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RPG sprites [REQ]

Grunt Issun

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24-bit or less? cause I'm making a game, but I suck at spriting, and the guys I'm creating are kind of confusing, but really simple... weird huh? anyway, once I can, I'll put up a picture of the three main charecters the need to be sprited, so can anyone do it? and how much would it cost, oh and also, how should I credit you?
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I have some pics now

http://img837.imageshack.us/i/sany1888.jpg/ http://img28.imageshack.us/i/sany1886.jpg/ if you could, mabye try to make its wings a little more angle like

really light pink skin, white wings, yellow hal, purple eyes


sorry about the red glare, camera issue

black wings, black horns, bright red skin, but not light. black eyes


If you couldnt tell, he's got a little bit of hair comming down on the mddle of his forhead,

Brown hair, green skin, silverish sword, blue eyes

thanks if you can do this

for some reason, it wont let me use images
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