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Mahou Sensei Negima! Magister Negi Magi


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1. For practically all of this thread, have you talking about the Manga? How may versions are there?

2. How many versions of the anime are there? I have been watching 1, and although I greatly enjoy it (Comedy FTW), I have a feeling that there is another, less silly (XD) version. Point it out?

3. I forgot the 3rd point. I'll post it if I remember >.>
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[quote name='burnpsy' timestamp='1291188995' post='4821972']

[spoiler='3 roughly translated quotes from Chapter 311 Scans']"Quartium. Averruncus of Fire is appointed."
"Quintium. Averruncus of Wind is appointed."
"Sextium. Averruncus of Water is appointed." [the scans say Ice, but Akamatsu apparently said on Twitter that this was an error][/spoiler]

Good game, Ala Alba. Good game.


I just saw most of the raw for 311 and i was surprised.

[spoiler='spoiler']I wasn't expecting for Ala Alba's immediate victory due to their aquisition of the Great Grand Master Key because their plan was hastily contrived and Cosmo Entelecheia has planned for months if not years. Fate, or Tertium, has been shown to never leave huge openings, especially for something important. He never reveals his entire hand, there are always a few cards held back for the off-chance that "Plan A" fails. I never expected though that there would be three other "Fates" (for lack of better term) existing at the same time, although it does make sense because Tertium has said that he has existed for a long time so that would mean that he was 'alive' when Nagi defeated Primius/Primium (latin for "the first") and Secundus/Secundium (latin for "the second"), making the prospect of more than one at any time more believable. It was also kind of foreshadowed in Chapter 229. After fighting off Fate's group in Ostea, when Nodoka revealed Fate's name to be Tertium, a couple member's of Ala Alba, Ku Fei and Kotaro commented on the possibility of there being "four or five guys like [Fate]" and that it would be "a real pain." Also if earth, fire, wind, and water are represented with numbers three through six, what could have been represented by one and two?[/spoiler]

Also, your comment that only the representative/Averruncus of heart is needed, even if only in jest, is not necasarily true because it has been noted by both Jack Rakan and Tsukuyomi that Tertium has an amount of humanity, that the other/previous Averruncus lacked, to him which unexpected and denied by Tertium because he claims to be merely a doll. But remember that's what a certain other character, not to give any huge spoilers like a name, thought of herself and feared that possibility until her pactio, in which her virtus, virtue that she has the most affinity for, is caritas (love). So Fate (#3) could also be a candidate for heart because of his growing humanity, by which I mean the increasing individuality of his actions and thoughts.
I'd also like to hear other thoughts about this subject.
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[quote name='Mako109' timestamp='1291230586' post='4822636']
1. For practically all of this thread, have you talking about the Manga? How may versions are there?

2. How many versions of the anime are there? I have been watching 1, and although I greatly enjoy it (Comedy FTW), I have a feeling that there is another, less silly (XD) version. Point it out?

3. I forgot the 3rd point. I'll post it if I remember >.>

There's a manga, 2 anime, 2 OVAs, 8 OADs, 2 spin-off manga and a live action series, as well as an upcoming movie.

The manga ([b]Mahou Sensei Negima![/b]/Negima! Magister Negi Magi) is the main one, it currently has 311 chapters (34 volumes' worth, but only 32 volumes have been released) and a serious plot. However, [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ContinuityLockOut"]don't think you can freely skip over the parts you've seen animated - the anime cut out major stuff[/url]. I should note that the manga is currently very different than how it started. The harem aspects were mostly to fake out his bosses (some of it stays for humor and as a subplot), but unfortunately... most of their meta material is based off that early part and drove off a lot of potential fanbase. Every little detail ends up being important here, including but not limited to: which characters refused to play dodgeball early on, a character claiming they can't think of any worries, one character's shade of hair, a picture from an early chapter, a logo that appears on the main character's shirt, random speculation one character makes after hearing the true name of one of the villians, and most of the early humor. It is currently a very well-done action manga and manages to maintain a decent position in the sales charts.

The first anime ([b]Mahou Sensei Negima![/b]/Negima! Magister Negi Magi) has 26 episodes and did a faithful reproduction of the first 3 volumes. After that, you get a rush of filler and other scenes taken out of context from Volume 4. When the DO finally do the plot from volume 4, they take out the Nodoka and Konoka pactios (though both appear in the anime's final episode), and flat-out tossed a secondary villian who (in the manga) later becomes a main character. It also makes up several pactios for the students who hadn't made one at the time of the anime's [url="http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftvtropes.org%2Fpmwiki%2Fpmwiki.php%2FMain%2FGeckoEnding&rct=j&q=site%3Atvtropes.org%20Gecko%20Ending&ei=BNr2TLrTAY_6sAOqvdzrCw&usg=AFQjCNFW3jyKjILehffJFhvtsyTCBiXmtw&sig2=VRU9Dmq893PFKUEGdwNxeQ&cad=rja"]Gecko Ending[/url].

The first spin-off manga ([b]Negima!? Neo[/b]) features an alternate plot and changed series mechanics. However, it apparently isn't very good, and you won't find any chapters other than 0-19 and 29 on the web.

The second anime ([b]Negima!?[/b]/Negima!? Magister Negi Magi) has 26 episodes and features an altered version of the plot of Negima!? Neo, including its altered series mechanics. This is the better of the two anime in most people's opinion. Despite how relatively bad Negima Neo is, this one's amazing. Also, some scenes have different animation in the dub, and FUNimation did an excellent job localizing this one.

The live action series ([b]Mahou Sensei Negima!![/b]) is apparently a complete failure. I saw the first half of episode 1 plus some other random scenes, and I agree completely.

The second spin-off manga ([b]Negiho Ito Bun[/b], A.K.A. Mahora Little Girls) is an age-flipped version of the original manga. Negi and his friend Kotarou are teenagers teaching a kindergarden version of the class from the other manga. No sign of magic yet, but we're only 4 chapters into this one so far.

The OVAs and OADs cover the following chapters in part or completely:

[b]Spring:[/b] 61 (Marshmallow Empire of the South Pacific), 62 (Lubba-Dub! Not Here, Please)
[b]Summer:[/b] N/A, this one's a filler.
[b]Ala Alba 1:[/b] 159 (Justice Sides with the Victor!!), 162 (Hope for a Happy Future, Zaijian!!), 170 (Out of Control Club Chairman Test ♥), 176 (Club Negima (Temporary Name) Growing in Numbers ♥), 177 (Dead or Alive)
[b]Ala Alba 2:[/b] 171 (Death Study ♥), 178 (Summer! Beach! Confession!?), 179 (She's the One for Negi!?), 180 (Explosion! Negi Wars ♥)
[b]Ala Alba 3:[/b] 181 (I Need to Tell You Something!), 182 (Negi Party, All Ready!), 183 (Full of Memories ♥)
[b]Mou Hitotsu No Sekai 1:[/b] 184 (Negi Party Departs to London!!), 185 (Starting Point for the Future!!), 186 (Welcome to Another World!!), 187 (Fate Causes a Catastrophe), 188 (Power Up, Negi Party!), 189 (Destruction! Negi Party!!)
[b]Mou Hitotsu No Sekai 2:[/b] 190 (Energy Recovered, 120% ♥), 191 (Promise from the Past), 192 (Hero's Duty)
[b]Mou Hitotsu No Sekai 3:[/b] 197 (Project: One Stone, Three Birds ♥), 198 (Life-Threatening Showdown!!), 199 (Ako's Heart-Pounding Examination Room ♥), 200 (Respective Strengths!), 201 (A New Master / Disciple Combo is Born ♥), 202 (All Negi's Got)
[b]Mou Hitotsu No Sekai 4:[/b] 204 (If I Could Be Stupid... ♥), 205 (Father's Path or Master's Path!?), 206 (Precious Reunion ♥), 207 (No Chance of Winning!!?), 208 (Limit), 209 (Negi's Back!)
[b]Mou Hitotsu No Sekai Extra - Magical Girl Yue:[/b] 203 (Magical Girl Yue), 211 (Magical Girl Major Battle ♥), 212 (100km Broom Rally; Falling Clothes and Danger Ahead ♥), 213 (Super Magical Girl Yue ♥)

I liked the Ala Alba and Another World ones. The other two were OK.

The upcoming movie (no name known) will apparently cover Volume 27, the best volume of the series (IMO).

[quote name='slugboy' timestamp='1291245821' post='4823143']
I just saw most of the raw for 311 and i was surprised.

[spoiler='spoiler']I wasn't expecting for Ala Alba's immediate victory due to their aquisition of the Great Grand Master Key because their plan was hastily contrived and Cosmo Entelecheia has planned for months if not years. Fate, or Tertium, has been shown to never leave huge openings, especially for something important. He never reveals his entire hand, there are always a few cards held back for the off-chance that "Plan A" fails. I never expected though that there would be three other "Fates" (for lack of better term) existing at the same time, although it does make sense because Tertium has said that he has existed for a long time so that would mean that he was 'alive' when Nagi defeated Primius/Primium (latin for "the first") and Secundus/Secundium (latin for "the second"), making the prospect of more than one at any time more believable. It was also kind of foreshadowed in Chapter 229. After fighting off Fate's group in Ostea, when Nodoka revealed Fate's name to be Tertium, a couple member's of Ala Alba, Ku Fei and Kotaro commented on the possibility of there being "four or five guys like [Fate]" and that it would be "a real pain." Also if earth, fire, wind, and water are represented with numbers three through six, what could have been represented by one and two?[/spoiler]

Also, your comment that only the representative/Averruncus of heart is needed, even if only in jest, is not necasarily true because it has been noted by both Jack Rakan and Tsukuyomi that Tertium has an amount of humanity, that the other/previous Averruncus lacked, to him which unexpected and denied by Tertium because he claims to be merely a doll. But remember that's what a certain other character, not to give any huge spoilers like a name, thought of herself and feared that possibility until her pactio, in which her virtus, virtue that she has the most affinity for, is caritas (love). So Fate (#3) could also be a candidate for heart because of his growing humanity, by which I mean the increasing individuality of his actions and thoughts.
I'd also like to hear other thoughts about this subject.

[spoiler=Spoiler Tag Here]
EVERYONE seems to be noticing the 229 connection.

In any case, Dunamis was apparently the one who made the other 3. Tetrium doesn't even necessarily know... :/

As for the possible elements for Primium and Secundium (their names are always gender neutral, as confirmed by the girl still having "ium"), 231 seems to show Primium as being Earth. Seeing as some people are claiming that Dunamis said he has revived Tetrium twice already (and can do so once every 10 years), I'm guessing Tetrium was also Primium and Secundium. If it weren't for that, my guess would be Light/Dark, as those + Ice are the only missing ones we've seen (unless Gravity counts).

Nice connections, running with the already overused Captain Planet joke like that.


No Chapter
No Chapter
No Chapter

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[quote name='burnpsy' timestamp='1291249961' post='4823290']
There's a manga, 2 anime, 2 OVAs, 8 OADs, 2 spin-off manga and a live action series, as well as an upcoming movie.

The manga ([b]Mahou Sensei Negima![/b]/Negima! Magister Negi Magi) is the main one, it currently has 311 chapters (34 volumes' worth, but only 32 volumes have been released) and a serious plot. However, [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ContinuityLockOut"]don't think you can freely skip over the parts you've seen animated - the anime cut out major stuff[/url]. I should note that the manga is currently very different than how it started. The harem aspects were mostly to fake out his bosses (some of it stays for humor and as a subplot), but unfortunately... most of their meta material is based off that early part and drove off a lot of potential fanbase. Every little detail ends up being important here, including but not limited to: which characters refused to play dodgeball early on, a character claiming they can't think of any worries, one character's shade of hair, a picture from an early chapter, a logo that appears on the main character's shirt, random speculation one character makes after hearing the true name of one of the villians, and most of the early humor. It is currently a very well-done action manga and manages to maintain a decent position in the sales charts.

The first anime ([b]Mahou Sensei Negima![/b]/Negima! Magister Negi Magi) has 26 episodes and did a faithful reproduction of the first 3 volumes. After that, you get a rush of filler and other scenes taken out of context from Volume 4. When the DO finally do the plot from volume 4, they take out the Nodoka and Konoka pactios (though both appear in the anime's final episode), and flat-out tossed a secondary villian who (in the manga) later becomes a main character. It also makes up several pactios for the students who hadn't made one at the time of the anime's [url="http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftvtropes.org%2Fpmwiki%2Fpmwiki.php%2FMain%2FGeckoEnding&rct=j&q=site%3Atvtropes.org%20Gecko%20Ending&ei=BNr2TLrTAY_6sAOqvdzrCw&usg=AFQjCNFW3jyKjILehffJFhvtsyTCBiXmtw&sig2=VRU9Dmq893PFKUEGdwNxeQ&cad=rja"]Gecko Ending[/url].

The first spin-off manga ([b]Negima!? Neo[/b]) features an alternate plot and changed series mechanics. However, it apparently isn't very good, and you won't find any chapters other than 0-19 and 29 on the web.

[b]The second anime (Negima!?/Negima!? Magister Negi Magi) has 26 episodes and features an altered version of the plot of Negima!? Neo, including its altered series mechanics. This is the better of the two anime in most people's opinion. Despite how relatively bad Negima Neo is, this one's amazing. Also, some scenes have different animation in the dub, and FUNimation did an excellent job localizing this one.[/b]

The live action series ([b]Mahou Sensei Negima!![/b]) is apparently a complete failure. I saw the first half of episode 1 plus some other random scenes, and I agree completely.

The second spin-off manga ([b]Negiho Ito Bun[/b], A.K.A. Mahora Little Girls) is an age-flipped version of the original manga. Negi and his friend Kotarou are teenagers teaching a kindergarden version of the class from the other manga. No sign of magic yet, but we're only 4 chapters into this one so far.

The OVAs and OADs cover the following chapters in part or completely:

[b]Spring:[/b] 61 (Marshmallow Empire of the South Pacific), 62 (Lubba-Dub! Not Here, Please)
[b]Summer:[/b] N/A, this one's a filler.
[b]Ala Alba 1:[/b] 159 (Justice Sides with the Victor!!), 162 (Hope for a Happy Future, Zaijian!!), 170 (Out of Control Club Chairman Test ♥), 176 (Club Negima (Temporary Name) Growing in Numbers ♥), 177 (Dead or Alive)
[b]Ala Alba 2:[/b] 171 (Death Study ♥), 178 (Summer! Beach! Confession!?), 179 (She's the One for Negi!?), 180 (Explosion! Negi Wars ♥)
[b]Ala Alba 3:[/b] 181 (I Need to Tell You Something!), 182 (Negi Party, All Ready!), 183 (Full of Memories ♥)
[b]Mou Hitotsu No Sekai 1:[/b] 184 (Negi Party Departs to London!!), 185 (Starting Point for the Future!!), 186 (Welcome to Another World!!), 187 (Fate Causes a Catastrophe), 188 (Power Up, Negi Party!), 189 (Destruction! Negi Party!!)
[b]Mou Hitotsu No Sekai 2:[/b] 190 (Energy Recovered, 120% ♥), 191 (Promise from the Past), 192 (Hero's Duty)
[b]Mou Hitotsu No Sekai 3:[/b] 197 (Project: One Stone, Three Birds ♥), 198 (Life-Threatening Showdown!!), 199 (Ako's Heart-Pounding Examination Room ♥), 200 (Respective Strengths!), 201 (A New Master / Disciple Combo is Born ♥), 202 (All Negi's Got)
[b]Mou Hitotsu No Sekai 4:[/b] 204 (If I Could Be Stupid... ♥), 205 (Father's Path or Master's Path!?), 206 (Precious Reunion ♥), 207 (No Chance of Winning!!?), 208 (Limit), 209 (Negi's Back!)
[b]Mou Hitotsu No Sekai Extra - Magical Girl Yue:[/b] 203 (Magical Girl Yue), 211 (Magical Girl Major Battle ♥), 212 (100km Broom Rally; Falling Clothes and Danger Ahead ♥), 213 (Super Magical Girl Yue ♥)

I liked the Ala Alba and Another World ones. The other two were OK.

The upcoming movie (no name known) will apparently cover Volume 27, the best volume of the series (IMO).[/quote]

Thanks for the help. The completely bolded is the one I am in the process of watching. I'll check out the manga, as it sounds good. Although long.

Also, what does OVA and OAD mean? I'm a newb.

+1 for your trouble.
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Just for completion's sake, I should point out that they also made audio-only drama CDs, but nobody cares about those unless they speak Japanese.

[quote name='Mako109' timestamp='1291270133' post='4823772']
Thanks for the help. The completely bolded is the one I am in the process of watching. I'll check out the manga, as it sounds good. Although long.

Also, what does OVA and OAD mean? I'm a newb.

+1 for your trouble.

OVA = Original Video Animation
OAD = Original Animation DVD

They're essentially the same thing. You could call them "special episodes" of sorts. I found them fairly difficult to track down subbed though, so just tell me if you want to see them (I have all of 'em on my laptop).

Negima was apparently the first series to have OADs, then copycats popped up. Also, many manga that lack proper anime will get OVAs.
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I want to speak Japanese XD

Ok, but I will need a more detailed explanation. (For learnings sake) The OVA's and OAD's. Do they contain the anime? Or is the anime something separate? I have no clue, as my head is fuzzy tonight. "Special Episodes" makes me lean towards separate...
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[quote name='Mako109' timestamp='1291271731' post='4823795']
I want to speak Japanese XD

Ok, but I will need a more detailed explanation. (For learnings sake) The OVA's and OAD's. Do they contain the anime? Or is the anime something separate? I have no clue, as my head is fuzzy tonight. "Special Episodes" makes me lean towards separate...

OVAs are released alone in DVDs.
OADs are bundled with manga volumes.

Of course, if you're just watching online, this won't matter. Just see it as an opportunity taken to make an anime that contains a small amount of episodes.

For all intents and purposes, they are anime episodes.
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I'll post this info now as opposed to later, in order to prevent this thread from dropping first page solely from locked topics.

I know a few the people who posted here are keeping up with the official release. Apparently, there will be a re-translation of the first 3 volumes (which previously had a mediocre translation job) released in omnibus format. Also, the next volume has been delayed until May - the good news there being that the volumes will be released every 2 months until we've caught up with Japan after that point.

As for the current chapters... 312 comes out next week, after which there will be another week without a chapter before we go back into full swing again.
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  • 2 weeks later...
The new chapter's out (has been roughly translated, but no scanlation yet).

[spoiler=OH CR*P]
Chachamaru was impaled by a flaming spear.
Takane wasn't useless.
Johnny was rewritten.
The Manta was destroyed.
The GGMK was retrieved by Kaede.
Kaede died.

Quartum reveals a giant sword.
Quintum reveals his own version of Raiiten Taisou and Titan Slayer.

Yeah, they're screwed.
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Well I'll wait until the scanlations come out to give my thoughts on 312....but...

311.....more than 1 Fate...

Huh....they're screwed >.>

I mean, 1 Fate was bad enough ; - ;

Also, I wonder how Setsuna's battle with the crazy sword girl is goin.... .- .
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[quote name='Daisuke L. Hirako' timestamp='1293139688' post='4877878']
Well I'll wait until the scanlations come out to give my thoughts on 312....but...

311.....more than 1 Fate...

Huh....they're screwed >.>

I mean, 1 Fate was bad enough ; - ;

Also, I wonder how Setsuna's battle with the crazy sword girl is goin.... .- .

I'd think everyone's curious about the fight. Poyo's wierd summon thing that Mana sent into the future should be respawning about now, too (3 hours have passed).

[quote name='Mako109' timestamp='1293144918' post='4878157']
S***! I forgot! I need to start reading the manga. Link for later tonight? In a PM, though.

I'll put it here and in the PM.


EDIT: Spoilers for 313, full translation of 312 are out.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Since nobody else posted about it - the raw for the next chapter went up early due to new years, so the scanlation will probably be early this week.

Unfortunately, the following Ala Alba members have gone down:

[spoiler=6 Members Are Down This Chapter]
Great Paru-sama (well, it's seen crashing in any case)
Ku Fei

However, Nodoka will apparently wake up in 60 seconds.
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[quote name='ADHD-Guitar' timestamp='1300319423' post='5077728']
Sorry for the necro-bump but I figured it was better than starting a new thread.

Just started reading it and I must say it's better than I expected.

I was going to start a new thread soon anyways, since the current arc is ending, but this works too.

Nice to see that you like it.
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