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DG's last post for a while.


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[quote name='ŽęñŧıŚ' timestamp='1283269341' post='4584919']
[center][color="#00BFFF"][u][b]Im leaving too HD forums probably, only place good enough for GFXers....

[size="7"][url="http://www.theHDforums.net"]HD Forums[/url][/size]

I like the sketch, now wshow us the color[/b][/u][/color][/center]


Go to an actually well-known site, like PR.
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Advertising is restricted to the Status/Sigs =/ READ THE RULES. Don't neg me for your mistake.


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[quote name='ŽęñŧıŚ' timestamp='1283275164' post='4585123']
[center][color="#00BFFF"][u][b]Since when is Adverting not allowed? Read the new rules, Fire Emblem.[/b][/u][/color][/center]

Triple post, boom! Headshot, biatch!
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