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Supreme Duelist's Card Of The Day Reviews!

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I know many of these threads exsist, so i dont care, i will still make one. I do not pick the cards, i choose them randomly, very random...


Wednesday, January 16, 2008.



Name: Watapon
Attribute: Light
Type: Fairy / Effect
Effect: If this card is added to your hand from your Deck by the effect of a Spell, Trap or Monster Card, you can Special Summon this card on your side of the field. 
ATK: 200 / DEF: 300


Picture: Great Art

The name is not that great



This card can be used in a great Defensive Combo, if your opponent has 4 monsters on their side of the field, even tho you would lose some LP this would be useful escpecially if you have a monarch in your hand: Mystic Tomato --> Mystic Tomato --> Mystic Tomato --> Sangan --> Watapon.


In Trad this card is way more useful than in Advanced due to the existance of Graceful Charity, Pot of Greed.....


Never use this card in a Shining Angel --> Watapon Combo, unless your opponent has already finished his attack. This card's l0w attack makes it very unuseful, but if you draw it with Jar of Greed and special summon it you can use it as a tribute.


My Final conclusion, this card is useful when it comes to tributes, some of its effect may give luck, like by using Jar of Greed, you can never know if the top card is Watapon.


Advanced: 1.5/5

Traditional: 2.4/5



Post your comments about Watapon, before the day ends!

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it appears to me that this card utterly sucks


instead of Tomato into sangan for this you could use


Giant Rat - Giant Rat - Giant Rat - Pyramid Turtle - Pyramid Turtle - Pyramid Turtle - Ryu Kokki


obviously better.


and drawing into watapon is auto fail

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