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MegaMan Star Force: The forgotten FM-ian [Started/Accepting/Co-Owned by Merciful Idiot]

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Okay, I want this thing to start! So I'm going to post an app for Bud!

Username: [color="#FF0000"]Kaiserchu[/color]
RP Name: Bud Bison
Age: 13 or 14
Gender: M
Wizard: [spoiler='Wizard'][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090705063449/megaman/images/d/d8/Taurus.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Wizard Name: Taurus
EM Wave Change Form:
[spoiler='Taurus Fire'][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080708234254/megaman/images/a/a8/TaurusFire.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Bud Bison'][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080328034723/megaman/images/thumb/e/ec/Bud_Bison.jpg/525px-Bud_Bison.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Bud Bison's Bio']Bud Bison is a large and tough bully who hangs out with Geo, Luna and Zack, before he knew that Geo was Megaman, Bud bullied Geo. He is in terms, the brawn of the group! However, the truth is is that Bud is a lonely soul, and the FM-Ian Taurus let himself into his heart because of this...The to Wave Changed two occasions, one was before the Andromeda Incident, the other was due to exposure to a Noise Card. In presesnt time however, Taurus acts as Bud's Wizard and they can EM Wave Change into one of the most powerful Wave Change Forms that ever exsisted, Taurus Fire! Bud is also a big fan of Sonia Strumm (or Sky) and her music...[/spoiler]
Faction: MegaMan

Is this good enough?
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