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It is a distant future, and technology has skyrocketed straight into a new level of awesomeness. Internet, formerly known as a great source of information, knowledge and last but not least; communication, has evolved into a world in it's own. In this world, unknown for most humans, beings like viruses and other programs has evolved into creatures who live there, like another plane of existance. This world is strongly connected to the Internet, and as this is the case one would think that the plethora of viruses that live in this world would destroy the Internet and send the world back into the 19th century. However, this is not the case as there is humans who are born with a very special power; to enter the Webworld. These humans are called Cybeings or Webmasters, and outside the Webworld they are just normal humans, but inside it they gain special powers that can be used to either rule the Webworld, and through it the Internet, or to defeat viruses for the good of mankind.




You are a Webmaster and you are fond with your powers inside the Webworld, but you do also live an everyday life outside it. Inside the Webworld, several viruses has grown together and created extremely strong creatures called Cyber Demons, or CDs for short. Some Webmasters has successfully absorbed the powers of a CD and is thus able to use it's powers as his or her own, and other Webmasters has unknowingly been afflicted by CDs. Either way, the growing population of CDs must be stopped, or else it may end in the end of the Webworld, and through it the Internet, and finally technology itself. Webmastery is power...



1. All YCM RP Section rules apply.

2. No PCs has tamed their CDs yet, and nor do they know that they are being afflicted by one.

3. What I say is final.

4. Color the name of your CD any color you like.

5. If you want to co-host send me a PM.

6. Don't have Mary Sue powers.

7. The color you chose by rule 4 must be black.

8. You may be either an antagonist or protagonist, but both sides' goal is to get rid of or somehow control the CDs that is rampaging through the Webworld.

9. Rule 4 and 7 are invalid.

10. You may have more then one character, but ask for permission first.

11. Romance and violence is very welcome, as long as it's PG-16.

12. Have fun.




Remove everything within () when filling this out.

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Webmasters' appearance does not change when they enter the Webworld, but their clothings do, so please tell your fellow RPers how your character looks when in the Webworld)
[b]Biography:[/b] (Everyone has some kind of problem with their past, but if you does not want to reveal it to your fellow RPers just yet, just fill this out with "PM Sent" and send me or an eventual co-host your characters bio so that we can either accept or not accept it)
[b]Powers:[/b] (Note that these can only be used within the Webworld)

[b]Cyber Demon Name:[/b] (The name of your CD can be anything but human =3)
[b]Cyber Demon Appearance:[/b] (Again, it can be anything but human)
[b]Cyber Demon Abilities:[/b] (You're allowed to go crazy here. CDs are extremely powerful, and when you learn how to control your inner CD you will be too.)
[b]Cyber Link Appearance:[/b] (Cyber Link is when a Webmaster's and his/her CD's souls commune with eachother and unlocks the full potential of the CD. This is optional until you actually learn how to control your CD)



[spoiler=Accepted People]



[spoiler=My Application]

This will be filled out when I have more time.




You are more then welcome to come with both suggestions and feedback. I will listen to all of your suggestions and try to improve this RP so that it becomes a most enjoyable RP for everyone! You can also ask anything about this RP in this thread if you feel taht I didn't explain something well enough.

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