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Sakurazaki Daisuke

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So, I'm going to make another Battle to Death Contest this time with Daniela907


This Contest will resolve in 3 rounds

First one to get 6 points win the round



Winners of the Rounds:

1st Round: Daniela907

2nd Round: Sakurazaki Diasuke

3rd Round: Daniela907



Points System:

For each post saying who he/she wants to won: 1 point

For each Positive in the participant's post: 2 points




- Free Style (So, you can do ANY kind of card)

- Each round needs 3 cards

- Synchros are FORBIDDEN




- The winner receive 2 + Reps from the loser


Soooo, I am the first one to post:

[spoiler=Mysterious Painter - Akizaki Sono]


LORE:If your opponent have 3 or more face-down Spell Cards or Trap Cards, you can Special Summon this card from your Hand.Once per turn, if this card doesn't declare an attack, you can place 1 "Canvas Counter" on this card (max. 2).You can Tribute this card with 2 "Canvas Counters" on it to Special Summon a Level 7 or lower Synchro monster from your opponent's Graveyard.



[spoiler=Mysterious Tamer - Akizaki Ako]


LORE:This card cannot be used to Synchro Summon a Synchro Monster except a Beast-Type monster.Once per turn, you can remove from play a Spell Card from your opponent's Graveyard to Special Summon a Level 5 or lower Beast-Type monster from your Deck.The Special Summoned monster by this effect have its ATK decreased by half and its effect(s) negated until your next End Phase.



[spoiler=Mysterious Priestess - Akizaki Yuko]


LORE:This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 1 face-up Spell Card on the field.Once per turn, you can discard a Trap Card from your Hand to Special Summon a removed from play monster in face-up Attack Position.The Special Summoned monter have its ATK doubled until the End Phase of your turn.




So, just wait Daniela post her cards to Start the voting!!!


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hmm b4 i post my card i need to tell you that you posted akizaki sono and in the spoiler where akizaki ako you posted again akizaki sono. btw isnt 3 points very low. lets put 6 points then pls.


edit: well since i am in love with girl spellcaster HERE ARE THEY!


[spoiler= Isabella - The Mysterious Reaper Wizard]


This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Graveyard except by paying 1500 Life Points.When this card is sent to the graveyard, toss a coin. If you call it right, this card is sent to your opponent's Graveyard. If you call it wrong, this card is sent to your Graveyard. The player which has this card on their Graveyard, gets all his LIGHT monsters removed from the play and also inflict 150 of damage to the player's Life Points for each monster that had been removed from the play from his/her Graveyard by this effect.




[spoiler= Lisette - The Mystical Wizard Of The Dark Forest]


As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the field, all Plant-Type monsters cant be selected as an attack targets. Also you take no battle damage involving this card. You can Tribute this card to Special Summon 3 "Dark Plant Tokens" (Plant-Type/EARTH/Level 3/ATK 0/DEF 1900). You gain 300 Life Points for each "Dark Plant Token" on your side of the field each Main Phase.




[spoiler= Wizard Blood Attack]


Pay 1500 Life Points and reduce the ATK of a monster with "Wizard" on its name by 1000 on your side of the fiel to destroy all the cards on your opponent's side of the field and inflict 300 of damage to your opponent's Life Points for each monster destroyed.




good luck sakurazaki!

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k might not be too good but ok!


[spoiler=Mariana - The Mystical Star Wizard]



You can Tribute this card to Special Summon a monster with "Wizard" on its name. You take no battle damage involving this card. Also, you can return this card to your Deck and then shuffle it to place 1 "Wizard Counter" on a face-up monster on your side of the field. A monster with a "Wizard Counter" count as 2 Tributes for a Tribute Summon.




[spoiler=Chrona - The Evil Sword Wizard]



This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Graveyard. When this card destroys a monster, inflict 250 of damage to your opponent's Life Points. Also you can Tribute this card to place 1 "Burning Slash Counter" on a monster that your opponent controls. As long as your opponent controls a monster with a "Burning Slash Counter", he/she looses 150 Life Points on each of his/her End Phases.




[spoiler=Lina = The Mystical Sword Wizard]



Mariana - The Mystical Star Wizard + Chrona - The Evil Sword Wizard.

This card can only be Fusion Summoned. Also, you can remove from the play 3 Spellcaster-Type from your Graveyard to destroy 2 monsters on your opponent's side of the field. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can pay 1400 Life Points to Special Summon this card on the Spell Cards Zone and place 15 "Mystical Counters" on this card. Each of your Main Phases, remove 1 "Mystical Counter" from this card. When the last "Mystical Counter" is removed from this card, toss a coin. If you call it right, your opponent must discard all his Hand and his Life Points are reduced by 1500. If you call it wrong, reduce your Life Points to 500.




Good Luck Sakurazaki!

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My turn again

Hope this time I did better than last round


For this round the one who gets 8 points first win the round


[spoiler=Mysterious Being - Akizaki Misa]


LORE:You can Special Summon this card from your Hand if there's a face-up "Umi" on the field.As long as you control another Fish-Type monster, this card cannot be selected as an Attack Target.You can add 1 Level 5 or lower Fish-Type monster from your Deck to your Hand instead of conducting a normal draw in your Draw Phase.Also, when a Fish-Type monster is added to your Hand by a monster card effect, you can Special Summon it in face-up Attack Postion.The Special Summoned monster by this effect have its Level increase by 1.



[spoiler=Mysterious Executioner - Akizaki Anko]


LORE:You can Special Summon this card from your Hand by removing from play 3 face-up Trap Cards on the field.This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Graveyard.When this card send a monster to the Graveyard as a result of battle, remove the destroyed monster from play instead.Increase this card ATK by 500 for each removed from play monster in either players Removed from Play Zone.Also, you can Tribute this card equipped with 2 Equip Spell Cards to remove from play all cards on the field.



[spoiler=Mysterious Vampire - Akizaki Rin]


LORE:You can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard by tributing 1 monster you control.Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you can place 1 "Bite Mark Counter" on a monster on your opponent's side of the field (max. 2).Increase this card ATK by 500 for each "Bite Mark Counter" on the field.Also, during your End Phase, decrease the ATK of all monsters with 1 "Bite Mark Counter" by 500.Monsters with 2 "Bite Mark Counters" have their control changed to the controller of this card.




Good Luck to you too Daniela



May the votes for the 2nd Round Begins!!!!

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Your 1-on-1 contest reminded me of something that I should have included within the rules, relating to multi-rounds.


I have added in a new rule allowing such activity, so this is not subjected to any one Rep rule starting now. Have fun.



Thank you for the advice



Votes needed!!

Votes needed!!

Don't forget to leave it!


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Oh! I remember.....

You can only have 1 rep as price in 1 on 1.

Sakurasaki gets my vote!

Sakurasaki is really creative.

Daniela has good names.

But. Creativity is more.

I didn't forget!

Chrona's pic i see that is a bit,just really a Bit overused.

Ah,and don't remember about only 1 rep in 1 on 1!

^_^ Good luck for you two!

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Now, the sooo awaited

3rd and Final Round


First one to get 12 points win the Contest



Thank you everyone who voted on this contest until now



So, least but not least

The Support for my Mysterious Cards



[spoiler=Mysterious Kitten - Akizaki Hikaru]


LORE:When this card is Summoned, you can draw 1 card from the bottom of your Deck.Also, you can Tribute this card to see your opponent's Hand and return up to 2 Spell Cards to his/her Deck.If this card was sent to the Graveyard by its own effect, place it face-up in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell Card, instead of sending it to the Graveyard.While this card is face-up in your Spell & Trap Card Zone, all Battle Damage you would receive from battles involving a monster with "Mysterious" in its name is reduced to 0.



[spoiler=Mysterious Geisha - Akizaki Yuuna]


LORE:You can Special Summon this card from your Hand, if you control a monster with "Mysterious" in its name.If this card attacks a face-down Defense Position monster, remove the monster form play before Damage Calculation.When this card removes a monster from play as a result of its effect, place 1 "Fan Counter" on this card (max. 2).You can remove 2 "Fan Counters" from this card to double this card ATK until the End Phase of the turn this effect is actived.



[spoiler=Mysterious Maid - Akizaki Tobari]


LORE:When this card is Summoned, you can Special Summon a monster with "Mysterious" in its name from your Graveyard.Its effect(s) is negated until the End Phase of this turn.Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 monster from your Hand to increase your Life Points by the ATK of the removed from play monster by this effect.Also, you can Tribute this card to destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field for each monster with "Mysterious" in its name you control.




Finish of my last Turn!!!



Good Luck to you Daniela

And who are you calling Saki?



Just wait Daniela to post her cards before the votes begin!!

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First of all! your name is long so that day i was too lazy to type it down xD d: lol.



k here are my cards:

[spoiler=Laura - The Wizard Of The Heavens]


LORE: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 2 monsters with "Wizard" on its name. When this card is Special Summoned, Special Summon 2 "Heaven Warrior Tokens" (Warrior-Type/LIGHT/Level 3/ATK 1400/DEF 500). As long as there is a "Heaven Warrior Token" on your side of the field, this card cannot be selected as an attack target. Also you can Tribute 1 "Heaven Warrior Token" and pay 1500 Life Points to place 4 "Destruction Counters" on all card on your opponent's side of the field. On each of your opponent's Main Phase, 1 "Destruction Counter" will be removed from each monster that has one. When the last "Destruction Counter" is removed from a monster, the monster is removed from the play and inflict 500 of damage to your opponent's Life Points.



[spoiler=Brittany - The Wizard Of The Mystic Powers]


LORE: When this card is Summoned, add to your Hand from your Deck a monster with "Wizard" on its name. Once per turn, place 1 "Mystic Dark Counter" (max 4) on this card. Tribute this card with 4 "Mysitic Dark Counters" to Special Summon 2 "DarkBarrier Tokens" (Warrior-Type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 0/DEF 2200) in Defense Position. As long as there is a "Dark Barrier Token" face-up on your side of the field, your opponent must pay 300 Life Points to declare an attack.



[spoiler=Helena - The Wizard Of Defensive Magic (READ THE EFFECT B4 SAYING THAT IS OP!)]


LORE: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by paying 1700 Life Points and Summon it on face-up Attack Position. This card cannot declare an attack or change Battle Position. When your opponent declares an attack, decrease this card's ATK by 300 to negate the attack. When this card's ATK becomes 0, you may pay 700 Life Points switch it to Defense Position and its DEF becomes 1500.




Congrats on winning the 2nd round!

And may the best win ^^.

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