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Staple, Limited, and/or Banned Card Replacements

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One of my favorite ways to pass the time is to make up balanced versions of banned/limited/broken/staple cards, and see how many ways I can accomplish it. As a result, I've had a few lying around in a gigantic text document for a long time.

[Size="3"]Pot of Greed/Pot of Duality/Graceful Charity:[/Size]

Spell Card
Effect: Draw 2 cards. Your opponent chooses and activates one of the following effects:
-The controller of this card discards 1 card from their hand.
-The opponent Draws 1 card.

[b]Love or Power[/b]
Spell Card
Effect: Pay 500 Life Points. Both players select 1 card on their opponent's side of the field, then choose to activate one of the following effects:
-Tribute the card your opponent selected to draw 3 cards.
-The selected card cannot be destroyed this turn. Draw 1 card.

[b]Manipulative Chambermaid[/b]
Spell Card
Effect: Discard 1 card. Your opponent picks up (not draws) 1 card, then chooses and activates one of the following effects::
-Remove the card from play and activate this card's effect again.
-Add the card to their hand. The controller of this card draws 2 cards.
-Add the card to this card's controller's hand.

[Size="3"]Confiscation/Delinquent Duo:[/Size]

[b]Dedicated Maid[/b]
Light/Spellcaster/Level 1
Effect: ATK 0000/DEF 0000
This monster cannot attack. Once per turn, you can skip your Battle Phase to switch control of this monster to your opponent until your next Stand-by Phase. If you do, it cannot be used as a tribute until it returns to the control of it's owner. When control of this card returns to the player who activated it's effect during the Stand-by Phase, the player's opponent discards 1 card.

[b]Fine Print[/b]
Spell Card
Effect: Reveal your hand to your opponent. They select and discard 1 card from your hand. During your opponent's next Draw Phase, the opponent selects and discards 2 cards from their hand.

[Size="3"]Harpie's Feather Duster/Heavy Storm/Giant Trunade:[/Size]

[b]Reward and Punishment[/b]
Spell Card
Effect: Destroy all Spell and Trap cards on your opponent's side of the field. Your opponent draws 1 card for every card destroyed in this manner.

[b]Mighty Blizzard[/b]
Quick-play Spell Card
Effect: This card can only be activated at the start of Main Phase 1. At the End Phase of the turn, destroy all face-down Spell and Trap cards on the field.

[Size="3"]Change of Heart/Snatch Steal/Brain Control:[/Size]

[b]Sword of Betrayal[/b]
Equip Spell Card
Effect: Increase the equipped monster's ATK by 1000. When the equipped monster's controller ends their turn, control of the equipped monster changes to the controller's opponent.

[b]False Tears[/b]
Trap Card
Effect: You can only activate this card when you control no monsters on your side of the field. When your opponent's monster attacks, after battle damage, take control of the monster until the end of your next turn. The controlled monster cannot attack directly.

[Size="3"]Morphing Jar[/Size]

[b]Golden Jar[/b]
Light/Rock/Level 2
Effect: ATK 900/DEF 300
Flip: Both players draw 3 cards. Both players then take 3 cards from their hands, and place them on the top of their respective decks in any order.

[Size="3"]Mirage of Nightmare[/Size]

[b]Restful Slumber[/b]
Spell Card
Effect: Your opponent draws 2 cards. Your opponent then selects 8 cards from your deck and shows them to you. Choose 2 cards and add them to your hand. The remaining cards are sent to your Graveyard.
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