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Bleach Cards NEW CARDS ADDED!!


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After seeing 1 card, I noticed you need OCg improvment.

I love Bleach, so get ready to hear some harsh stuff : P


The cards don't have any kind of proportion between themselves

Your OCG is horrible.

Some of the cards are terribly overpowered.

No more comments from me.

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  • 3 months later...

yeh.. in my opinion... mine are better..




i liked the eyepatch but lets get real.. captains powers should be way above 2300. and each captain should have a gemini effect that shows them in shikai, and then a second turn gmini effect giving them bankai.....




ALSO, i forgot and am too lazy to click modify... when i made my bleach cards i used gemini to give standard lieutenants shikai... which was anywhere from a 200-500 point increase, and those with bankai, got there bankai effect after a turn with their shikai.



take a look at my cards some time.

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OCG is very bad...

And you shouldn't name Senbonzakura Kageyoshi otherwise than its name (both 1000 cherry blossoms and swords of death are that one)

Also this problem is in other parts you call Daiguren Hyorinmarus Lotus a Bankai stone which is not really accurate if it is even related...

Also most of your cards are overpowered or rarely underpowered (though the second just will make them not being played)

And again OCG you say lot of unneceasry things and leave out important phrases.

Like a counter trap can't have the effect: "Whenever this happens" cause it won't stay on the field...So it is you can activate this card when that happens.

Also a Lv3 monster is guess what at Lv3 so it has 3 stars:P

Yachiru is so an Union MOnster (quite the same what you wrote but this is their correct definition...)

Also SOul Society is overpowered the best field card in terms of giving bonus ATK and DEF are Umi Iruka, Molten Destruction, Luminious Sparks, Mystic PLasma Zone, Rising Air Current and 1 more whoose each give 500 ATK but reduce the def by 400 now compare...Fairly overpowered...


Tips: Sajins effect should summon a token instead...




Also: You should know that vaizards are thoose shinigami who gained hollow mask and hollow power (all vaizard should be able to use hollow mask due this) you seem to know this and you have them as well, but then why don't you have Arrancars? (Hollows who gained zanpakuto and shinigami powers) (LIke Grimmjow, Aeroneiro and so on)

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