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What would you pick to survive?


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[quote name='Ice' timestamp='1283018383' post='4575282']
I quit reading when I saw Chuck Norris.

But, to answer your question.

1. Myself
2. A Prinny
3. Nothing.

Step one: I throw the Prinny.
Step two: The Prinny explodes, killing the Ninjas.
Step three: I leave and go eat something.
Accepted, Forth winner. lol
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I never planned on what would I do. But, I use the 5 year old as a distraction. Because he is random, he will be dumb and still cute not to be killed. Next, I use the tap water to make a diversion at one path. Finally, when the ninjas meet the kid, he'll distract the ninjas, then I'll beat up some who weren't then, I run away and eat the cheeseburger, or the remains of it are thrown at them and I get away.

It's the most stupidest thing. :P

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Person: Justin Bieber
Weapon: Earplugs
Food: Nothing

Strategy: Justin Bieber sings so grewsomely horrible, the ninjas would flee at even the glimps of a sound of him. I, of course, need the earplugs to survive myself, and I would not choose any food because I would barf it up again... even [i]with[/i] the earplugs.

No, seriously... it would work, but I couldn't do that to them, even if that 10,000 ninjas are only out to kill me... it's inhuman.

Real suggestion:

Person: Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia) when she's [i]very angry[/i].
Weapon: A Book.
Food: A gum which replenishes mana.

Step One: Getting Rita angry. That's what the book is for. I'll tell her that all her research is useless compared to the groundbreaking revelations this book provides, all while she's just working on a groundbreaking revelation herself. By mocking and teasing her, she already got a little mad. I'll wave the book in front of her eyes, then prick her with it. She'll enter Over Drive and wants to knock me out, but I can avoid it.

Step Two: The Ninjas just entered the door (what polite Ninjas) and begin rushing at us. As she notices, she turn around and shouts: "I'm SO gonna make you hurt for disturbing my research!"

Step Three (in order of appearance):
"O mad and greedy waters, rise up and storm the very heavens... Tidal Wave!"
"O merciless conflagration, burn the very souls of my enemies... Crimson Flare!"
"O disturbing power now unleashed, mete thy judgment upon the evil before me... Violent Pain!"
"O countless particles that wander the very heavens, rain down and glorify the land... Meteor Storm!"

The Ninjas will get beat up like hell from the elemental madness that goes on. Giant Waves, Meteors, Dark Matter and Destructive Flames crush them at ease. I still have that book and use it's "groundbreaking revelation", a magic protection spell, to shield myself.

Step Four: After decimating the army of Ninjas, when only the strongest of them can still stand, I throw a mana gum to her so she can use her final move:


This is it. No Ninja still stands on his feet, I survived the onslaught... though I don't know how long this state lasts after she sees me sitting in a corner of the demolished cabin :D

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[quote name='BrickFist™' timestamp='1283022249' post='4575455']
Person: Kumatora
Weapon: None/PK Ground
Food: Nut Bread

I do nothing, and Kumatora uses PK Ground and i win because It's broken as heck on steroids. Then i eat the nut bread.
that reminds me so much of chuggaconroys lets play (using kumatora that is) KUUMAAATOOORAA! YOU ROCK!
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Person: Homer Simpson

Weapon: The worlds largest fishing rod

Food: Doughnuts

Master Plan: I climb onto cabin roof with Homer waiting outside. Put the doughnuts on the hook of the ridicluous rod. Cast over the Ninja army. Homer says 'Hmmmm donuts' and goes and beats up all the Ninjas. All I have to do is sit back and move the bait around whilst munching on a doughnut myself. Sorted!
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Person: Bartholomew kuma

Weapon: Atom bomb (lesser scale so only taking out say a couple acres of forest)

Food: akamichis clan's secret food ration pellets.

I would eat the ration pellet and charge at the ninja's using the boosted power to charge through any frontal assault, then i'd set off the bomb and use bartholomew kuma's paw paw fruit power to teleport me to safety, i then hear a big explosion and i know all the ninjas are defeated.
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