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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds: Return of the Dark Signers [Not Started/Accepting/OOC]

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The battle that occurs every 5000 years between Signer and Dark Signer has come, but early and the Dark Signers have gained new powers from the king of the Underworld. Every time someone loses a duel to a Dark Signer, instead of dying, they become a mind controled slave with an outfit similar to the of a regular Dark Signer in the color of the Dark Signer they lost to. The Dark Signers also have another advantage this time. One of the Signers, and there leader at that. James, the holder of Stardust Dragon has be takien to the dark side, teaming up with the Dark Signers, but why would he abandon his friends?

[spoiler=Rule. READ THEM!]

1. Advance rules apply. i will crack down on this.

2. All YCM rules apply

3. Custom cards are allowed, but not op'ed

4. No Custom Signer Dragons.

Failure to follow rules:

1st time:You will be kicked out of RP. if you continue to post in this thread. I'm not letting this go. One strike, your out![/spoiler]





Group {Signer, Dark Signer, Other}:

{if signer}

Signer Dragon {no customs}:

{if Dark Signer}

Earthbound Immortal:

Mark {only 17}:


Duel Spirit:


D-Wheel{optional pic}:


[spoiler=My Apps]



thanks to EternalDuelist for the picture.[/spoiler]


Mark:[s]Dragons Head[/s] Hummingbird

Signer Dragon:Stardust Dragon (not in posession of it currently)

EBI:Asilla Piscu (green)


Duel Spirit:BW Gale, Dragunity Militum

D-Wheel:Yes, pic if i can find one.





Group {Signer, Spirit, Other}:Other

Deck:Harpie, X Sabers

Duel Spirit:Harpie Queen, X-Saber Airbellum

Bio{optional}:In posession of James Stardust Dragon.

D-Wheel{optional pic}:Yes, i'll try to find a good pic.



Apperence: (will find something later)


Signer Dragon:Scrap Dragon (/Twin Scrap Dragon)

Mark {only 17}: Sub-Head (blue)


Duel Spirit:Scrap Beast


D-Wheel{optional pic}: Yes, made out of scrap metal and left over pieces found in garbage.

[spoiler=Explaination of 17 Signers/Dark Signers]

Often times, people who are signers quit. I have decided to add 5 extra signers. Normal singers have red marks (like in the anime) and sub-signers get blue marks, but the same 5 as the regular signers.

No custom cards as singer dragons, but if you have a favorite already made synchro dragon that is officially released, i will let you have that instead of one of the original 5.

Other seven are Dark Signers. Custom [b]COLORED[/b] EBI's are allowed, but no custom EBIs.

3 More Dark Signers, no more regular Signer, 4 Sub-Signers
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Name: Don Buchanan
Gender: Male
Apperence: Tall and fairly muscular, though not overly broad. Has reddish-blond hair and green eyes, and a short, neatly trimmed beard. His usual outfit consists of a black formal jacket, trousers and shoes along with a white shirt and tartan cravat. His duel disk, to the same design as Jack Atlas' (see duel runner entry) is in black, with tartan pattern on the trim.
Group: Signer
Signer Dragon: Black Brutdrago
Mark: Wings
Deck: Gemini
Duel Spirit: Dark Valkyria
Bio: A professional duelist, originally from Scotland but now living in [Wherever this RP is set] (I'll add more when I can figure it out)
D-Wheel: A monowheel, like Jack Atlas', but in black with thin bands of tartan on the edges of the panels on the front and back, forming lining.
Other: N/A

@goldeneagle: Why not have Trishula and/or Grunigir, and just have Brionac as another Synchro?
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Name: Daijiro Ryuujin
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, jet black hair, pale skin, pale blue eyes, white coat and Duel Disk
Group: Signer
Signer Dragon: Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Mark: Tail
Deck: Icicle Beasts
Duel Spirit: Icicle Eagle
Bio: (I might do one later, but I don't have time at the moment)
D-Wheel: White, wings like Crow's Duel Runner

Thanks for the tip, Psyduck =]
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Name: Sesshomarufan_02

Gender: Male

Apperence: Short dark hair with a 'stach that had a little bit of red in it, neatly trimmed beard, blue eyes, medium built, and shirts varied with shorts or pants with Nike shoes have the same duel disk as Jack's but have Scarlet and Grey color to it (fan of the Buckeyes)

Group {Signer, Dark Signer, Other}: Dark Signer

Earthbound Immortal: Red Nova Dragon

Mark {only 17}: Serpent (red colored)

Deck: Anime

Duel Spirit: Yoko Kurama


D-Wheel{optional pic}: none

Other: N/A
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[quote name='Sesshomarufan_02' timestamp='1283707939' post='4603055']
Name: Sesshomarufan_02 [b]Fake name not your user name[/b]

Gender: Male

Apperence: Short dark hair with a 'stach that had a little bit of red in it, neatly trimmed beard, blue eyes, medium built, and shirts varied with shorts or pants with Nike shoes have the same duel disk as Jack's but have Scarlet and Grey color to it (fan of the Buckeyes)

Group {Signer, Dark Signer, Other}: Dark Signer

Earthbound Immortal: Red Nova Dragon [b]Red Nova Dragon is a Signer Dragon upgrade, so you would need to be the signer of RDA to used RND but RDA is reserved right now.[/b]

Mark {only 17}: Serpent (red colored)

Deck: Anime [b]what?[/b]

Duel Spirit: Yoko Kurama


D-Wheel{optional pic}: none

Other: N/A
[/quote]Not accepted.
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Name: Maximillian Thermidor

Gender: Male

Appearance: At around 5 foot eleven, Termidor's height doesn't exactly throw him out in a crowd. His face is covered almost completely with a thick layer of silvery, elbow-length hair though his features are still clear. The eyes hidden behind the veil often show an intriguing site. His grey iris' are prominent, especially while the white's of his eyes take the Dark Signer black and attention is drawn to them when his hair is blown back and reveals his Dark Signer marker that encircles his right eye. A small, seemingly emotionless mouth hides behind the hair and it rarely moves, even through his sometimes constant muttering.

Group: Dark Signer

Earthbound Immortal: Wiraqocha Rasca (Silver)

Mark: Condor

[spoiler=Deck: Crystal Beast] This is based on my Tag Force deck and will probably use anime cards but with their Tag Force rules.

Here's an example with Advanced Darkness.


You can select "Crystal Beast" and "Advanced Crystal Beast" monsters, treated as the same name, in your hand or that you control and swap them. If an "Advanced Crystal Beast" monster you control is destroyed by battle and you would take Battle Damage, you can send 1 "Crystal Beast" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard instead. If a "Rainbow Dragon" or "Rainbow Dark Dragon" you control attacks, negate the effects of the attack target during the Damage Step only.

Tag Force:

The Attribute of any "Crystal Beast" monsters on the field or Graveyard is treated as DARK. When calculating Battle Damage caused by a "Crystal Beast" monster, you can send 1 "Crystal Beast" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard, to reduce any Battle Damage you take to 0. If a "Rainbow Dragon" monster attacks, the effect of the monster it attacks is negated during the Battle Phase. When this card is removed from the field, all face-up "Crystal Beast" monsters on the field are destroyed.[/spoiler]

Duel Spirit: None

Bio: (Might fill this in later but since it's optional I doubt I will. Bio's aren't really necessary for Dark Signers. If ANYONE wants some character history between this guy and their character PM me with whatever and I'll fill this in with it.)

D-Wheel: A modified version of the mass-produced Securities one. Recoloured black with silver art of a flaming Wiraqocha Rasca and Rainbow Dark Dragon emblazoned on both sides. Modifications to the inner workings allow almost no limit to the speed of the vehicle.

Other: I like pie. And QI.
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Name: Cici
Gender: Female
Appearance: She appears to look like Carly Carmine in her Dark Signer form, but that is where the similarities end. Like Rudger and Devack, her skin has tanned, but it is also covered with Dark Signer tattoos, previously used for sealing Wiraqocha but now in use for Scar-Red Nova. Her Dark Signer robes are now black and a deep crimson, and her eyes are purple, like her former love's. Her body is scarred from various battles, including a nasty cut across her nose that adds to the tattoos on her face. Even though she appears to be in her mid-20s, she seems worn-out and tired. She has two marks, the fake Signer mark from WC09, and the personal mark of Scar-Red Nova, each on her right arm, one on the right side and one on the left.
Group: Other
Signer Dragon: Red Nova Dragon
Earthbound Immortal: Scar-Red Nova
Mark: False Signer Mark (Signer), Nova Mark (Dark Signer)
Deck: Nova Deck
Duel Spirit: Scar-Red Nova
Bio: Cici is an entity that used to serve the Powers-That-Be, but is now a lost soul among the living. She is still trying to reach Jack, but has become immortal in the process. The only problem is that she now cannot die, which she wants to desperately. All she wants is to be granted her wish to ascend into heaven to reunite with Jack, but she has no idea how to, until the Dark Signers reappear, the Wings mark appears, and she realizes what she has to do.
D-Wheel: She has a beat-up, run-down crimson and black Dark Signer Duel Runner on its last legs.
Other: She used to be Carly Carmine. She is also a Signer and a Dark Signer at the same time, like Rex Goodwin.
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BWing, why the HELL do you have Drake? That's MY character, not yours, I want him back

Name: Drake

Gender: Male

Appearance: Same as the last RP, though significantly less beat to hell.

Group: Signer Ally

Deck: Red-Eyes/Volcanic

Duel Spirit: Red-Eyes Black Chick, Volcanic Hammerer

Bio: After dying at the hands of Storm Neos, Drake's soul was absorbed into Rainbow Neos to further strengthen the Duel Spirit, and was released, along with the souls of all the others killed during his reign, including the X-Sabers and his brother Mark.

D-Wheel: Vulcan (Team Catastrophe, only red)

Other: He's a cold blooded killer

Name: Mark

Gender: Male

Appearance: Drake, only blond with frozen eyes

Group: Other

Deck: Ice Barrier

Duel Spirit: Blizzd and Dewloren

Bio: After being revived after dying at James' hands, Tara's hold on his mind was shattered, causing him to feel the full weight of all the atrocities he committed with her as his mind slave. As a result of this, he has taken to being a wanderer and hasn't Dueled since his rebirth.

D-Wheel: Blizzard Wing (Blackbird but white and blue)

Other: He's the last Moon King

Name: Rayos

Gender: Male

Appearance: Same as the last RP, though he's translucent now, save for his Duel Claw

Group: Signer

Signer Dragon: Black-Winged Dragon

Mark: Can I get the Tail and have the Tail guy take one of the claws? I was here first.

Deck: Elemental Heroes/Nature Knights (Main) Masked Heroes (Backup)

Duel Spirit: Elemental Knight, Battlestorm, Spirit of Nature, himself

Bio: After his death at the hands of a copy of Aki, he was revived in his true form, becoming Aki's Duel Spirit, though he retained his Duel Claw and his Signer Mark.

D-Wheel: Faust (Modified Riding Roid) Though he doesn't use it anymore in his current state

Other: He's half human, half Duel Spirit, though the Duel Spirit part is dominating the human part

Name: Aryos/Bryce/King of the Netherworld

Gender: Male, technically genderless as he's the devil incarnate

Appearance: Usually, as Bryce, he's a walking corpse, though his other two forms are that of a demon

Group: Dark Signer

Earthbound Immortal: King of the Netherworld (Not technically an EI, but he is what he is)

Mark: His own, which takes the form of a full body tattoo that he can call upon at will

Deck: Seven Sins

Duel Spirit: He IS a Duel Spirit

Bio: He's an omnicidal maniac that absorbed this universe's King of the Netherworld, becoming its Dark Signer and bending it to his will

D-Wheel: Wings grow out of his back if he needs to Turbo Duel

Other: Where do I begin?

Name: Rahl

Gender: Male

Appearance: Rayos, with a demonic claw, violet eyes, and darker hair

Group: Dark Signer

Earthbound Immortal: Ccapac Apu

Mark: Giant

Deck: Disaster Knights/Evil Heroes

Duel Spirit: He IS a Duel Spirit

Bio: After being released from Rayos subconscious and absorbing his own memory, X, he declared a one man war on the Gods of the Spirit World for what they've done to him and sold his soul to Bryce for the power he needed to wipe them out.

D-Wheel: Kiryu's D Wheel

Other: He's a Duel Spirit/Human hybrid and Rayos' older twin brother, and he's completely insane.

Name: Ilana

Gender: Female

Appearance: Same as the last RP

Group: Other

Deck: Lavals

Duel Spirit: Laval Burning Verdant Temptress

Bio: While the Signers, Jasmine, and Drake were off in the Spirit World, Ilana was defending her psyche from attack by her ex-girlfriend, though it's unknown who won the battle at this time, though she claims to be perfectly fine

D-Wheel: Lavax, like Akiza's but lighter

Other: She's Tara's ex-girlfriend and the childhood friend of Drake and Mark
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Name: Jenny Zis
Gender: Female
Group: Other
Deck: Yusei-style Warrior Deck
Bio: Classified. All that is known is that she has a British accent, likes to quote pop-culture, and knows a lot about things that have happened in history, would happen under other circumstances, and will happen in the future, though she refers to all of it in the past tense unless she corrects herself.
D-Wheel: A hovercycle made from all sorts of spare parts.
Other: Guess what series she's from, and you will get a rep, if they mean anything anymore.
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Name: Tara

Gender: Female

Appearance: Same as the last 4 RPs

Group: Freelance evil

Deck: Naturia

Duel Spirit: Ivy, though she's long since been lost to her, Power of Chaos, against its will

Bio: Tara has been following the Signers since the Seals of Darkness and Light arose, back when she was a member of the group. However, her Signer powers forsaked her in the end, and she was left with just the Seal of Darkness, the last such Seal in existence, whispering in her mind, driving her insane. The whispers of the Seal, however, were further strengthened when the Kingdom of the Sun was vanquished by the Signers, leaving her as its sole remaining member, the Sun Queen, driving her deeper into the madness that has already consumed her. She was next sought out by the Shadow Droid, who wanted to harness her power for his own, however, the Signers destroyed him as well, and she was left with all his technology. Her powers have been building ever since her last confrontation with James where she made the Power of Chaos her Duel Spirit in order to gain its strength, sending her deeper still into madness, so that any hint of the girl that James once knew has all but been obliterated.

D-Wheel: N/A

Other: Drake and Mark's twin sister, Ilana's ex-girlfriend, and one crazy b@#$%

She probably won't be making too many appearances in this RP, but just in case she does show up, here's Tara's app.
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Name: Alex McFist

Gender: Male

Appearance: [spoiler=MY FACE:][img]http://www.generally-speaking.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Awesome-handlebar-moustache.jpg[/img][/spoiler] except more anime-y.

Group {Signer, Dark Signer, Other}: Other

Deck: Pyro Smextival http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/220622-pyro-type-support/page__p__4599672__fromsearch__1#entry4599672

Duel Spirit: Plume Lancer

Bio{optional}: A bootiful Scottish bastad from the fair city of Aberdeen, Alex McFist has come to this fair city to beat down all opponents with his mighty moustache and love of LOLPYROMANIA. Can wherever this RP is set deal with Alex's mighty moustache and love of LOLPYROMANIA? Not even time will tell. Because if it did, Alex would set it on fire. Yes, he's that kind of crazay. One last time: [spoiler=MY FACE:][img]http://www.generally-speaking.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Awesome-handlebar-moustache.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

D-Wheel{optional pic}: A Penny Farthing with a Momentum/"Enerdy" engine on it. And before you judge, remember Placido.

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