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battle city ycm

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i was inspired by the duelist kingdom rp that was going on, so i decided to make a battle city one. for this we must make our own characters and create custom cards. all cards must be balanced. i will also create npc's for you to fight. you can create some too.
all tcg rules apply.
we are given puzzle cards. those who find six will be in the finals
you must ante at least one card and at least one puzzle card each time you battle and your opponent must accept the ante.
no godmodding.
fill in this app:
apperance: img is optional
custom cards
you must be descriptive when dueling and say your hand
you must also fill out this form in detail.
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[quote name='Tainted Black' timestamp='1283358042' post='4588670']
...This is bad. This is very bad.

You need a plot, structure, rules, OOC in the title, and OH so much more.
[/quote]Like good grammar?

Sorry, kid, but this won't work. Without good grammar or a good plot not many people will join because they think that the creator is a n00b and the RP will fail. Although this is not ever the case, you should improve your grammar and use the SHIFT button for God's sake (you know the rectangular little key on your keyboard, usually placed next to the < key?)
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