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MegaMan Star Force: The forgotten FM-ian [Started/Accepting/Co-Owned by Merciful Idiot]

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LOLZ at ~Duo~ you are so right. "Forte is dead (not really). Long live Forte."

Anyways, here's my app. Just like Trimage, I've never played Starforce, so if I make a noobish mistake, please feel free to tell me, and explain what I did wrong. As Jace Belaren of Magic, the Gathering would say, "While I learn from my failures, I prefer to learn from the failures of others." So true, isn't it?

Well, I've rambeled enough, so here it is:

Username: New name! Legendary Reploid Zero
RP Name: [color=orange]Shalixia[/color]
Age: 19
Gender: M
Wizard: Stromalixal wears a long cloak that covers his body. He has a helmet that is shaped like two lightning bolts. Underneath his cloak, he Has an emblem in the shape of a cloud with three more lightning bolts. His face is slender, and his legs, torso, and arms are colored like outer space. His gloves are white with an orange ring at the wrist. His boots are dark green.
Wizard Name: Stromilixal 
EM Wave Change Form: Looks similar to Stromilixal, but the torso, arms, and  legs are a dark blue, and the helmet is shaped in the form of wings. 
Appearance: Shalixia has light blue hair, wears dark blue jeans, and usually wears a dark green shirt. He also wears a brown jacket, which covers the lightning bolt symbol on his arm. 
Bio: Shalixia wanders the world as a freelancer, working mainly as a mechanic, but then, after finding his Wizard, also working as a fighter. He discovered his true abilities through fighting with Stromilixal. After the events of SF2, he learned that he was a guardian of Lightning, and went to protect nature. After a month had passed, he grew tired of this, and came to find the Legendary Hero of the Past, "Megaman" who was said to have fought his ancsestor, Thunderman.
Faction: Freelancer
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Um, I played all 3 starforce, though I only saw bits and pieces of the Anime, stupid cartoon network.

[spoiler=AMians and FMians if you want them][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs30/i/2009/256/6/a/Constellations__AM_Seijin_by_Higure_san.jpg[/img][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs23/f/2007/357/b/2/b2085164fd88e4b1.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
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Can't you control all the plot-characters until someone takes them?

Anyway, I did read the rules but must've overlooked that point (which is weird since so many RPs has that rule nowadays. It's getting silly)

On my phone right now so can't edit, but will do ASAP.
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Username: Trimage
RP Name: Solo
Age: Not mentioned but probably 14ish
Gender: Male
Wizard: In my Appearance
Wizard Name: Laplace
EM Wave Change Form: discussing with SF
Appearance: [spoiler=Solo with Laplace][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090817190913/megaman/images/f/f9/Solo_and_Laplace.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
He was orphaned as a child, and people often banded together to attack him during his life, making him a very solitary person.

Solo says that people have always been afraid of him, and that they often ganged-up on him and rejected him as a freak. He can EM Wave Change because he draws his power from the lonely voids in people's hearts, essentially loneliness waves. He is hostile to Geo because he is afraid that Geo and his friends will come together to harm him.

Solo begins to have a change of heart. He saves the unconscious Geo from the falling continent of Mu, though when Geo speaks to him, Solo hides it with a response that "Your unconscious body was blocking my way out."
Faction: Anti-Hero
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Seems OK enough.

Username: Merciful Idiot
RP Name: Fornax
Age: Older than the stars is all I can say.
Gender: Male
EM Wave Change Form: In appearance. Called Crystal Fornax.
Bio: Fornax is one of the ancestors of all FM-ians, whose power exceeded even that of the Crimson Dragon. He was created on a desolate planet purely by chance. He and his brothers and sisters builded up the population of the FM-ians, and soon it was their time to wither away. But Fornax refused to, and so created Andromeda, for him to hibernate until a time came. When MegaMan destroyed Andromeda, Fornax quickly awoke before escaping. He had slept eternity, and soon ran around space happily, destroying everything in his path, until he arrived at an unknown planet. He discovered EM Wave Changing on that planet, and then began binding the beings to his will, before EM Wave Changing with them, which increased his power beyond the limit, but his recklessness got the entire planet destroyed, along with his host. He then discovered about Earth from a couple of EM beings, and learned that the one who destroyed his Andromeda, Megaman, resided there. He also discovered humans were a lot easier to control, and the EM Wave Change form was even more powerful. He then set his course for Earth.
Faction: Duh, he IS the Mysterious Evil.
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I love Megaman Star Force so I'll love this RPG!

Username: [color="#FF0000"]Kaiserchu[/color]
RP Name: Carlos Infinity
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Wizard: Black wolf-like Wizard with Red eyes and Blue flames connecting his Feet to his body
Wizard Name: Gospel
EM Wave Change Form: BlackBass
Similar to Megaman and Omega-Xis's EM Wave Change form, only his armor is Black with Gold trim and his Helmet Visor is Blue, BlackBass has Gospel's head attached to his Left Arm, he also has a pair of Gold wings on his back...
Bio: Carlos was an only child, his Mother died during childbirth and thus his Father blamed him for his Mother's death. He was often abused by his Father, causing him to encase himself in his own little world...Eventually his Father put him up for adoption, where he was adopted by Gaming Company owners Mr and Mrs Infinty. His life slowly changed for the better, until he met Gospel, Gospel was attracted to this boy's lonely heart and let himself in! Carlos killed Mr and Mrs Infinty and ran away to Echo Ridge, he lives alone and goes to Echo Ridge High...He traverses the Night as BlackBass and either serves the Mysterious Evil, or do good deeds...
Faction: Mysterious Evil, but often acts as an Anti-Hero
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Username: The_Duck
RP Name: Pierce
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Wizard: [spoiler=pic][img]http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/5251/66105583.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Wizard Name: Drak
EM Wave Change Form: [spoiler=Drake Wing] The color scheme of Drak. He has the head of Drak and develops wings made of energy(the blue stuff in his body) Very silmilar to Black Ace Megaman body wise except the legs are replaced with claws and feet. He has a tail with a spiked point on it tail. [/spoiler]
Appearance: http://www.animemetro.com/forum/mainuploadsfolder/Archangel_07/2010346213_Anime_boy-Ben.jpg (pic won't post)
Bio: will do when I have more time. Will be done by the weekend
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@Everyone who posted an app: All accepted other than Duck here above me.

@The_Duck: Did you just RIP Dragon from the first MMSF?!

Even with all the apps so far... we can't start until all the ones in the anime/game characters spoiler are taken

@Trimage: I won't put your app on the first post until the Wave Form discussion is finished. But it's still considered accepted.

Starting now I will not be accepting any more apps that can EM Wave Change other than the ones on the "anime/game characters available" list (only the characters with "w/" on them can EM Wave Change.)
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Seriously. BlackBass... It's your choice, but that's pretty... "different" from the usual names. They usually are two words, but not all the time. Plus, Forte FTW. Bass = Fish. WTF? I don't want to take a main character because I'm not as active. Hey, MMSF, can I has 2 Wizards and a Gamma Wave Change? :D

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[quote name='Mega Man SF' timestamp='1283297540' post='4586468']
Starting now I will not be accepting any more apps that can EM Wave Change other than the ones on the "anime/game characters available" list (only the characters with "w/" on them can EM Wave Change.)

@Duck: No. You won't be accepted. For two reasons, them being:

- By taking Dragon and inverting his colors....

- By not being very detailed.
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