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Why DON'T these characters exist? (Long enough)

Dr. Cakey

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[quote name='~Soulciety~' timestamp='1284191965' post='4616151']
Wow, i've just figured it out, you actually think that by using a small range of extended vocabulary you're intelligent LOL at you.
I never said anything like that. It just sounds like someone's getting mad because basic words succeed that of his Narutard vocabulary. This is best seen in your below remarks, where you consistently attempt to use clever phrasings but only end up further butchering the English language.

[quote]Now from your previously made reply you have indicated 2 things, 1) You're retarted and 2) You don't even watch Naruto. You wrote that Tsunade brought everyone back to life....care to say when she did that? Because if you're talking about when Nagato brought everyone back than i can assume that the 2 things you have indicated are true, especially "1".[/quote]
I'd typically ignore the irrelevant mud slinging incorporated in your first assumption, but you managed to spell retarded wrong while trying to label me as the retarded one of us two. Congratulations. Now I simply must apologize for swapping Nagato with Tsunade. Surely that means I never saw Naruto and surely that invalidates the fact that everyone was revived. Quit being such a derp already.

[quote]I love it how you don't explain an anime that you perceive to be "Not mindless action." What about if they made a whinne the poo anime? I think that would be more suited to your liking yes?[/quote]
Okay, since you're culturally unaware to a point that you can't even spell Winnie correctly, I'll point your sorry as[b][/b]s in the direction of a decent show. Samurai Champloo.

[quote]You claim that the story of a vengeful brother who spites the brother in question due to the fact that he killed his clan and spared him when in fact there was an underlying cause for him to do so. Now that chain of thought brings 3 things, 1) A venegful brother hating his brother for killing his clan. 2) His brother spared him because he couldn't kill him. 3) He was ordered to by the village as an attempt to stop the Uchihas. This "mindless action" and "poor" storytelling, then leads the brother to taking revenge on the village. So the Mindless action as "you (And i can't stress that enough)" perceive it to be actually has a storyline which "you" are now calling "cliched" as an excuse to show that you have nothing else to say but to tear on anything that is involved in the show.[/quote]
See, this is what I was talking about before. As you're such a moron these twists are actually shocking you. WHAT?!THE BROTHER HAD MOTIVES FOR WHAT HE DID AND WAS ACTUALLY HELPING HIS LITTLE BROTHER ALL ALONG?! HOW DEEP AND INNOVATING. DIDNT SEE THIS BEFORE. I wasn't going to go into every single detail of that plotline since I assumed you would of known how it went, but none of what has occurred in it has been shocking. And keep spamming those quotations, it doesn't make you look like a moron or anything.

And as for tearing on everything that's in the show? Believe me, the action is passable and there are some good(albeit very few of them) characters in the show. But the plot is just awful and you can't have that, so naturally your fanboyism has distorted my disliking the show into some sort of personal vendetta against anything Naruto.

You are also saying that to create the most popular anime currently available you basically have to have the miniscule level of intelligence that you possess and simply follow the current formula:

Find Cliche - Expand into characters - Create a plot that goes against the cliche - create villains | :. Formula = Most successful anime!
Pretty close…
To create the most popular anime currently available you basically have to target everything morons like yourself will go for:

Hawt Animu Girlz and Sexah Fan Matchups
+A shitstorm of characters, few of which will get decent screen time, all with varying personalities meant to lull in different target audiences
+Awful cover-up story to justify ninjas throwing laser beamz at each other and dicking around as they god mod in forests(make it supernatural beings throwing laser beamz at each other and dicking around as they god mod in desolate plains for bleach's case or whatever)
+Next Bad Guy Is Stronger Plot
= Most successful anime, or at least the one with the most vocal fandom that will be found in vast numbers in places such as YCM where idiots are common, until it eventually runs dry after one thousand chapters or so and is overtaken by the next show of its sort while quality ones are remembered even after their end.

Wow.... I'm not gonna reply anymore I don't like talking to people that think they're intelligent without showing it. *clap clap* for you.
Cut the excuses. You're trying to pull out here because you realized what a horrible mistake you made in trying to defend this show, especially since the whole thinks he's smart thing. But whatever, at least you're supposedly going to shut up now instead of trying to refute what I say with baseless insults and essentially a retarded version of whatever I say. Good day.
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He seems to be equating its high success with the idea that the show must therefore be brilliant, and is as such wrong. This ties into what you said earlier about some people simply looking for entertainment over quality. Naruto is watchable in the way something like Jersey Shore is, only switching the target audience around. Bad shows or mediocre ones are typically the most popular ones.

At any rate, that guy dragged me off topic by trying to refute something irrelevant, but now that he's allegedly stopped there's no point in continuing this.
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You're actually making good points, and I'm tempted to rep you just to offset the negs, but I don't like you quite enough.

I will now commence quote-cherrypicking:

[quote]What implys that it is mindless action?? the storyline is built up alot arund friendship, respect and loyalty,[/quote]
No. If you use this argument, you lose. Be honest with yourself - if that crap was cut out and the main character actual figured out how to defeat their opponent for a change, wouldn't the show be that much better?

[quote]Hawt Animu Girlz and Sexah Fan Matchups
+A shitstorm of characters, few of which will get decent screen time, all with varying personalities meant to lull in different target audiences
+Awful cover-up story to justify ninjas throwing laser beamz at each other and dicking around as they god mod in forests(make it supernatural beings throwing laser beamz at each other and dicking around as they god mod in desolate plains for bleach's case or whatever)
+Next Bad Guy Is Stronger Plot[/quote]
Pretty much.

I've said this somewhere before (here? I'm too lazy to check), but both are trying to recapture their golden days - Bleach is trying to snatch back the impeccable Soul Society arc, and Naruto...well, Naruto was -1/10 when it started, so I'll say anything that involved Orochimaru in any significant role. We seem to more or less be being bombarded with a series of deep-voiced, effeminate men who have a god complex. Awesome, deep voiced effeminate men, but you can only copy-paste Itachi so many times before you start losing the flair of the original.

P.S. I will observe this "Samurai Champloo" of yours in action - we'll see if your tastes are any better than the mindless masses of whom I pretend to not be a part.
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