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Post a Pic of the Real You!


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[spoiler=Supposed to wear these around and scale the time up, so that I'll be good to hav them in all day for the con.]u3pu8HF.jpg


Wow you look really attractive in this picture. Covering up your hair makes you look a lot more serious and mature. And the contacts give you this demonic otherworldly look as if you're an incubus. Staring into your eyes makes me feel absolutely powerless, in a good way.

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Wow you look really attractive in this picture. Covering up your hair makes you look a lot more serious and mature. And the contacts give you this demonic otherworldly look as if you're an incubus. Staring into your eyes makes me feel absolutely powerless, in a good way.

well, in about a week I'll have short blonde hair, so get ready for that effect to be demolished along with any need I have for wearing a hat.
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