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=Warning Creepy v2= Photoshop Cs5 Experiment


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I finally got around to playing with the new features directly...
[spoiler=Version 1][center][img]http://i33.tinypic.com/mw2whu.png[/img][/center][/spoiler]
Playing around... [url=http://indiae.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2xhekg]Original[/url].
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[quote name='J-Max' timestamp='1283190122' post='4582218']
Now that is terrifying lol. A shiver actually went up my Spine when I saw the pic. What kind of effect is it Josh? A Smudge?

Nope. Adaptive Skinning. I used a combination of Cs5's Healing Brush, my own techniques, Content Aware Filters and Puppet Warp.
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[quote name='-Dae-' timestamp='1283218710' post='4583623']
I need to read an user manual of Phothoshop CS5...like NAOH!!!!

I'll tutor you on MSN when I have time. Just check in and ask.
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[quote name='Seta Sojiro' timestamp='1283339440' post='4588176']
I think you could make a version with that evil grin on, you know what I mean.
The eyes need something to make it look more creepy IMO.
Otherwise it's quite nice, haven't been doing manips for a long time so I'm kinda rusty at CnC too.

That's going to be a little tough. I want a curiously-evil-and-you-did-this-to-me look, to which I have succeeded albeit at the cost of a creepy factor. The eyes yea, going to do something while keeping it child appropriate, we'll see how that comes out.
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