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The Official YCM Reality TV Game Show!

Prince of Tennis

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Survivor, Big Brother, and the Amazing Race: the list could go on and on.

... But I'm pretty sure no YCM member has been on any of those, so why not? We'll have one on here!

I, Prince of Tennis, will be your Host, and you will be the Competitor(s):

[spoiler= Rules]
All YCM Rules Apply
When you go to make alliances and such, by PM you MUST PM not only, the person you want to make the Alliance with, but me as well
During Competitions you will post your answers ON THIS THREAD!

[spoiler= How the Game will work]

Once per week there will be a "YCMaker" competition. The Winner of this Competition will be responsible for putting 3 people up for elimination.

The next competion will be for the "Savior" power, the person who wins the Savior power can take any person they want off the block for elimintation or they can decide to not use it at all.

Finally, the eliminations each player will PM their vote for who they want out of the game, everyone's vote will be confindential, so you can "Blindside" whoever they want!


[spoiler= Competitions]
The Competitions will mostly be "quiz-style", the questions will be General Knowledge about YCM, Anime/Manga, or anything else of my choosing

[spoiler= Prizes and Entrance Fee]

Entrance Fee: 100 Points (I know it's kind of steep, but the prizes are huge!)

1st Place: 1000 Points and 3 Reps!!!!!

2nd Place: 400 Points and 3 Reps!!!

[spoiler= Players]

So are you ready for the alliances? The Backstabbing? The Fun? The PRIZES? Then comeone and get in the game!
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