, and trys to think of a plan {ok this hand seems ok, lets see what happens } A slot on the side of Spencers duel disk opens up. " [b]I will start off with the field spell card Heavy Winter[/b]" [img][/img] As Spencer plays the field spell card a hologram of a cold brisk wind begins to blow as snow falls. Soon the two becomes knee deep in snow. " [b]Let me start off, by saying i run a deck which many duelist have never seen. The type of monster i use are called arctic type monsters lets see if you can with stand their power Voren[/b]." Spencer stares at Voren to see his respones to facing a type of monster which maybe unknown to him. " [b]Now i summon my Frost Fighter in attack mode [/b]" [img][/img] As spencer places his card down, a female warrior appears, she stands ready with both hands griped on her weapon. "[b]And i will set 1 card face down, and before i end my turn i think i should fill you in on what frost counters are, because you will soon be overwhelmed by them. Well when it comes to Frost counters, If a monster with a frost counter battles an Arctic monster , it loses 300 ATK and DEF for each Frost counter on it during the damage calculation only, also a non Arctic type monster with a frost counter equiped to it can not change it's battle postion. Now you better keep that memorized, good now i end my turn[/b]" Lp-8000 S/T- 1fd Field- Heavy Winter M- 1 Frost Fighter Cih- 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warrior_Tal Posted September 6, 2010 Report Share Posted September 6, 2010 [COLOR="Purple"]"Interesting..... a new type of deck I never heard of before. This will be very interesting."[/COLOR] -Offering a smirk he looked over to Dragos who seemed to have a worried look moving through his eyes. Simply because Spencer battled with a deck full of Artic type monsters whereas Voren battled with a warrior style deck. Most of his cards were based upon keeping Dragos on the field. Moving his hand over he placed both hands on the top card of his dueling deck. Exhaling a calm breath of air he proceeded with he turn which had begun.- [COLOR="Purple"]"Now I will draw."[/COLOR] -Looking his hand over he held a good strategy of getting Dragos onto the field. It would take some time to do it but he was up for the challenge.- [COLOR="Purple"]"Now lets see how my warrior style deck matches up to your artic creatures Spencer. Now first I will start by summoning Red Eyes B. Chick in defense mode. Next I will activate Chick's special ability, by sending him to the graveyard I am allowed to summon the full grown Red Eyes Black Dragon."[/COLOR] -Just as Red Eyes Black Chick disappeared the full grown Red Eyes Black Dragon emerged onto the field in attack mode with 2400 attack points. Looking at his hand he pulled two cards from his hand setting one face down and deciding to activate another.- [COLOR="Purple"]"Finally I activate the One for One spell card. By discarding one warrior-type monster from my hand I am allowed to summon one level one monster onto the field and I choose Turbo Synchron. I will end it at that with one card face down."[/COLOR] [I]Now lets see how you stack up against these two monsters.[/I] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilightSoul Posted September 6, 2010 Report Share Posted September 6, 2010 Spencer smiles As Voren plays his combo, he smiles as the two monsters shivers from the effect of his field spell card heavy winter. Spencher thinks to him self { [b]now that his red eyes has two frost counters, his monster would have eighteen hundred attack if he battles one of my monster, lets see how he deals with this[/b]} " [b]Ok i draw [/b]" Spencer draws a card, and studies it. " [b]Ok i will set a moster facedown, Now i think i will have my Frost Fighter attack your Turbo Synchron, and because your monster has two frost counters due to the field card Heavy Winter, you lose three hundred attack for each counter on it when it battles my monster, and if my math is right that leaves your Turbo Synchron with zero attack[/b]" Frost Fighter rushes towards Turbo Sycnchron with sword in hand reay to slice Voren's monster in two. (( OOC- if the attack goes by with no chains i end my turn, also i forgot all about my frost fighter cards first effect which would have stoped your spell card, and place a counter onto the field, but that was my fault)) Lp-8000 Cih- 3 Field- Frost fighter, FD, S/T- 1 FD Field spell- Heavy Winter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warrior_Tal Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 -Despite the fact that his monsters have frost counters did not really matter to Voren at the moment his strategy was going through all but perfectly. It seemed to go through even with Spencer attacking the Turbo Synchron.- [COLOR="Purple"]"Good move but it wont help you out,"[/COLOR] -Voren said with a smile.- [COLOR="Purple"]"Now I activate the trap card Urgent Tunning, by sending my level one Turbo Synchron and my level seven Red Eyes Black Dragon to the graveyard I am allowed to synchro summon a level eight synchro monster."[/COLOR] [I]Lets see how you face off against my Dragon Warrior.[/I] -The two monsters disappear forming rings and white stars showing off a synchro summon.- [COLOR="Purple"]"Meet my friend Dragon Warrior."[/COLOR] [spoiler=The Dragon Warrior] [IMG][/IMG] Effect: When this card is Synchro Summoned, it gains the ATK power of all monsters that where used to summon it.[/spoiler] -Voren's duel monster spirit that stood next to him soon disappeared and then re-appeared on the field.- [COLOR="Purple"]"Now thanks to Dragos' effect he gains the attacking power of each monster that was used to summon. So with 2500 attack points as its original power and then Red Eyes Black Dragons 2400 and Turbo Synchron's 100 my monster gets an extra 2500 attack points. What are you going to do now?"[/COLOR] LP: 8000 Cards in Hand: 1 Field: The Dragon Warrior (5000 Attack Points) S/T: None Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master of The Dark Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 [color="#FF0000"]Dimitry walk up and looked around the room after relizing that he was alone he pulled hi deck out and and found his gym shorts and phone. He texted Sorenitie and woke her up.(Hey babe r u up I was woundering if u want to go out to the court yard and have a screw off practice duel?) As he walked out of his room he got a meaasge back.[/color] (I am now so I guess we can I'll b there in two minutes.) Sorenitie replied as she got her Gym shorts and a tank top and headed down the hall. She met up with Dimitry and they walk to the courtyard, But before putting their duel disks on and loaded their decks. "Why don't we just go for a midnight walk around the school instead?" She questioned. [color="#FF0000"]"OK let's go for a walk but can i keep my duel disk on at least?" Dimitry asked.[/color] "Sure go a head." Sorenitie replied with a goffy smile on her face. After walking for about an hour Sorenitie wanted to go back to bed. "Hun I'm getting really tired can you give me a piggy back ride to my dorm?" she ask.[color="#FF0000"]Yeah I gues I can here hop on." Dimitry said as he kneeled down and put his hand up to catch her legs. After taking Sorenitie to her dorm Dimitry walk through the school and found the card shop whitch was fully stocked up and was going to open at seven in the morning. So as he walked back to his dorm he wrote down every turn he made so he could find it in the morning. and then went to back to sleep in his bed.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilightSoul Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 Spencer smiled, and even let out a whistle " [b]Five thousand, thats sure alot of attack point. I only have one problem with warriors they are all brawn, and no brain[/b]" { [b]A good move that they played he set me up perfectly, but i still have the upper hand all i need is some time. Due to the effects of my field spell card his monster has two frost counters on him, which will bring down his warrior to forty-four hundred if i was to battle him, well time to play out my turn[/b]} " [b]Well you have to take damage to do damage at times, Frost fighter attack his Dragon Warrior, and due to my frost counters your monster attack becomes forty-four hundred for this battle[/b]." Frost Fighter rushes toward the dragon warrior with no fear in her eye, but her courage alone was not enough. She was struck done by Dragon Warrior causing Spencer to lose thirty-two hundred live points. " [b]Now because of frost fighters effect, one Frost Counter is placed upon the monser that slain her, and that would be your dragon warrior, which now equeals a total of three Frost Counters on him[/b]." Spencher begins to think {ok good now his monster is down to forty-one hundred it is only a matter of time } " [b]I end my turn[/b] " (( OOC- just a heads up during your standby phase Spencer is going to play his face down trap cold blooded )) [img][/img] LP- 4800 CIH- 3 S/T 1FD Field spell- Heavy Winter Field- 1Fd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warrior_Tal Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 -Lowering his arm down he wondered why he had his monster attack Dragos in the first place. It seemed a little out of the ordinary to have a monster attack another when it was clearly shown that Dragos had more attacking power then Frost Fighter. Moving his duel disk up he placed his hand on the deck and proceeded to draw a card. Looking it over he looked back to Dragos who stood there with three frost counters on him. The 5000 attack points had been lowered due to these frost counters which placed a huge disadvantage for him.- [COLOR="Purple"]"Is everything alright Dragos?"[/COLOR] -Voren questioned his duel monster as it stood there shivering only slightly.- [B]"Don't worry about me Voren, I will be fine."[/B] -Leaving a smile Voren looked back down at the two cards in his hand then over at the field who had one face card and a face down monster. He could easily send Dragos to destroy the monster but what would be the purpose. That monster would turn to be a flip monster and that would put a ton of stress on himself considering that Dragos was down in attack points.- [I]There has to be a way to stop that field spell from destroying Dragos' attack power?[/I] ((ooc- Okay I will let you play it before making my move. Thanks for the heads up.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilightSoul Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 " [b]Not so fast, i will activate my face down, cold blooded. Now all battle damage towards me will become zero for this turn, and due to the effect of my trap, i will place two more frost counters on your Dragon warrior at the end of the turn for a grand total of five frost counters[/b]" Spencer activates his trap during Voren's standby phase. [img][/img] " [b]Looks like your monster is catching a bit of a cold[/b]" Spencer stares at the Dragon Warrior. LP- 4800 CIH- 3 S/T- none Field spell- Heavy Winter Field- 1Fd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warrior_Tal Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 [COLOR="Purple"]"Dragos will be fine, what I should be worrying about is your life points. I activate the spell card Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two cards."[/COLOR] -Placing the Pot of Greed spell card in the graveyard he moved his hand over drawing two more cards from his dueling deck. Looking them over he gives a moderate nod. Pulling one card out of his hand he decides to procede with his move.- [COLOR="Purple"]"I summon The Forgotten Warrior in attack mode, and thanks to his effect for each warrior-type monster on the field his attack and defense power increases by 300. Not only that but he can by-pass your monsters and attack your life points directly once per turn. Now go my warrior and attack Spencer directly."[/COLOR] [spoiler=The Forgotten Warrior] [IMG][/IMG] Effect: For every Warrior-type monster on the field increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 300. This card can attack your opponents life points directly.[/spoiler] -Voren watched as his warrior recieved to of the counters from the field spell and its attacking power decreased, but it still proceeded with attacking Spencer directly.- ((If nothing is done.)) [COLOR="Purple"]"I will leave it at that with one card face down. Your move."[/COLOR] ((ooc- Yes I know of the trap but I putting it to where my character forgot about it LOL! Also my last post for the night. Got school tomorrow. TTYL!)) LP: 8000 Cards in Hand: 1 Field: The Dragon Warrior, The Forgotten Warrior S/T: One Face Down Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilightSoul Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 Spencer smiled at The warrior,as it rushed towards him. Spencer extended his arms ready to be slashed, but Voren's monster stoped short right before the attack. " [b]nice try but have you allready forgot about my cold blooded cards effect. My trap card reduces all battle damage i would take to zero for this turn, or have you forgot that i used it during your standby phase[/b]" Spencer could not help, but laugh a bit. " [b]Well since you end your turn the second effect of my cold blooded trap card takes effect, which allows me to place two Frost counters on the field. And i think I am going to place both counters onto your Dragon Warrior, giving him a grand total of Five Frost counters, and now i draw[/b]" Spencer draws the top card from his deck, and starts to form a plan { hmmm this card will come in handy,but it will take some time to play it, well time to rid the field of his warrior first} " [b]First i play the spell card known as Frozen Throne[/b]" the earth begins to shake as the a giant black throne appears behind him. [img][/img] " [b]Now i will flip over my face down my Frost Skag, and due to his effect i can place one Frost Counter onto the field and i think i will place it on your Forgotten Warrior. Now if you have lost track your Forgotten Warrior is now covered by three Frost Counters, and your Dragon Warrior has five. Now form my hand i Special Summon my Frost Angel, because i have a tuner on the field. Now i tune my level two monster with my level four monster to summon my level six monster Frost Empress Shanai[/b]" Frost angel, and flys up towards the sky as frost skag breaks up into rings as the two monsters forms into Shanai. The monster flips onto the battlefield standing before Spencer. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] " Now My monster ability takes place" Shanai raises her staff and lets out a cry. The staff shines with a bright light releasing a blue wave which hits every monster on the field. Afterwards Shanai lowers her staff, and stands ready. " [b]Because of my monsters effect, any monster thats not an Arctic type, attack becomes zero if they have three or more Frost Counterson them.[/b]" Spencer Smiles at he looks at the monsters draind of their strength. " [b]Oh well, Shanai attack with shattered memorys [/b]" The monster lifted her staff in the air, as she did frozen shards began to appear over the head of Voren's Dragon Warrior, and in the blink of an eye thousands of ice shards flew towards the Dragon Warrior (( If there are on chains of course)) Lp- 4800 CIH- 2 S/T- 1 Frozen Throne Field spell- Heavy Winter Field- 1Frost Empress Shanai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warrior_Tal Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 -Voren moved his hand over to one of his face down cards feeling the need to activate it to stop his attack on Dragon Warrior. Was it really worth it? To keep Dragos from beind destroyed in the heat of battle. He had zero attack points with five counters on him. Dragos looked over to Voren who seemed to stutter at making the move to keep him on the field. His eyes closed for a brief moment as the attack landed destroying Dragos in a brilliant display of sparks and reducing Voren's life points by 2200. The Forgotten Warrior looked over to Voren with a look of concern as to why he did not play his face down card.- [COLOR="Purple"]"Is that it?"[/COLOR] LP: 5800 Cards in Hand: 1 Field: The Forgotten Warrior S/T: 1 Face Down Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warrior_Tal Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 ((DOUBLE POST GAH!)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiroto Honda Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 Fukuda started to walk to the navy dorms looking for any other duelsit wearing navy blue dorm uniform. but he couldn't see anyone wearing that. At Dorm house he didn't eaven look what the dorms look like and just went in to see if he can find anyone who could direct him to the class rooms, He was eager to learn what kind of tactical teaching the school would have. (ooc: i need a second character lol) At Dorms he went rigt in and throw his stuff to corner and went out for a little walk.(i can see that fukuda likes walkin XD) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VGVentus Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 "My monster is flipped! Behold! Gemknight Sapphia!", a blue gemknight appeared, it used a wave to crystal to try and block the attack (DEF 2100). "I activate the effect of a monster in my hand! I can discard my Gem Merchant to increase the ATK and DEF of 1 Gemknight on the field! And I Pick Sapphia!", Sapphia knocked the attack away, however, it looked damaged (DEF 3100). [i]That barely worked! how are we going to win?[/i] [color="#8B0000"][i]How the bloody hell should I know? Just think of something...Or let me think for you![/i][/color] [i]...2 Turns okay? That's all you have![/i] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Time Psyduck Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 [i]It could have been worse,[/i] Perry thought as his life points took another hit from his own attack, [i]I still have my monsters[/i]. "Fine then," he conceeded, "I'll put Lord Poison into defence position and end my turn." LP: 2200 Hand: 2 Monsters: Lord Poison, Tytannial S/T: The World Tree Deryn was surprised at just how well the uniform fitted, although she had a strange feeling that some bits were just a fraction smaller than she wanted them, even though they weren't uncomfortable in any way. Satisfied, she looked at the time. It was late, so she decided against heading out again in favour of getting some sleep, and began to take the uniform off again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VGVentus Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 "My turn...Sorry, but...Hold on...", Angel shut his eyes for a second, his appearance changed to that of a more mature Angel with longer hair and a more...Insane look in his eyes, [color="#8B0000"]"Nice to be back, I draw!"[/color], Angel(?) drew a crad from his deck, he looked at it and smiled. [color="#8B0000"]"I activate my trap card! Gem Enhance!"[/color], the facedown flipped up, and Sapphia was dragged into the card. [color="#8B0000"]"With ithe trap card's ability, I can special summon a Gemknight from my graveyard!"[/color], Gemknight Paz appeared, blades at the ready...[color="#8B0000"]"Now I equipt him with Fusion Weapon! Increasing his ATK by 1500 points!"[/color], Gemknight Paz looked a little stronger all of a sudden, a black cannon strapped to its back (ATK 3300). [color="#8B0000"]"Attack that Tytannial Plant! With Electro cutter!"[/color], Gemknight Paz sliced at Tytannial, destroying her...[color="#8B0000"]"Not only do you loose life points due to battle damage, you loose life points equal to the destroyed monster's attack!!"[/color], Angel(?) laughed maniacally... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Time Psyduck Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 Perry was stunned to see his opponent apparently turn into someone older - and crazier - looking, so much so that he had to pause for a second, and only just recovered his concentration in time to save himself. "I'm afraid your out of luck. I activate Tytannial's ability, meaning I can tribute Lord Poison to negate your fusion weapon and destroy it!" As the root-creature vanished in an orb of light, the cannon shattered almost instantly, the Gemknight carrying it losing it's newfound strength almost instantly. [i]That was a close one. I'd rather have had Lord Poison destroyed, but at least this way I'm still in this.[/i] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VGVentus Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 [color="#8B0000"]"My life points..."[/color], (3000LP), [color="#8B0000"]"...Dammit! I've got one thing...That's it..."[/color], Angel(?) Placed a card facedown on his side of the field...[color="#8B0000"]"I end my go...Oh, you can call me Devil, that good enough for you Perry the Fatapussy?"[/color] [i]Whoa! that was uncalled for![/i] [color="#8B0000"][i]You let me take control, that kid won't know what hit him with my next card...[/i][/color] [i]Sometimes I wonder why I listen to you...[/i] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiroto Honda Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 Ooc: i'm bored someone duel me. Fukuda walked to the main bulding of the academy, it was huge it got five diffrent sections 1 for each dorm and one for something else. it was so hig that he needed to lean back to see to the top. " Hmm what could i found from here?" he went to card store to buy some new cards. The selelr ask for money adn fukuda gaves few coins to pay for his buyings, "lets see waht kind of cards do they have." He opened 1 pack of cards, "Nothing here." he sayed and stuck the cards to his pocket. He thanked the ceeper and started walkin back to domr houses. " I really gotta duel or i'm going insane here or i could go to lessons."Fukuda Went to his Dorm house saw the navy blue uniform, it was no good for him, he never weard anything but black and red. Still he took it from his bead and butted it on his jacket like a cape. "That Should do it." he sayed to himself and went to the dorm lobby to watch from message board to find something interesting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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