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MegaMan Star Force: The forgotten FM-ian [Started/Accepting/Co-Owned by Merciful Idiot]

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Ok, here's my attempt at Kelvin's app. If anything's wrong with it, then please tell me.

Username: L. R. Zero 
RP Name: [color=blue]Kelvin Stelar[/color]
Age: Unknown
Gender: M
Appearance: [spoiler=Appearence][IMG]http://megaman.wikia.com/wiki/File:Kelvin_Stelar.jpghttp://megaman.wikia.com/wiki/File:Kelvin_Stelar.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio]Kelvin was an astronaut  on the Space Shuttle "Peace", but he was captured by the FM-ians while trying to form a BrotherBand with them. Omega-Xis then turned him into EM waves so that he could survive in space. Kelvin helps Geo defeat Andromeda, then reappears at the core, where the Crimson Dragon is summoned. Kelvin then returns home with Geo.[/spoiler] 
Faction: Megaman
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That was probably one of the most annoying parts. And then there was Nebula Area, which I will admit something to:
I honestly did NOT want to go through the Blizzardman/Cosmoman area, so I used an action replay in order to walk over the Darkpanels using Shadowman (I played Team Colonel, though it made no difference), I used a Walk-through-walls code to move through the other panels, then I used the Select-Instant-win code to beat them in one turn. Afterwards, I did the same with the DS Navis in area7 (or was it 6?) in order to fight Rockman DS, Forte (SP, or X? Something like that), and Nebula Grey (Once again, not sure which form. It's been so long now), allowing me access to everything else in the game.

Long story, eh?
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