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Am I the only who fights with honor?

Great Unclean One: VK

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I play MW2 just to troll them, but as I look across the maps in Free For All, everyone camps.

Those who don't, they boost.

Those who camps, usually noob tube or "Pro Pipes" as their starting to call it.

They then say since they got a high kill to death ratio, they have more skill.

Thing is, kill to death ratio don't mean s***.

Learn that in MAG.

Learn that in many objective based games which are GOOD.

When I play Free For All, I Anti-Boost and Anti-Camp.

When I Anti-Boost, I find boosters and ruin their fun.

When I see a tactical insertion, I run straight for it, and throw my C4.

Then detonate.

Then get trolled.

When I Anti-Camp, I go find out where campers are, and f*** them over....and over...and over... and over.

Sitrep helps.

Heart Beat sensor helps as well.

Sure, I die alot, but the prize is worth it.

To hear them rage at me for ruining a chance at a Harrier or a Stealth Bomber is what fuels me.

When I play for real, I don't do cheap s***.

I don't camp. (Except for defending, even then......)

I don't noob tube.

I don't Commando Knife.

I don't boost.

I don't lose the round just to get more kills.

Anyhow, am I the only one who does this?
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Well speaking out of context of MW, I play with honor in brawl, no items of course, DEFINATLY! NOT! SONIC! I play charecters I like, not METAKNIGHT! Infact, my third most played is C. falcon, second is Ike, and third is toon link, but toon link is atually kinda good so... whatever, point is, I dont cheap out on Metaknight and falco and snake and... all those... other guys
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I do what most people don't in MW2. RUN & GUN! Yes, I am actively hunting down other players to kill them. Not hiding away to get my next Kill for Harriers. Also I can't stand Domination games where most of the team sits back and Kill Farms. Take 2 of the Points damn it!
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I have a love-hate relationship to camping (talking about Counter-Strike that is, because I don't play and know Modern Warfare or other shooters of that kind). It's a legal tactic and often a necessary one if you want to defend a certain point effectively. On the other hand, if you're doing it without any purpose (for example as a Terrorist in bombing mission before the bomb was even set) I just don't get the point.

Oh, and one thing: You're doing it wrong. Honor does not exist in online gaming. That's why I stopped playing online. In Diablo II, they try to rip you off at every corner, duping there a**** of. In Warcraft III, kids flood the Battle.net, 1337ing, being just plain stupid or calling you a nazi... sometimes everything at once. And don't let me start on MMO's...

If you want to play multiplayer with at least a bit of honor, go to friends and play locally or via LAN, or just play Singleplayer... you know, the mode that you never touched in Modern Warfare... just kidding ;)

Another way of getting honor into online play was attempted not too long ago. I guess everybody who's into the topic gaming should've seen Blizzard trying to get the "Real ID" thing on the go. As soon as players have to give out their real names... maybe they suddenly get quiet and calmly and at least [i]try[/i] to achieve something as an honorable and fair palystyle... I don't know if that would've happened if they came trough with that idea, it could've been a total disaster as well. I at least hoped for the first. But since it was bashed down by the community (with valid reasons I have to admit) it's something that will definitely harm Blizzards image and won't come back to us that soon.

Honor in online multiplayer? You must be kidding me... just my 2 cents.

So long,


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My opinion:

Camping to defend: Ok.
Camping just to get kills: Not ok.

Boosting in any way: Not ok.

My preffered playstyle is usually also a bit anti-camp, as I use Stealth Perks and Silencers and sneak around the map, f***ing up whoever I see. The only map I even half camp on is Derail, where I wander around the warehouse near Point C, sniping out windows now and then. With an ACR BTW. I snipe with an ACR.
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[quote name='Blue eyes + Wynn' timestamp='1282968162' post='4573522']
... no items of course, ... I play charecters I like, ... point is, I dont cheap out ...

1. Smash Ball only. Sure some of them are OHKs, but you should use all of your character's skills, even if its cheap. Turn the frequency down if you don't like it that much. Then again, even on High Frequency, it only rarely shows up, so...

2. Same, however, I only like characters I can rack up a lot of kills with. Works wonders in things like SSE and Multi-Man Brawl.

3. Meh, I play to win, but unlike the [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StopHavingFunGuys"][u]Stop Having Fun Guys[/u][/url], I don't claim to be better just because I play a certain way. Hell, I don't even know all the tricks from Melee, and I still play to win.

But, because my Wii currently has a problem with Dual-Layered discs, I haven't played Brawl or Metroid Prime Trilogy in a few months. Things are hectic on my end, with me being in college, so it's not like I can find the time to call someone to fix the problem.
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But games were made for the enjoyment of the player, do you think that someone made up the game pong and said, "Yes, this will be the ultimate tool in deciding who is better, and must only be played in a win or lose situation AND NEVR FOR FUN!" ...ok I exagerated a little, but listen, I am the type of gamer who will play link, just because he's awsome, even though he's low tier, I only use smashballs when I want to end the brawl in an epic way, like finsihing the brawl with a GREEAAAAT AEEETHER!!! Or somthing like that, because I play for fun, not to win, same with everything I play, SSBB, RPGS, MMORPGS, YGO, anything
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I don't understand why people moan about people camping and using things like the grenade launchers. The weapons are there to be used and if you can't beat a camper you can't exactly call youself the superior player.

On the subject of Super Smash Bros, I have had one of the most epic games ever. Spear Piller, 1 hour, Smash Balls only, Ganondorf (Me) vs Snake (My friend). End results were 56 to 49 for me. Greatest Smash Bros hour ever. My friend kept spawning with his super smash. It didn't make much sense. Awesome match, especially with Ganondorf's speed compared to Snake's. But Snake's never been punched by anyone who wasn't essentially a clone of him.
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All I see in this thread are scrubs.

It's a game, someone's using something that was put in the game to their advantage, apparently this means said person is a jackass? As Spoon pointed out, if you want 'honor' play some LAN matches with your friends. But don't give me this honor bullshit when you have your Flag of War up whilst questing and I kill you. >__>

If someone uses the grenade launcher, big f***ing deal. They chose the grenade launcher, lrn2counter.

Most of all, lrn2 f***ing ADAPT.
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[quote name='Blue eyes + Wynn' timestamp='1283048619' post='4576833']
In other words, "Who cares if its cheap, it gets s*** done" Dont take that as an insult either, it was meant to compliment what you said

Uh, no. You were off. Unless the developers of a game purposely makes something broken, or has stated it's broken, then I doubt it's 'cheap'/broken. Somethings are merely better at other things in certain situations. It's kind like saying a DPS character is cheap because it does more damage than a Support character.
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Okay but think about it

There are two guys standing in foundry on halo 3, all the boxes and stuff have been removed, so its a big blank box, one has a rocket launcher, one has an assualt rifle, so its not a fair fight, the assult rifle guy says, "Hey, dont you think your being a little cheap with a rocket launcher?" the other says "No, you could have chosen the rocket launcher too" The first one replies "But its not as fun using that kind of weapon".... what I'm saying is, even if its not cheap, its still not fun to auto kill everything with a good weapon (except in RPGs lol)
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[quote name='GreatPriestCthulhu' timestamp='1283039694' post='4576407']
I don't understand why people moan about people camping and using things like the grenade launchers. [b]The weapons are there to be used and if you can't beat a camper you can't exactly call youself the superior player.[/b]

[quote name='Fenrir' timestamp='1283047669' post='4576784']
Most of all, [b]lrn2 f***ing ADAPT.[/b]
^especially this.

Modern [b]WAR[/b]fare. Notice the bolded part? [b]WAR never fair in real life.[/b] The same is true to all the WAR games, especially in online play where 90% of the players is a backstabbing greedy SoB. If you wanna play fair and honor, use LAN or create a private games with your friends.

Srsly, there are many method to counter what you so called "the invincible" camper. Grenade lobber, active sniper, blocking (in CS 1.6, there are bulletproof Shield and blocking is the Shieldbearers is in front protecting other member. Almost like the Roman strategy). You just have to be creative and cruel because your opponents WILL do the same for you. Being a CS player for god-know-how-long have taught me that digital world is harsh and terrible, so whining about "fair" and "honor" will be your downfall in online games.

Practice. Practice. PRACTICE. And learn to adapt to all the situation.
And don't forget to be CREATIVE! An unpredictable newbies is more dangerous than a Super Pro that use the same method over and over again.
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[quote name='Fenrir' timestamp='1283047669' post='4576784']
All I see in this thread are scrubs.

It's a game, someone's using something that was put in the game to their advantage, apparently this means said person is a jackass? As Spoon pointed out, if you want 'honor' play some LAN matches with your friends. But don't give me this honor bullshit when you have your Flag of War up whilst questing and I kill you. >__>

If someone uses the grenade launcher, big f***ing deal. They chose the grenade launcher, lrn2counter.

Most of all, lrn2 f***ing ADAPT.
Spot on.
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