SP0RE Posted August 27, 2010 Report Share Posted August 27, 2010 I think I might just make 1 thread to hold all my sets! All In YWD style! [spoiler=Mechannibals] |Mechannibal Toaster|1|TPC|Machine/Effect|FIRE|4||1100|900|When this card is Normal Summoned you may pay 1000 Life Points, to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Mechannibal" monster from your hand or Deck.| |Mechannibal Oven|2|TPC|Machine/Effect|FIRE|6||2000|1100|Once per turn you may Tribute 1 "Mechannibal" Monster to inflict 750 Damage to your opponents Life Points.| |Mechannibal Furnace|3|TPC|Machine/Effect|FIRE|8||2800|2000|Once per turn you may Tribute 1 "Mechannibal" Monster. During your next Standby Phase inflict 1500 Damage to your opponents Life Points.| |Mechannibal Sink|4|TPC|Machine/Effect|WATER|4||900|1100|When this card is Normal Summoned you may pay 1000 Life Points, to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Mechannibal" monster from your hand or Deck.| |Mechannibal Washing Machine|5|TPC|Machine/Effect|WATER|6||1100|2000|Once per turn you may Tribute 1 Level 6 or higher "Mechannibal" Monster to Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower "Mechannibal" monsters from your hand or Deck.| |Mechannibal Fridge|6|TPC|Machine/Effect|WATER|8||2000|2800|Once per turn you may Tribute 1 Level 4 or lower "Mechannibal" Monster to Special Summon 1 Level 6 or higher "Mechannibal" monster from your hand or Deck.| |Mechannibal Hair-dryer|7|TPC|Machine/Effect|WIND|4||1400|600|When this card is Normal Summoned you may pay 1000 Life Points, to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Mechannibal" monster from your hand or Deck.| |Mechannibal Fan|8|TPC|Machine/Effect|WIND|6||2000|1400|Once per turn you may Tribute 1 Level 4 or lower "Mechannibal" Monster to destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.| |Mechannibal Air-Con|9|TPC|Machine/Effect|WIND|8||2400|2400|Once per turn you may Tribute 1 Level 6 or higher "Mechannibal" Monster to destroy all Spell or Trap Cards on the field.| |Mechannibal Drill|10|TPC|Machine/Effect|EARTH|4||1800|0|When this card is Normal Summoned you may pay 1000 Life Points, to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Mechannibal" monster from your hand or Deck.| |Mechannibal Lawn-Mower|11|TPC|Machine/Effect|EARTH|6||2400|1800|You may Tribute 1 "Mechannibal" Monster to increase the ATK of this monster by 400.| |Mechannibal Digger|12|TPC|Machine/Effect|EARTH|8||2800|2400|You may Tribute 1 "Mechannibal" Monster to increase the ATK of this monster by 600.| |Mechannibal Proto 6|13|TPC|Machine/Effect/Synchro|DARK|6||2000|2000|1 "Mechannibal Proto Brain" + 1 or more "Mechannibal" non-Tuner monsters. This card gains 50 ATK and DEF for every "Mechannibal" card in your Graveyard. Once per turn you may Tribute 1 "Mechannibal" Monster to destroy 1 Card on the field.| |Mechannibal Proto 8|14|TPC|Machine/Effect/Synchro|DARK|8||2500|2500|1 "Mechannibal Proto Brain" + 1 or more "Mechannibal" non-Tuner monsters. This card gains 100 ATK and DEF for every "Mechannibal" card in your Graveyard. Once per turn you may Tribute 1 "Mechannibal" Monster to destroy 1 Card on the field.| |Mechannibal Proto 10|15|TPC|Machine/Effect/Synchro|DARK|10||3000|3000|1 "Mechannibal Proto Brain" + 1 or more "Mechannibal" non-Tuner monsters. This card gains 200 ATK and DEF for every "Mechannibal" card in your Graveyard. Once per turn you may Tribute 1 "Mechannibal" Monster to destroy 1 Card on the field.| |Mechannibal Proto Brain|16|TPC|Machine/Tuner/Effect|DARK|2||0|0|You discard 1 "Mechannibal" monster from your hand to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard.| |Mechannibal Dice|17|TPC|Machine/Union/Effect|DARK|2||0|0|Once per turn, if you control this monster on the field, you can equip it to a face-up Machine-Type monster on your side of the field as an Equip Card, OR unequip it and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. When equipped to a monster by this card's effect, if that monster should be Tributed, Tribute this monster instead. (1 monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, this card is destroyed instead.)| [/spoiler] [spoiler=Genos] |Geno-Bull|1|GDN|Beast/Effect|EARTH|4||1700|1100|If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, destroy the monster with this card's effect without applying damage calculation.| |Geno-Tiger|2|GDN|Beast/Effect|EARTH|4||1600|1200|When this card destroys a monster by battle, increase this cards ATK by 200.| |Geno-Panther|3|GDN|Beast/Effect|EARTH|4||700|1300|Once per turn, if you control another "Geno" monster, you can reduce the DEF of 1 monster your opponent controls to 1000 until the End Phase. |Geno-Wolf|4|GDN|Beast/Effect|EARTH|4||1200|1000|When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Geno" monster from your hand.| |Geno-Lion|5|GDN|Beast/Effect|EARTH|6||2400|1000|Once per turn you can pay 1000 Life Points to negate your opponents next Battle Phase. If you do so this card cannot attack this turn.| |Geno-Hawk|6|GDN|Winged-Beast/Effect|EARTH|4||1700|1000|If this card attacks an opponent's monster, this card gains 300 ATK during the Damage Step only.| |Geno-Parrot|7|GDN|Winged-Beast/Effect|EARTH|4||1200|700|When this card is Summoned, select 1 Level 4 or lower "Geno" monster in the Graveyard. This card gains the effect of the selected monster.| |Geno-Bat|8|GDN|Winged-Beast/Effect|EARTH|3||1200|700|This card is unaffected by the effects of Trap Cards.| |Geno-Falcon|9|GDN|Winged-Beast/Effect|EARTH|4||1800|200|At the time this card is selected as an attack target by an opponent's monster, you can activate Trap Card(s) from your hand.| |Geno-Albatross|10|GDN|Winged-Beast/Effect|EARTH|6||2300|1900|This card is unaffected by the effects of your Opponents Spell and Trap Cards.| |Geno-Ape|11|GDN|Beast-Warrior/Effect|EARTH|4||1600|1400|When this card is Summoned, you can pay 1000 Life Points to select 1 Equip Spell Card in your Deck and add it to your hand.| |Geno-Koala|12|GDN|Beast-Warrior/Effect|EARTH|4||1700|300|Once per turn, if you control another "Geno" monster, you can reduce the ATK of 1 monster your opponent controls to 1000 until the End Phase. |Geno-Squirrel|13|GDN|Beast-Warrior/Effect|EARTH|3||1200|800|During your End Phase, increase your Life Points by 200 points for each "Geno" monster on your side of the field.| |Geno-Kangaroo|14|GDN|Beast-Warrior/Effect|EARTH|4||200|2000|If the ATK of a monster that attacks this monster is lower than the DEF of this card, destroy the attacking monster. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) |Geno-Panda|15|GDN|Beast-Warrior/Effect|EARTH|6||2200|2200|During your Standby Phase, you may change this card to Attack Position. During your End Phase, you may change this card to Defence Possition. |Geno Garden|0|GDN|Spell Card|Spell||Field|||Increase the ATK and DEF of all Beast, Winged-Beast and Beast-Warrior type monsters by 200.| |Geno Zoo|16|GDN|Spell Card|Spell||Normal|||Add 1 Level 4 or lower "Geno" monster from your Deck to your hand.| |Geno Splicing|17|GDN|Spell Card|Spell||Normal|||Add 1 "Geno" monster from your Graveyard to your hand.| |Tactics of the Panda|18|GDN|Spell Card|Spell||Continuous|||There can only be 1 "Tactics of the" face-up on your side of field. If you activate a "Tactics of the" card while this card is face-up, destroy this card. During your End Phase, you may change the battle position of any of your monsters, from Attack Position to Defense Position.| |Tactics of the Lion|19|GDN|Spell Card|Spell||Continuous|||There can only be 1 "Tactics of the" face-up on your side of field. If you activate a "Tactics of the" card while this card is face-up, destroy this card. When your Opponent declares an attack, you may discard 1 card from your hand, to negate the attack.| |Tactics of the Albatross|20|GDN|Trap Card|Spell||Continuous|||There can only be 1 "Tactics of the" face-up on your side of field. If you activate a "Tactics of the" card while this card is face-up, destroy this card. Once per turn you may tribute 1 "Geno" monster to destroy all Face-up Spell and Traps on the field, (except this Card.)| |Tactics of the Genius|21|GDN|Spell Card|Spell||Continuous|||There can only be 1 "Tactics of the" face-up on your side of field. If you activate a "Tactics of the" card while this card is face-up, destroy this card. Once per turn you may Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Geno" monster from your Hand.| |Geno-Genius|26|GDN|Beast/Effect|EARTH|8||?|?|This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 4 different "Geno" monsters from your Graveyard. The original ATK and DEF of this card becomes the number of your "Geno" monsters that are removed from play x 800. Once per turn remove from play 1 "Geno" card in your Graveyard, if you cannot destroy this card. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Blocks] See [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Blockman]Blockman[/url]. |Block City|0|GDN|Spell Card|Spell||Field|||All "Block" monsters count as being on the field for 1 turn longer than they have been. Once per turn while you control no monsters, Special Summon 1 "Block Token" (Rock-Type/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 1000/DEF 1500) in Defense Position. These tokens cannot declare an attack.| |Blockguard|1|BLOC|Rock/Effect|EARTH|4||500|2000|When this card is Destroyed, Special Summon in Defense Position a number of "Block Tokens" (Rock-Type/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 1000/DEF 1500) equal to the number of turns this card has been face-up on your side of the field. These tokens cannot declare an attack.| |Blocktitan|2|BLOC|Rock/Effect|EARTH|8||2000|3000|When this card is Tribute Summoned, add 1 "Block" card from your Deck to your hand. |Blockship|3|BLOC|Rock/Effect|EARTH|6||0|2500|Once per turn, Special Summon 1 "Block Token" (Rock-Type/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 1000/DEF 1500) in Defense Position. These tokens cannot declare an attack.| |Blockcannon|4|BLOC|Rock/Effect|EARTH|4||1000|1500|Once per turn, you may tribute 1 "Block Token" to inflict 500 damage to your Opponents Life Points. |Blocktank|5|BLOC|Rock/Effect|EARTH|4||1000|1500|Once per turn, you may tribute 1 "Block Token" to this cards ATK and DEF by 500. |Box of Blocks|15|BLOC|Spell Card|Spell||Normal|||Skip your next Draw Phase. Special Summon 3 "Block Tokens" (Rock-Type/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 1000/DEF 1500) in Defense Position. These tokens cannot declare an attack.| [/spoiler] [spoiler=Luck Cards] |Pot of Luck|1|LUCK|Spell Card|Spell||Normal|||Flip a coin. If heads draw 2 cards. If tails skip your next Draw Phase.| [/spoiler] Any ideas? C&C Welcome! Link to comment
Zowayix Posted August 28, 2010 Report Share Posted August 28, 2010 You probably want to change your Level 4 Mechannibals to Special Summon only 1 monster instead of 2. Otherwise, Mechannibal Drill is a 2-card OTK. [SPOILER="Mechannibal Drill 2-card OTK"]- Normal Summon Mechannibal Drill (1800 ATK) - Special Summon 2 more (total 5400 ATK) - Activate Limiter Removal (total 10800 ATK) - 0_o [/SPOILER] Your Level 6 and 8 Effect Monsters are really good. Mechannibal Proto Brain should be a Tuner outright, otherwise it's rather underpowered. Link to comment
SP0RE Posted August 28, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 28, 2010 Thanks, I'll fix the OTK effect! Link to comment
SP0RE Posted September 2, 2010 Author Report Share Posted September 2, 2010 Added yet another archetype... Link to comment
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