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[quote name='Ice' timestamp='1287524508' post='4718485']
As of now though....


Good game, Andx. I came out of the depths of hell, like what I said I'd do.
lol, Ace Attorney music.

It was good. A strange lack of bickering between us considering the arguing in the thread. I need to figure out that coming back from the depths of hell trick.

[quote name='Tainted Black' timestamp='1287524690' post='4718494']
Again, figured out why I'm mad yet? Sorry to say it, but it has nothing to do with Andx or Ice.
I believe we know that. Which is why I simply said that you should probably voice your issues with Fusion going back on his word or whatever directly to him.
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[quote name='Tainted Black' timestamp='1287524690' post='4718494']
Again, figured out why I'm mad yet? Sorry to say it, but it has nothing to do with Andx or Ice.

You and Fusion can take this over PM, I'm sure. <3

Good match, Andx and Ice. Round 3 is going to be tough. ><
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[quote name='Smesh' timestamp='1287526005' post='4718568']
Round 3 is up.
Ice vs. Cherry.

.... I so called that in the Powerforce. I was betting that if I won I'd go on to face Cherry or Black or the same would happen to Ice. And it did. Wow, this randomizer is crazy.
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[size="2"]My predictions for Round 3:


I don't know either of them very well, but I'll go with Smesh just because he made this.



Dark (although I don't know how many "fans" Black has, so I can't say that with certainty, but then again, nothing is certain)

DAMNIT THIS IS INTERESTING. Clair, although I'm not very happy about that, since I'm almost 100% sure I'll be right.

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You are really taking this out-of-context. It isn't a matter of betrayal, it's moreso a matter of who is more popular and who has the more fanboys.

Personally I'd believe you have the more fanboys, but apparently Cherry owns a really big club I overlooked countless times. <___<
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I don't see why betrayal should be a means for lockage, unless I read that incorrectly.

People need to stop having a pissy-fit if one of their supposed "best friends fer evur" doesn't vote for them. Get over it. And no, that was not aimed directly at Ice. That was pretty much aimed at all of you.

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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1287526891' post='4718641']
I don't see why betrayal should be a means for lockage, unless I read that incorrectly.

People need to stop having a pissy-fit if one of their supposed "best friends fer evur" doesn't vote for them. Get over it. And no, that was not aimed directly at Ice. That was pretty much aimed at all of you.


I can care less. I'm saying that my "best frend evurs" will vote for Cherry.
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[quote name='Tainted Black' timestamp='1287528174' post='4718765']
Well, I'm out...

Still, not a fan of the randomizer XD

You seem quite confident that I'm going to win, when I myself, am not as confident, and you all know for a fact I'm not talking from modesty. You may be.

I realized that I used the profile pictures instead of avatars for YMB 3-1 and 3-2. Honestly, how many of you want me to waste my time changing it? <___<
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