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Doomsday is upon us [Myans]

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[spoiler=monsters (9)]|Myan Monk|x|xxxx|Spellcaster/Effect|Dark|4||0|1300|If there is not a face-up Field Spell on the Field when this card is Summoned, add 1 "Myan Temple" from your Deck to your Hand. Once per turn, place 2 Myan Counters on a face-up "Myan Temple" on your side of the Field. During each of your End Phases, place 1 Myan Counter on a "Myan Temple" you conrtol for each face-up "Myan" monster on the Field.|

|Myan Warrior|x|xxxx|Warrior/Effect|Dark|6||2000|1300|You can Tribute Summon this card by removing 17 Myan Counters on "Myan Temple". If this card is destroyed by Battle by a non-DARK, or LIGHT monster, pay 650 Life Points and Special Summon 1 Level-5 or lower "Myan" monster from your Graveyard.|

|Myan Future Reader|x|xxxx|Psychic/Effect|Light|5||1700|1300|If you Tribute Summon this card by tributing a "Myan" monster, place 5 Myan Counters on a face-up "Myan Temple" you control. If you draw a Level-5 or lower "Myan" monster, discard 2 cards and Special Summon it.|

|Myan Dragon|x|xxxx|Dragon/Effect|Light|7||2300|1300|Face-up "Myan" monsters gain 200 ATK except this card. If "Myan Temple" would be destroyed, you can remove from play the top 2 cards of your Deck to negate that card's effect. Once per turn, you can add 2 cards in your removed from play pile to your Deck and add 2 Myan Counters to a face-up "Myan Temple" you control. When this card is destroyed, add 4 Myan Counters on a face-up "Myan Temple" you control.|

|Myan Serpent|x|xxxx|Sea Serpent/Effect|Water|3||1000|1300|This card's Attribute is also treated as LIGHT, and DARK. If this card is destroyed by Battle, Special Summon 1 "Myan" monster from your Deck and add 5 Myan Counters to a face-up "Myan Temple" you control.|

|Myan Stormbird|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Effect|Dark|4||1500|1300|All face-up "Myan" monsters gain 100 atk. If you have 25 or more Myan Counters on "Myan Temple" when this card is Summoned, draw 2 cards. If you drew "Myan Prophecy Fullfilled" remove it and 1 "Sacred Myan Phoenix" from your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard from play until there are 30 Myan Counters on a face-up "Myan Temple".|

|Myan Lion Warrior|x|xxxx|Beast-Warrior/Effect|Light|4||1200|1300|If a "Myan" monster is destroyed, increase this card's ATK by 50 and place 3 Myan Counters on a face-up "Myan Temple" you control. If there are 20 or more "Myan" monsters in your Graveyard, place 10 Myan Counters on a face-up "Myan Temple" you control and destroy this card.|

|Myan Botanlord|x|xxxx|Plant/Effect|Light|6||1800|1300|If there are 29 or more Myan Counters on a face-up "Myan Temple" you control, Special Summon this card from your Hand. You can discard your entire Hand to add 4 Myan Counters to a face-up "Myan Temple" you control. If you activate this effect, draw 2 cards and destroy this card.|

|Sacred Myan Phoenix|x|xxxx|Winged Beast/Effect|Fire|12||4000|4000|This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Myan Temple". Once per turn, you can remove this card from play to destroy all cards on the Field. If you activate this effect, skip your next 2 Battle Phases and your next draw Phase. While this card is in your removed from play pile, it is treated as a DARK and LIGHT monster. If there are 35 or more Myan Counters on a face-up "Myan Temple" you control, add this card from your removed from play pile to your Hand.|[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Spells (3)]
|Myan Temple|X|xxxx|Spell Card|Spell||Field|||When this card is activated, place 5 Myan Counters on this card. All "Myan" monsters gain 500 ATK. When a "Myan" monster is summoned, place 2 Myan Counters on this card. When a "Myan" monster is destroyed by battle, place 4 Myan Counters on this card. When this card has 20 or more Myan Counters on it, this card cannot be destroyed by a card effect. When this card has 30 Myan Counters on it, add 1 "Sacred Myan Phoenix" from your Deck to your Hand. When this card has 35 Myan Counters on it, remove them from this card and Special Summon 1 "Sacred Myan Phoenix" from your Hand.|

|Myan Counter Attack|x|xxxx|Spell Card|Spell||Quick Play|||Place 2 Myan Counters on a face-up "Myan Temple" you control. Until the End Phase, each time your opponent declares an attack, destroy 1 card on the Field after damage calculation.|

|Counter Burn|x|xxxx|Spell Card|Spell|||||Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the number of Counters on the Field X100.|[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Traps (4)]
|Myan Shield|x|xxxx|Trap Card|Trap|||||Activate only when your opponent declres an attack. Negate the attack and place 3 Myan Counters on a face-up "Myan Temple" you control. If you dont control a "Myan Temple" when thiscard is activated, add 1 spell card to your Hand instead.|

|Temple Rebuild|x|xxxx|Trap Card|Trap||Counter|||Activate only when your opponent destroys a "Myan Temple" on the Field. Place 1 "Myan Temple" from your deck to the Field and place 2 Myan Counters on it.|

|Sacrifice to the Temple|x|xxxx|Trap Card|Trap|||||Tribute 1 "Myan" monster you control. Place Myan Counters on a face-up "Myan Temple" you control equal to the tributed monster's Level.|

|Myan Rebirth|x|xxxx|Trap Card|Trap||Continuous|||Once per turn, if a "Myan" monster you control is destroyed, Special Summon 1 monster from your Deck with the same Level and plac 2 Myan Counters on a face-up "Myan Temple" you control.|[/spoiler]

Cards added (6)-
Myan Shield
Myan Rebirth
Sacrifice to the Temple
Temple Rebuild
Counter Burn
Myan Counter Attack

Rate and comment. OCG is something i do not care about, though fixes are appricieated
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[quote name='WereLord' timestamp='1282870380' post='4569598']
One thing that I fear is that Myan counters might be gained too quickly.
I mean given the right hand thats the Phoenix on your Second or even a First turn kill.

But they need play test.

8.5/10 explained above
The cost for Phoenix is great, it can be a -1 or worse if you dont know what your doing. The other Myans are very weak [i made it that way so they'd stay with the historical history of the Mayan tribe just disapearing]

But thanks for the rate.
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