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Heavy Storm can stay banned for all I care as long as this is made

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Mystical Space Vortex
Normal Spell Card
Discard 1 card. Activate 1 of the following Effects:
+ Destroy all face-up Spell and Trap Cards on the field.
+ Destroy all face-down Spell and Trap Cards on the field.
Monsters you control cannot attack your opponent directly during the turn this card is activated.

Do I really need the last Effect? I mean Lightning Vortex lacking it doesn't break it or anything but with the versatility it has over it, it probably needs it.
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[quote name='Skarlet' timestamp='1283261934' post='4584583']
Considering the versitility this card has, and the fact that backrow is considerably harder to get around than monsters are, the last effect is a balancing factor. Still, something like this would be fine as a HS replacement

I mainly put the last effect there to stop Attack-based OTKs. Well there is Armityle who can get around this since 10000 ATK can end the game even if there is a monster out, but that thing requires a lot of setup to accomplish.
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[quote name='Judgment Phoenix' timestamp='1283262253' post='4584589']
I mainly put the last effect there to stop Attack-based OTKs. Well there is Armityle who can get around this since 10000 ATK can end the game even if there is a monster out, but that thing requires a lot of setup to accomplish.

There are a lot of combos that can still be done that can end the game without attacking directly. However, I think the only one that doesn't involve a banworthy card is Armityle, so I think this card is fine as is.
Excellent replacement for Heavy Storm. It adds a bit more strategy to it. After all, if I'm reading this correctly, you choose which you'll destroy upon resolution, so your opponent won't know what to do with their face-down Gravity Bind.
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