Nexev Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 I am simply ignoring it Of course you want me to stop. Then you get away with having the abillity to singlehandedly demolish a good chunk of the enemy with one fight. And probbaly beat an S rank. MEaning in a course of six fights you can singlehadedly end the entire rp. This is not something I can allow especially because your so called 'tricks' amount to asspulls for all but two people in the entire rp. And since you had Nic auto grapple and basically auto win a A rank, you are infact proving that I actually UNDERESTIMATED your power. Which is a bad thing in this case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 Look Nervert I am trying to remain calm about this but you are making very difficult too. I have already stated that I am going to play fair and not go overboard at all, if I can help it . . . I'm capable of making mistakes anyways. But for some reason you got it stuck in your head that I'm going to act like pre-reformed Shadow or Striker and pull some amazing sparkly trick out of my f*cking ASS everytime someone makes a swing at me. You think I'm honestly going to say "oh Iz just tok 300 punchyes to da facez . . . but I am invincible and pwn u allz!!!!" F*CK-NO! I've stated I'm playing fiar. I've stated that I wont cheat with any of my characters or abilities. Nor would I EVER in an rpg. [s]But you know what? The more you keep aqusing me of doing it, or at the very least going to, makes me kinda wanna prove you right. Keep it up and I'll show you just how much of an ass I can REALLY be[/s] EDIT IN RESONPSE TO THE AUTOP GRAPPLE THING: So its unfair for me to auto grapple but FFR just blowing the fog away with a single swing is? Meh I don't really think so . . . Also I am not quite sure what Biggs is capable of. Nic's weapon might not be able to cut Bigg's skin for all I know. Thing is I had Nic leap onto an enemy he knows little to knowing about and risk getting seriously hurt for a chance at winning. If it works then [i]I[/i] overestimated FFR's character. Am I going to kill him . . . no it I can help it is my answer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phantom Roxas Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 I have other things to do and I haven't roleplayed in a while. I'll post now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nexev Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 He's skin is not impenetrable, I'm not an idiot, I know that would be godmodding. Yes fog was a godmod, but I wasn't hear during that and it's not as much so since basically with a bladed weapon at your throat it is just about impossible to do anything without dying. I am not acting like your a preformed Shadow. 1. I doubt he actually improved. 2. The fact is just cause your apparently good at rps. The fact is basically your chaqracter unbalances the game, sure maybe you won't abuse it but even if you don't you still have a unfair advantage. Basically if everyone plays fair and doesn't do anything extremly clever, each person will negate the others of there rank. So Nexev=Black=Roxas=El for example. However via that logic, your side still wins since you have more people. Unless your characters are especially weak, they are too powerful simply by there nature. In a nutshell, no matter how you play them you still have a advantage over everybody else. Finally remenber I am a coleader, this means that 1. This is my job 2. I don't have to play this game with you if I don't want to, threaten me by showing how bad you can godmod and it makes this job allot easier. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 In Response to fog, if I may: I'm fighting two people, one person who is at my own rank and someone else who is assumingly one rank below me. Considering my character has no knowledge of any of their skill sets or abilities I find it completely fair for my energy enhanced axe to cause a miniature explosion inside the fog and quickly clear it away. I also didn't say that Nic was revealed, I said that Biggs had not scoped him out yet, so the covering aspect of the fog wasn't even lost. I see no overpowering in this situation at all. If it was just me and Nic fighting I'd have Biggs fight through the fog but that was not the case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Zero Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 *yawns* Still waiting for that post Roxas. Or did it get deleted somehow? Edit: All right, so I just made my first post using Chaos Control and feel I should post specifics as to how it works and who can counter it to what degree, so here it is. People lower or equal to my rank cannot counter it. People who are higher in rank then I am may have a chance to counter it to varying degrees depending on what form I am in. I'll post how it works below. Hedgehog form: Ranks D and C will only be able to see some very fast movements and will not be able to counter attack, but will be able to sometimes manage dodges to varying degrees depending on their rank. Rank B will have a chance to counterattack if the movement is able to be noticed, and Ranks A and S will be on and above par speed-wise respectively. Humanoid form: Basically the same, but to a lesser degree. Substitute C for B, B for A, with A for S and S being to an even higher degree. Keep in mind that this is not an actual increase in speed. This is my character moving outside of the normal spacetime spectrum, and seeming to move faster then he really is to anyone elses eyes. His speed is actually the same, but due to moving outside of the normal spacetime spectrum can be seen as moving as fast as a B or A rank depending on what form he is in. The reason why I say this is because he CAN be countered if the person he is fighting against is moving fast enough. And no, this is not a grab for more power, this is simply one way how Chaos Control works, I am simply giving it guidelines that can be followed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Zero Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 Ignore: Should have edited my other post instead. Look there for what was here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 Your E rank though, right? So shouldn't you always lose to Anything over B all the time? Note: Not trying to be a d***, just asking a question EDIT: So I'm now fighting A, B, and E ranked fighters, and there's the possibility of an S on top of that? CHICKA-WHA! Oh well, my fault for attack the base I guess. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
El Make Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 Holy shiz I haven't posted in a while.... last I remember Tenkai was heading for Nexus HQ and after that.... =.= Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nexev Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 Okay this is ticking me off. I was expecting to have to deal with Jake still but seriously? I am pretty sure I told you not to use the space time manipulation thing. >.> Especially since you just made yourself invincible for your rank and one above it. So what? If I had Chaos Control in my app I'd be completly invincible? Nic and Lora are already near gone (Not jake himself though) don't make it three people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 You know Nervert as long as the person who I am going up against doesn't see any problem in what I am doing . . . then I really don't see why you have to complain. FFR stated he didn't mind the fog, which I still can't believe you thought was godmodding, and even explained it. Okay so you're a co-leader, big deal, so I'll continue along my way and do what I do. But I'll admit this . . . yes I made it so I would have an advantage, so I wouldn't end up DEAD in the first match Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nexev Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 Look. I don't give two fucks about a goddamn fog. The sheer fact is you have a extremly unfair advantage as you have what amounts to three times the stuff anyone else is supposed to have. Everyone got ONE character, you have THREE. All of them of B rank. DO THE MATH! I'm not expecting you to solve the enigma code here, this is basic logic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 @Jake In short do this: Nic and Lora aren't seperate characters, instead together you make up your B-rank powers, however you can choose to not use them and have B rank powers, they however are not beyond a simple F or E rank at the MOST. That way things are balanced and the arguing can stop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nexev Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 That's actually my point. So yeah, either do Creator's thing or your going to lose them. It's simple. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Zero Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 Waitwha-? You said not to use the time-manipulation thing? Was this a reply to what I had said about Chaos Control in a PM before? If so, I eiether didn't get it or forgot, and I apologize for that. If it is really such a problem, then I promise not to use it after this fig-...wait a second, I remember now! Nevert, you said that I could not use it on others, you did not say that I could not use it on myself, which is kind of the whole point of it. I specifically remember that at least. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 You know Creator you're right. Well FFR pretty much took Nic out of the equation when he threw him, hard enough to break his ribs I might add. So Nic wont be able to fight in human form anymore or at least for a very long time. And he was the stronger of the two; Lora mainly just being there. I'm not going to say that she can't fight . . . its just that she is easier to take out than Nic would have been. As for their actual ranking, in fact any of the ranking, does everyone honestly think it determines your actual power?! because, imo, it is nothing more than the social status within the faction. I've stated it before, Black- Leader, Andx- coleader and me- MVP. Andx could be stronger than Black for all we know, or Black could be weaker than me . . . So yeah, moving on, Nic and Lora aren't going to be doing a lot of actual fighting- which I honestly planned on them never doing a lot of anyways. There. Argument Done and Over With. No more about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Zero Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 That actually makes quite a bit of sense. But yeah, pretty sure I don't remember Nevert saying that I couldn't use Chaos Control powers in relation to movin outsidethe normal spacetime spectrum on myself. If I'm mistaken, then I won't use it again, but still. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 All I need is Roxas to come back online =D Biggs craves the strongest! He's so gonna die, but it'll be fun! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Zero Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 Um, FFR, you do know that my character teleported away from where you and roxas are taking Nic with him, riiiight? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 Well Shadow you have to admit that even using time manipulation on yourself is too easy a way to cheat. I mean you could easily warp yourself out of any situation if you wanted too so it is unfair. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Zero Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 Actually no. Depending on what form he is in, his time manipulation can be countered with enough speed. I left plenty of room for there to be still a very good chance that he would not be able to do anything major. It doesn't actually increase his speed, he just seems to move faster then he really is. Also, it does nothing to increase his power, as clearly shown in the fight against Biggs. I mean, that blast was supposed to be one of his strongest attacks, and look at how little it did to the guy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nexev Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 [quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1285813201' post='4668039'] You know Creator you're right. Well FFR pretty much took Nic out of the equation when he threw him, hard enough to break his ribs I might add. So Nic wont be able to fight in human form anymore or at least for a very long time. And he was the stronger of the two; Lora mainly just being there. I'm not going to say that she can't fight . . . its just that she is easier to take out than Nic would have been. As for their actual ranking, in fact any of the ranking, does everyone [b]honestly think it determines your actual power?! because, imo, it is nothing more than the social status within the faction.[/b] I've stated it before, Black- Leader, Andx- coleader and me- MVP. Andx could be stronger than Black for all we know, or Black could be weaker than me . . . So yeah, moving on, Nic and Lora aren't going to be doing a lot of actual fighting- which I honestly planned on them never doing a lot of anyways. There. Argument Done and Over With. No more about it. [/quote] Ahhhh... now your arguement makes sense. Thing is, it actually does equal strength. That's the point of ranks, it balances out the whole thing. People with good apps get good ranks and more flexing room for it. RAnk is not related to Leadership, Vice Leader Creator is C after all. Though it would be a great plot twist. Ha you think you won, fool, I'm not the true head, the real Genesis boss is...... BROKEN'S GIANT HAMMER! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 LOL or someone's crazy hat that no one has been paying attention too XD Makes me wonder if anyone is ever going to get out the lolbazooka or the banhammer . . . the stick of lies maybe? [Black should know what Imma talkin' about XD ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nexev Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 Glitch's weapon of choice is a hammer. XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 OMG Glitch has the banhammer!!! He also has Godmod Level Plot Armor and lets not forget his escape vehicle the ROFLcopter XDDDD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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