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Phoenix Wright: Case 1


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A Phoenix Wright rp. I'll start off with a very simple case, but I'll try to make up more difficult ones as things progress.


Premise: Victim, Tom Jade, found dead outside of St. Paul's Cathedral in the small town of Bradford. Murder weapon is supposedly a small hammer found at the scene.


Roles needed to fill:




Eric Grove




Age: 25


Bio: A massively muscular young man. He seems frightening because of his large muscles, but is really quite soft.


Defense Lawyer


You Choose(Can be made up or a character from the game series,)




You Choose(Can be made up or a character from the game series)






I will be the witnesses so that all things go according to plan.






1. I will PM the defense attorney his/her evidence as well as the prosecutor. I will PM the prosecutor his witnesses and he may call them out as he desires.


2. When a witness is called out, the defense will cross examine them. You may either ask them questions or present evidence in your possesion to find a contradiction.


3. The judge can decide the verdict. After the defense seems to be getting nowhere, or the case hits a dead end, the judge may declare somebody GUILTY. However, do not do this lightly. If the case has been proven, you must declare NOT GUILTY.


4. I will introduce suprise events, such as a new piece of evidence being brought into the court. This may result in the overturn of a GUILTY verdict.


5. Roleplay as mush as possible. Talk in character. Taunt each other, but keep things orderly, please.



I'll PM everything and post an introduction as soon as people want to play.:D

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Okay so we have a prosecutor now. I've sent you your evidence and witnesses, which I will play.


Detective Bella Gumeshoe (Gumshoe's niece) will be the first to testify, although she is not one of your witnesses.


Like in the games, she will merely run down the case.

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