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MegaMan Star Force: The forgotten FM-ian [Started/Accepting/Co-Owned by Merciful Idiot]

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Xs are really strong battle cards plus it doesn't really matter seeing as this is an RP and their number values don't really matter, and really the human component can't use the cards but I get that, and the Transcode X was because Sparks was being made between SF2 to SF4 so he doesn't have an actual placement but would Transcode 000 be better?
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[s]What am I supposed to say? Diddle daddle doo? Cepheus isn't the partner to go, that's one. Second, [/s]the Transcode mathingy....just keep it on order, maybe 007 or something. 007 isn't used.

I read the redone app. Transcode AA is the only reason I will deny it. Change it to something more plausible.


Serious Me is coolio!
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Alright then, here is BlackBass's replacement...

Username: Kaiserchu
RP Name: Jack
Age: 13?
Gender: M
Wizard: None
Wizard Name: None
EM Wave Change Form: [color="#808080"]Zero[/color]
[spoiler='Zero']Zero is Jack wearing Red and white Chest Plate, Gauntlets, Boots and helmet, his vizor is blue. His hair is done up in a ponytail, he is basically a cross between Zero and Megaman (StarForce)[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Bio']Jack is an odd human, he can Em Wave Change without a Wizard, a trait previously held by Solo. The truth is, he isn't human, he is in fact, a FM-Ian called Zero, who was created by Fornax to serve as a general to his dark army. Zero however questioned his master's goals and left him, deciding he should find the side he should be fighting for; he came to earth due to the multitude of EM-Wave beings he sensed on the planet. After meeting Geo and his friends, Zero decided that maybe he should fight for the Earth and it's inhabitants. He has a cold attitude to everyone, including his own friends and allies...[/spoiler]
Faction: MegaMan
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[quote name='Trimage' timestamp='1283578339' post='4598010']
So am I accepted now???
[/quote]I still say no. But Merciful Idiot has to make the final decision. I'd prefer not though...

[quote name='Kaiserchu' timestamp='1283578457' post='4598012']
Alright then, here is BlackBass's replacement...

Username: Kaiserchu
RP Name: Jack
Age: 13?
Gender: M
Wizard: None
Wizard Name: None
EM Wave Change Form: Zero
[spoiler='Bio']Jack is an odd human, he can Em Wave Change without a Wizard, a trait previously held by Solo. The truth is, he isn't human, he is in fact, a FM-Ian called Zero, who was created by Fornax to serve as a general to his dark army. Zero however questioned his master's goals and left him, deciding he should find the side he should be fighting for; he came to earth due to the multitude of EM-Wave beings he sensed on the planet. After meeting Geo and his friends, Zero decided that maybe he should fight for the Earth and it's inhabitants. He has a cold attitude to everyone, including his own friends and allies...[/spoiler]
Faction: MegaMan
[/quote]Um.... No.
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