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Will the World End in 2012?


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[quote name='=The End Gamer=' timestamp='1286100703' post='4675484']
Give us a scientific explanation except the well-known Solar Flare that happens every 11 years. (In 2012, a particulary big one will happen, but hell, why would it end the world?)

We are overdue a rather large meterorite accoring to research. Plus the a big storm (once in a generation) from the sun will disrupt many eletrical systems and power lines in 2012/2013 accoring to NASA. If we can't fire the missiles to deflect the Meteorite....well you get the idea.

And if that doesn't kill us, pollution will. Even if global warming is a fake we should still like sustanable lives. The world's recouses will run out and the balloning human population will mean food prices will sky rocket and they are both facts even if global warming isn't. (The air should still be clean even if global warming is prooved to be wrong because there will be a rise of people with respitory problems). Plus the recent sludge outbreak in Hungary is killing locals.

[quote name='MortalKombatSmoke' timestamp='1283302928' post='4586937']
Some people say that the Mayan Calendar proves the doomsday date is December 21st, 2012.

Do you think this is correct?

Is the Mayan Calendar Correct? Are we over looking another explanation for why the calendar ends? Or is it complete BS?

But you make your own minds up. 2012? I'd say give or take a couple of years. Although check this:

type: "NASA Response to Crazy 2012 Claims" on google and go to the first video.
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Pollution isn't even close to killing us, and we will deal with overpopulation when it becomes a problem, since this world is [b]not able[/b] to sustain more than a few billion people, and we are approaching seven. It won't be hard to sustain that many people, it'd be impossible. And if we try, people will die from horrible living conditions, balancing it out anyways.

Meteorites... unless they are a few miles wide, I don't see wide-scale damage.

Solar flares... our magnetic field takes care of most of that, and the most a big one can do is disrupt some of our higher-up satellites. So no GPS for a few days, who really cares? And a solar flare needs to be pretty goddamn big to cause even that sort of destruction.
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ok, i will post my thoughts of why the world has a 99.99% chance of not ending in 2012..
*ahem* They said the world would end in 2000...did it?-NO
They said hover cars would be invented in 2000...they didn't.(i know its kinda irelivent)
So, basically, every time before this, they say the world will end, but has it on those "end dates" -NO...

So, if your wondering what my jibberish means, i mean the world will not end...
I say this out of pure confidence, and no, im not one of those moody people who moan a lot...(if you read this thanks for readin)
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I think the Mayans just died out before they could make a second calendar. That thing looks like it must take forever to make.

@Brandon: To add to your arguement, Mega Man supposedly takes places during 200X. Well, it's 2010, so where is he? (200X means 2010, not 210)
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Also it is fact that mayans made time period calanders, like we do, but they have those long calanders, we have year calanders...Yes the thought the world could end is freaky...But it will NOT end in 2012...Anyways, if it did happen, just think, surely theres a heaven, we wouldnt just live an eternity of blackness surely...
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Almost all previous apocalypse theories were American theories. The 2012 theory was predicted by many ancient civilizations at different times and had no contact with each other whatsoever. These civilizations have also predicted many other natural disasters, star movements, and even a few man made disasters and assasinations. Most accurate, on the dot, the Mayans. And don't retort with "Mayans believed in cycles". Yes they do believe in cycles, and they didn't believe that 2012 would be the end of the world, but they did believe in widescale disasters at the end of these cycles.
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Almost all previous apocalypse theories were American theories. The 2012 theory was predicted by many ancient civilizations at different times and had no contact with each other whatsoever. These civilizations have also predicted many other natural disasters, star movements, and even a few man made disasters and assasinations. Most accurate, on the dot, the Mayans. And don't retort with "Mayans believed in cycles". Yes they do believe in cycles, and they didn't believe that 2012 would be the end of the world, but they did believe in widescale disasters at the end of these cycles.
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The way the world will end in 2012:
We will all panic, causing pandemonium, therefore trampling people left and right from China to U.S., mass disorder, confusion, terrorists strike and whatnot. Ultimately, I think we will cause it.
We argue about it, because it is something we don't like. Religous and Atheists alike, will suffer if the world [b]does[/b] indeed end in 2012. Dammit, Mistro, you caused something to be anticipated for as you die. You take sanity with you. If we humans hear something with proof, and we dislike it, we will debate until we find a reasonable solution to it, even if ti means resorting to YCM for an answer. God, human civilization is going downhill.
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[quote name='Crab Helmet' timestamp='1283367868' post='4589093']
The calendar on my wall says that the world will end after 31 December 2010. There's no days left after that!

i think that the world will end in MILLIONS of years, because i saw a documentary saying that (yes, i know) and it certainly didn't look like stupidity.
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  • 2 weeks later...
It has been recently discovered that the Mayan calendar was incorrectly converted to our calendar. Therefore, no one knows when the calendar ends, but it is definitely not Dec 21, 2012. The Mayan calendar might end 50 years from now, or it may have ended already. We really have no idea at this point.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Let's see, the Earth ends when it's suppposed to.
It is an unknown time. This is solely based on two things:
~ Religion
~ History
These are the two main things that can be argued about. Personally, it's a bunch of crap to me. No human being can predict the future.
Although "future" dreams have been proven to be seen. Someone can have a dream one night, and it comes true the next day.
But most of the times you can't remember dreams, so what good what that do?
And in this case, I kind of doubt a Mayan had a dream one night and said "The world is going to end in 2012."
This is the history part to it.
The religious part is too much. I can't post it because it will just start a huge flaming war.
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Eh, I'll post Planet X theory. I don't know everything about it, but I know the jist of it.

Some Astronomers say they have found another planet. We don't know for sure if this planet exsists, because it's strange orbit makes it hard to see, being blocked out by the light of stars. Anyway, this is Planet X and it has the orbit of a comet, just much longer. It's revolution around the sun takes about 3600 years. Since we don't know much of this planet, it's not confirmed, but it is possible that the planet could come close to Earth and mess up our gravity. If this happens, it could happen anywhere between now and 2100, roughly. This won't kill us all, but disasters will happen. The poles will switch. The North pole will be in North America and the South will be in Australia, I believe.

This theory is supported by...The name of the culture escapes me. Anyway, these certain people spoke of disasters happening every 3000 years or so. But it's vague, because they could just be talking about a famine, superstition, etc.

Does this mean the world will end in 2012? I'm not sure, but I doubt it. I'm not sure this will even end the world, because we know humans have been on Earth longer than 3600 years.

Do I believe Planet X will throw off our gravity at some point? Yes.
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*sigh* I don't really know why this discussion is still about the "end of the world" while it wasn't initially meant to mean that.

The Mayan calendar ended on that date but it doesn't mean that they tought it was the "end". There can be several reasons, were they too lazy to continue? Didn't they expect the world to continue for such a long time? Maybe it would be useful to start studying the Mayan culture because jumping to such conclusions, how they viewed the world. Some cultures had an overall negative view on the world, other religions like Gnosticism and the Jehova's Witnesses still do (at least what most people would consider as negative, they don't go ahead and hug trees because the world is beautiful, like other people do).

Then the other big part that plays a role in the discussion and that somehow no one ever mentions on this site is the [i][b][size="3"]New Age[/size][/b][/i] religion/philosophy/however you want to call it, things are hard to pin down nowadays. I'd suggest that all of you look it up if you haven't already, because I can't imagine a serious discussion about 2012 being brought up without mentioning them at least once, in a positive or negative light, I don't care.

The New Age movement which also embraces a lot of aspects from other religions like from Christianity, Pagan and Eastern religions (and yes Nostradamus is in there too), believes into the idea that 2012 [u]IS NOT[/u] the end of the world, but marks the beginning of a new era. Yes the world going through different eras, look up the [size="2"][b]Age of the Aquarius[/b][/size]. They base their theories on the Mayan calendar and claim that in 2012 a lot of natural disasters will occur. (Now if you ask me, it's going to be hard to prove whether there will really be MORE and worse disasters than in 2011 and whether this is due to the life-force in the universe or "Mother Earth", or simply because natural disasters are...well natural but I guess they haven't thought about that yet.) At that point I usually lose them because they claim that 2012 will mark a new era, an era where no wars or strife will occur, no animals or humans will be killed, the world will be just like the dreams most of us have when we're in a ridiculously good mood (will it surprise you if I mention that the movement started during the hippy golden years?). It takes big dimensions for some, like people waking up in the morning and [s]feeling like P.Diddy[/s] becoming vegans, no exceptions made, or everyone becoming peaceful, or sexually liberal or "one with nature". Now you'll also have to prove that people weren't "one with nature" the years before or why this is supposed to happen at that moment exactly but according to their reasoning it's all because of the Aquarius. Yes the starsign, he's doing it all.=P

...It's still a lot of crap IMO, but at least it's the right crap we're talking about.=/
If you ask me I don't think ANYTHING is going to happen in 2012, at least nothing that couldn't as well happen at some other point. Not a new age or some god being born through the milky way (which is supposed to be the womb of the mother goddess), maybe some disasters that are also happening now. It's all nice and all, the fact that you're striving for a better world, that you go against wars and eating animals and hope that it's going to stop, but trying to push it this way or even expecting that it's going to happen like that doesn't really convince me. There are semi-scientific theories (some more or less scientific, others not much) that might support this rise/change of era/whatever you call it, like the sea level rising or the pole shifts, might post them later. But if you want my opinion...I never understood why the fact of having big fat cataclysmal disasters should cause people to change all of a sudden. Or how they should bring the "birth of a new god" who will also bring you a "new age".

I'm not even saying that the religion/philosophy is bad, there are good things like the more liberal side, non-dogmatic aspects, the fact of taking aspects from other religions (which happens a lot nowadays) but when people bark in with the 2012 stuff, I start losing them. Again good intentions wrapped in lots of astrology and religious prophecies, I guess. But then again there are many people who have a "New Age-ish" mindset, including me among others because a lot of their IDEALS (not prophecies) apply to me, but count themselves out of the 2012 stuff or the movement itself.

[quote name='Smesh' timestamp='1288830738' post='4760134']
Eh, I'll post Planet X theory. I don't know everything about it, but I know the jist of it.

Some Astronomers say they have found another planet. We don't know for sure if this planet exsists, because it's strange orbit makes it hard to see, being blocked out by the light of stars. Anyway, this is Planet X and it has the orbit of a comet, just much longer. It's revolution around the sun takes about 3600 years. Since we don't know much of this planet, it's not confirmed, but it is possible that the planet could come close to Earth and mess up our gravity. If this happens, it could happen anywhere between now and 2100, roughly. This won't kill us all, but disasters will happen. The poles will switch. The North pole will be in North America and the South will be in Australia, I believe.

This theory is supported by...The name of the culture escapes me. Anyway, these certain people spoke of disasters happening every 3000 years or so. But it's vague, because they could just be talking about a famine, superstition, etc.

Does this mean the world will end in 2012? I'm not sure, but I doubt it. I'm not sure this will even end the world, because we know humans have been on Earth longer than 3600 years.

Do I believe Planet X will throw off our gravity at some point? Yes.

The pole shifts and Nibiru/Planet X. Yeah that's one of the reasonings behind the whole New Age theories.
However one thing that puts me off is that I haven't seen a decent picture or description of that "Planet X" or anything that convinces me that it isn't another one of the other planets of our solar system, the dwarf planets, trans-neptunian ones and all the others that don't fit into the "big" group.

Sorry for pulling Wikipedia out but...
You mean this?=D

These guys mention that people didn't know about Pluto and all but the race for the 10th planet has been going on for a long time, Ceres which had been discovered before Pluto was part of it for a while too. I feel that they're too eager about "MUST FIND PLANET X~" than just enjoying discovering a new one, even if it's net Planet X.=/

I'm not saying that this planet can't exist but until they provide us a better description or theory, I'm going to continue thinking that mean a planet that has already been discovered and hasn't been diagnosed with anything like that.
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Opalmoon, you wasted your time.

All you had to say was "the world is not going to end in 2012, or in the near future; science has already proven that true, and if you don't believe it, you are an ignorant moron".

You didn't need to post a Crab Helmet-esque post with facts and whatnot, and Satan help you if you expect anyone [i]on YCM[/i] to read that.

Okay, fine. Anyone other than me and the other half-or-more intelligent people.

So, I'll say this now:

The world is not going to end in 2012, or even in the near future; science has already proven that true, and if you do not believe it, you are an ignorant moron.

...it sounds oddly familiar.
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>_> No, "science proved 'em wrong so that's why I'm going to prove all you idiots how wrong you are" is NOT the only thing I wanted to say. That's what most of the posts until now have come down to and probably what you want to hear. But I didn't even mention any scientific stuff, especially because I feel that the whole discussion is more based on the personal beliefs of the people who brought it out rather than "facts".

I'm always surprised that no one mentions the New Age beliefs (at least the most common ones) which should be the [b]first[/b] thing to pop in mind as soon as someone mentions 2012, unless you know nothing about contemporary religions/philosophies/whatever. And yes brief because there's a lot more to say about it.

Sure if that adds to your conclusion that no, the world doesn't end in 2012 because science proved it, then I'm fine with that, but again, I wasn't even talking about the end of the world since everyone explained that enough so far, I was talking about [i]the new age that is supposed to start in 2012[/i], which is what the initial theory about 2012 was about before the media turned it into some apocalyptic scenarios. Respectively the laziness of the Mayans.=P But if you expect me to start writing why the [i]end of the world[/i] is not going to happen in 2012 or the near future then I can get on that too.=P

[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1288840182' post='4760485']
and Satan help you if you expect anyone [i]on YCM[/i] to read that.

Then don't. I don't really care, I spend most of my time around YCM lurking around and acting like a kid so I'm shifting to serious stuff for my personal pleasure. If that makes any sense.
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It was fact, right, albeit historical? So I'll classify it under science, if you will. You essentially proved, using facts from history, that the world was never "meant" to end in 2012. Well, I'm just restating your post if I continue, but I assume that answers the first part of your question.

No, I don't think you understand. The half-intelligent people that already agree with you or actually care about knowledge will read it. But the people you are aiming the post at sure as hell won't read it. It's not an insult by any means to your intelligence or your intellectual post, and I'm glad you decided to start posting in Debates (and not the shitty crap we usually have in Debates). But it just doesn't seem in your personality to make a Crab Helmet-esque post, [i]especially[/i] when you know that the people you are aiming it at won't read it anyways.
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^Exactly, in fact there were discussions about this beyond the people themselves. Some think that we're already in the Age of the Aquarius and that it started in the 60's, others argue that it's coming ahead and 2012 is a popular date since it's already the target of many religious beliefs. Plus you're gaining adherents if you pick something that isn't too far ahead.

And that's one of the reasons why I don't believe anything of it despite having a pretty New-Age/Age of Aquarius-worthy lifestyle myself.:P People can't even agree between themselves if we're working towards something or if it's already here - wait what?
But to start, I don't really care much about the Aquarius, or whether we're in the age of the fishies, or in the age of a flying monkey.

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  • 4 weeks later...
There is no concrete evidence whatsoever that the world will end any time soon. To say as much is comparable to saying that an invisible pink unicorn exists because your apples are missing and you think you heard hooves outside.

I'm planning on making some cash by giving 20 bucks to whoever thinks the world is going to end and telling them to pay me 50 bucks in 2012.
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