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The Lock Archetype Rethought


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Lock Grub
Level 1 [EARTH]
Insect / Effect
Once per turn, you can Special Summon this card from your hand or Deck. You can only control 1 face-up "Lock Grub" and it cannot be used as Tribute for a Tribute Summon. If this card was added to the top of your Deck by the effect of a "Lock" monster, send this card to your opponent's Graveyard and activate the following effect:
- Discard 2 cards from your hand, then your opponent sends the top 2 cards from their Deck to the Graveyard.
ATK/100 DEF/200

Lock Fly
Level 2 [EARTH]
Insect / Tuner
This card cannot be destroyed by card effects. When this card is destroyed, you can put 1 "Lock" monster in your Graveyard on top of your opponent's Deck. If this card was added to the top of your Deck by the effect of a "Lock" monster, send this card to your opponent's Graveyard and activate the following effect:
- Your opponent selects and sends 2 cards on the field to the Graveyard, then they send the top 3 cards from the their Deck to the Graveyard.
ATK/300 DEF/400

Lock Dragonfly
Level 5 [EARTH]
Insect / Effect
When you control 3 or more face-up "Lock" monsters, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is destroyed, you can put 1 "Lock" monster in your Graveyard on top of your opponent's Deck. If this card was added to the top of your Deck by the effect of a "Lock" monster, send this card to your opponent's Graveyard and activate the following effect:
- Your opponent adds 1 card from their Deck to their hand, then they send the top 2 cards from their Deck to the Graveyard.
ATK/1900 DEF/1900

Lock Mayfly
Level 3 [EARTH]
Insect / Effect
Unless you control 2 or more face-up "Lock" monsters, this card is destroyed. You can only control 1 face-up "Lock Mayfly". When this card is destroyed, you can put 1 "Lock" monster in your Graveyard on top of your opponent's Deck. If this card was added to the top of your Deck by the effect of a "Lock" monster, send this card to your opponent's Graveyard and activate the following effect:
- Destroy all Spell & Trap Cards you control and your opponent takes damage equal to each card destroyed x300. Your opponent sends the top 3 cards from their Deck to the Graveyard.
ATK/2100 DEF/200

Lock Beetle
Level 9 [EARTH]
Insect / Synchro / Effect
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Insect-Type monsters on the field cannot declare an attack except this card. You can destroy 1 "Lock" monster you control to activate 1 of the following effects:
- Send 2 cards on the field to the Graveyard, then send the top 3 cards from your Deck to the Graveyard.
- Draw 2 cards, then send the top card from your Deck to the Graveyard.
- Add 1 "Lock" monster from your Graveyard to your hand, then send the top 3 cards from your Deck to the Graveyard.
ATK/3200 DEF/1200

Lock Mayfly Breeding Cycle [Normal Spell Card]
Activate only if you control a face-up "Lock Mayfly". Remove 1 "Lock Mayfly" you control from play and Special Summon 2 "Lock Mayflys" from your hand or Deck in face-up Defense Position. They cannot attack and their effect(s) are negated. You remove from play this card from your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Lock Grub" from your hand or Deck.
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[quote name='Thunderpants' timestamp='1282847032' post='4568143']
Why do the cards send themselves, to your Opponents Graveyard?

They are added to the top of the opponent's Deck, meaning that when the send to your opponent's Graveyard effect activates they are returned to your Graveyard because your opponent is activating the effect.
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[quote name='Älfred-Kün' timestamp='1282848225' post='4568214']
They are added to the top of the opponent's Deck, meaning that when the send to your opponent's Graveyard effect activates they are returned to your Graveyard because your opponent is activating the effect.

You know you can just say 'the Graveyard', right? The owner is always assumed unless it states otherwise.
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[quote name='Älfred-Kün' timestamp='1282848225' post='4568214']
They are added to the top of the opponent's Deck, meaning that when the send to your opponent's Graveyard effect activates they are returned to your Graveyard because your opponent is activating the effect.

Also as it's your card, the opponent is your opponent as it's your card!
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